Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 665: 665

"Brush!" An air of yin and cold is full of traceless whole body in an instant. The whole person seems to be bound by an invisible force and is stunned on the spot. And this cold feeling is extremely gloomy and terrifying. It's as if there are countless pairs of eyes peeping at the same time, which makes every hair on the body explode, and makes the heart shiver.

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"Wow At this time, no trace, bound by the power of this strange and mysterious law, had to madly urge its body to make decisions in the eternal world. The pure and exuberant atmosphere of Hongmeng chaos was madly surging in no trace's body, and the mind between no trace and the meaning of the nine character sword formula was quietly penetrated again.

"Hum!" With a loud and clear sound, the sword rose to the sky and lingered around the "pro" around Wuchen“ Soldier“ "I'm the one!" The sword meaning of the three color ancient characters turns into three streamers at the same time. The rest of the brilliant four color ancient characters "Jie", "lie", "Qian" and "Xing" still firmly protect the whole body without trace.

"Boom!"“ Boom“ Boom

"Yes“ Soldier“ "I'm the one!" The breath of the three color ancient characters passes through the void, and the air of the three mysterious forces of soil, wood, water, and so on, all of them are madly toward the three color ancient characters. The terrible sword spirit of the three color ancient characters instantly freezes the whole empty space area, and where the ice force passes, the wild yellow sand invading all over the sky loses its original luster, However, the power of the heavy earth Xuanli ancient words burst out, which completely blocked the hot air around the void.

At the same time, "pro!"“ "I'm the one!" The power of the two colors of the ancient word sword is completely burst out, and the meaning of the ancient word "Bing" seems to turn into a natural magic weapon in an instant, as if it can pierce and suppress, deprive all the life in the world. It falls from the sky and directly falls on the body of the heron Eagle holding the skeleton and ancient flute.

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Poop, poop. Poop, poop

"Soldier The sword meaning of the ancient Chinese characters bombards the body of the great beast, and the body of the great beast, which was standing in the air, suddenly flickers. At the same time, it pierced through the body of the heron and eagle, and smashed away toward the ground below.

Boom boom. Boom boom

A series of terrible smashing sounds burst out in the open and flat open space. Countless magic weapons flickered and gathered in one place, which turned the empty ground into an invincible pit. And the shape of the bottomless pit is a huge "soldier" pattern, which appears on the open and flat ground.

"Hoo Just at the moment when the body shape of the heron Eagle became nothingness, no trace only felt that the power of the strange laws of heaven and earth bound by its body shape disappeared in vain. And his body, which was shrouded by the cold and Yin Qi, was quickly loosened, and a heavy turbid Qi suddenly vomited out of his mouth.

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"Suddenly Just after Wuchen had gasped for a few breath, the sword attack of the ancient word "Bing" was completely separated from the body of the heron, eagle and monster. The body of heron, hawk and monster is transformed into entity again, which is intact in the traceless eyes.

"Brush!" A gloomy and cold look quickly fell on the body shape of no trace. An invisible and strange cold breath instantly once again shrouded on the body of no trace. A touch of surprise and consternation flashed in the eyes of no trace.

On the void, he only regained the freedom of counting breath, and his whole body was once again imprisoned by the strange and mysterious law of heaven and earth. And that kind of gloomy feeling, which seems to be fixed by countless eyes, is once again filled with every skin on the whole body.

"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword, once again in no trace around the body resounding“ The sword Qi of the four ancient words "Jie", "lie", "Qian" and "Xing" rises and still surrounds the guard around no trace. The five color ancient characters "Lin", "Bing", "dou", "zhe" and "Zhen" still lose their original luster. Only five dim ancient characters slowly absorb the mysterious atmosphere of heaven and earth in the void and linger around the traceless body.

"Damn, old demon, what's the situation? The nine character sword formula is enough to help me kill the powerful people in the general soul transforming realm. How can it not work for the heron, eagle and monster? Even if the spirit of the monster is several times stronger than that of the human traceless body, it can't be damaged at all and has never appeared... "Traceless's body still can't move, and the eyes of the heron and Eagle staring at traceless. The skeleton flute in his hand was put to his mouth again, and a strange and melodious note of wulala. Wulala floated out of the air again.

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Whoa. Whoa

A strange sound came up quietly. The empty space, which had just been completely frozen, was now suppressed by the thick ice. The yellow sand, which had lost its brilliance, rustled again. It seemed that it really resisted the suppression and cover of the cold ice sword. Moreover, with the sound of the flute in the mouth of the heron and Eagle becoming more and more loud, the scattered quicksand is restless again."No trace boy, this heron, hawk and monster is strange!" Demon zunhuoxiao's eyes flashed a strange light, staring at the heron Eagle standing quietly in the air, and the monster said coldly.

"Bah, fart. The nine character sword formula has no effect on it. Of course, I know this guy is weird!" There is a look of disdain in Wu trace's eyes. He scolds the demon zunhuoxiao in his heart. There are only four ancient Chinese characters with nine colors in his body, and the other five are all weak.

"Cough, traceless boy, I understand! The night sleep clan turns to eat the spirits of the human warrior, and this Heron hawk monster has obviously died once. It's just a soul body state now, so it's immune to the supreme sword meaning of the nine character sword formula. " Demon respect fire Xiao complexion a burst of awkwardness, suddenly clap a head to have no trace to tell to know. Moreover, demon zunhuoxiao even pretended to smell in the void, as if he really told traceless that he had smelled the breath and taste of the soul state.

"Damn, old demon, you say this guy is in the state of soul body. How can he launch a substantive attack?" Traceless exhausted, but still unable to break free from the shackles of heaven and earth, can only look helplessly toward the side of the demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow body.

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"Ha ha, the power of the law of heaven and earth is the power of spirit. That is the soul body state, the natural main attack of the spirit of the power attack! As for the physical state attack, it must not be from the heron hawk monster, but the problem lies in the strange skeleton flute in its hand. It seems that the flute contains special control power, which makes the Sphinx resurrect and attack you repeatedly! " Demon respect fire Xiao light smile, obviously see clearly the essence of the heron hawk monster. The demon zunhuoxiao, who is in the same state of soul body, is not afraid of the attack of all spiritual forces. Therefore, looking at the body shape of the heron and hawk again is like seeing a good tonic.

"Damn, old demon, your eyes are disgusting!" No trace hard swallow swallow saliva, all of a sudden to demon respect fire Xiao guess believe 7788. The second refreshing skill of heaven and earth in his body runs wildly, and the body that was originally imprisoned and bound has a sign of loosening.

As you can see, Wuchen's eyes are more brilliant, and the second level of refreshing skill in the body is more crazy.

The body shape of the heron hawk, playing the ancient flute of skeleton, trembles in vain. It is obvious that it is aware of the strange vision in traceless's body. The melodious sound from his mouth is more loud and clear, and the invisible spiritual force attacks are constantly bombarded on the traceless body shape.... < br > this paper analyzes the influence of the invisible spiritual force on the traceless body shape

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