Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 663: 663

"Suddenly A strange wind blows from the empty space without any sign. In the whole empty space, a rustling sound suddenly appeared. In the endless void, there was yellow sand flying up again.

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"Cough, traceless boy, the prohibition of empty spaces around has not been lifted, that is to say, the Sphinx will come out again just now." Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow suddenly trembled, staring at the empty space around the surprised look.

"Brush!" With the voice of demon zunhuoxiao falling, the yellow sand invading all over the sky in the surrounding void began to gradually condense again. Eight huge Sphinx monsters were slowly gathered and transformed again, and the spirit of the later cultivation monsters of Bagu baby's soul state swept and spread wildly in the empty space.

"Wow With the appearance of eight Sphinx monsters, the whole empty space was completely covered by the horrible yellow sand.

In an instant, the sun was still burning, and the desert was completely dark. The yellow sand, which covered the sky and blocked the sun, was running frantically above the head of traceless. The whole empty space is like entering the state of night, and there is no heat and light in the whole void.

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"Hum!" Feeling the inexplicable terror changes in the surrounding empty space, the silver sword in traceless hands is shining again. The nine ancient words, which are transformed by the meaning of the simple sword, wander around wildly, emitting nine colors of light, and quietly protect the whole person without trace.

"Damn, old demon, what's the situation?" The place that traceless eyes can touch has been completely blocked and covered by the rolling yellow sand. In the empty space, there is only the silver sword in traceless hand, and the nine color ancient word sword lingering around its body, which continuously releases dazzling brilliance.

If you use jiuxiao dragon Jue and Jiuzi sword Jue for a long time, it's still very expensive for Wuchen. Fortunately, the eternal Heaven and earth in Wuchen's body are running wildly by itself, and the vigorous and pure source of Hongmeng chaos is constantly released. This barely supports the generation of jiuxiao dragon Jue and Jiuzi sword Jue. I'm afraid that it will be consumed for such a long time, even if Wuchen has the eternal heaven and earth's internal skill, Sooner or later, its own Xuanli Qi will be used up.

"Shut up, traceless boy, listen carefully..." demon zunhuoxiao Huohong virtual shadow trembled in vain, a look of amazement appeared on his rough face, and his body movement quickly made a silence action to traceless, indicating traceless not to speak and listen.

Wulala, wulala

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In the rustling sound of yellow sand surging with the wind, a very strange sound quietly spread into the open space. This strange and unusual sound seems to be extremely weak, but it is very penetrating. Even in the rustling and yellow sand covered space, as long as you listen attentively, you can still perceive it.

"Damn, this, this is the song?" Holding a long silver sword, standing in the same place, waiting for no trace, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Once again, he raised his ears and listened carefully.

Wulala, wulala

The strange sound is melodious and mysterious, as if it came from the distant sounds of nature. The strange notes are connected together in a wonderful way. It seems that it is really like a beautiful flying song, flying into the traceless mind.

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"Well, is this a nightingale?" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow wandered back and forth, swam back and forth in the edge of open space.

That sounds like a Nightingale, the beautiful notes sound more and more loud, a moment's effort will completely cover the whole empty space.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The beautiful and beautiful mysterious songs are more and more resounding. All the wild yellow sand in the empty space quickly condenses out of the air. The huge shadow of the Sphinx is slowly forming. At a glance, we can make a preliminary estimate, It turns out that there are dozens of infant soul realms in an instant, and the Sphinx, the later cultivation realm, is gradually taking shape.

"Damn, it's the power of the laws of heaven and earth. Traceless boy, the singing is strange. This area may have become the territory of the demons in the soul level. Break the power of law in this empty place. Otherwise, even if these Sphinx don't endanger your life for a while, sooner or later, they will consume all the Xuanli Qi in your body! " Demon respect fire Xiao fiery red face in vain a coagulation, in front of no trace expression anxious quick warning urge way.

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"Bah, his grandmother's big monster at the level of soul realm. This wasteland is really not a place for people! The Third Elder martial brother is really smart. I don't know where to hide again! " Traceless spit a hard, looking at the darkness of the void hard swallow saliva. The beautiful song seems to be everywhere no longer, even if no trace closed the five senses, it still lingers in no trace mind for a long time. In addition to listen to the demon zunhuoxiao tips, no trace more dare not trust big.Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing

A series of loud and clear sounds of the sword resounded, and the lingering nine color ancient characters' sword meaning soared to the sky at the same time. The nine character ancient characters are dazzling, and the whole dark open space is shining brightly in a flash.

In the eyes of the Sphinx in the later cultivation realm of dozens of infant soul realms, a fierce light flashed at the same time, and turned into a yellow sand streamer, which rushed to kill the body without trace. In the rear of dozens of Sphinx figures, an ugly bird like monster with dark back and two wings is playing a white clarinet which has been made like a human skull. And just that beautiful strange notes, it is from the skeleton clarinet above the sound will come out.

"Damn, old demon, what kind of monster is this?" Looking at the ugly figure with wings on its back on the void, he almost dropped his eyes without any trace. Fortunately, at the moment, the sword meaning of nine color ancient characters above his head has completely burst out the power of sword meaning, and Xiao Sha's sharp sword meaning atmosphere completely covers the whole body of Wu trace.

"Well, it's not Nightingale, it's heron, the night sleep of human warrior, the decadent in desert. This monster is especially attractive to sing and feeds on the spirits of cannibals. Every time you meet the heron and eagle in the desert, it means the beginning of a nightmare for the human warrior... "Demon zunhuoxiao's eyes are full of dignified color, and the uncertain red and empty shadow falls quietly. A strange red awn flashed away and disappeared into the traceless body< br>

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