Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 666: 666

Wulala. Wulala

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The melodious sound of the flute once again blows and rings, and the wild yellow sand rushes restlessly all over the sky. An invisible force of law enveloped and spread, and bound and oppressed the whole person on the spot.

On the void, the nine colors of ancient Chinese characters' sword meaning fluttered in vain and quickly turned into the fleeting light. The momentum of the nine colors of ancient Chinese characters' sword spirit disappeared into the traceless body at the same time.

"Poof!" No trace stands aloof on the void, and the inner spiritual power bursts out in an instant. His bright eyes quickly flashed two strange purple and gold rays, and the whole body of traceless man faintly exuded strange purple rays.

"Boom!" A series of terrible turbulent sounds burst up, and the strange purple light on the traceless body quickly turned into golden light. The spiritual force that was originally imposed on the body of no trace collapsed and disappeared in a flash.

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"Jie!" A strange sound came from the mouth of the heron and eagle. The sound of singing suddenly stopped, and the bright light of the wild yellow sand gradually became dim.

"Ha ha, it's just a big monster in the state of soul body. Do you really think that you are the Wuhuang monster in the soul realm?" Traceless smile with a crooked head, handsome face on a faint evil smile. The body that had been bound before actually recovered as before, and the strange purple awn around the body gradually disappeared.

"Brush!" As the body of no trace got rid of the bondage of spirit, his purple and golden eyes also returned to normal. A little bit of fierce and surging force of martial spirit rushes out of Wuhen's body. It seems that there is an inexplicable and strange sound in Wuhen's body.

"Roar!" See no trace once again restored freedom, Heron Eagle big monster can't believe shook the huge head. In fact, the materialized body quickly turned into nothingness and transparency, and the huge wings behind it suddenly opened completely. Huge body immediately in a transparent state, general galloping from, with the supreme spiritual power, toward the no trace body, roaring and killing.

"Well, it's not cute to be so fierce. Since you want to die, I will help you! " Traceless smile with a sigh, eyes staring at the fly in front of the big monster virtual shadow. A fierce red awn burst out from the position above his chest, and the blood red brilliance was reflected in the sky. All of a sudden, it turned into a fiery blood red breath, and completely shrouded the body shape of the heron and eagle, which came from the galloping and killing, and spread on the spot.

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"Wulala..." I saw that the body of the heron eagle, which was about to rush into the front of the traceless body, was shrouded in the hot red awn. In vain, the flying figure became extremely slow. He was so surprised that he quickly put the skeleton flute across his mouth, and the melodious and simple notes resounded again. The strange spiritual force seemed to break the fiery void, and began to resist the shackles and invasion of the fiery light.

"Sa Sa!" A rare sound, quietly in front of the body without traces of red light gathered exuberant sound. Then he saw the strange red awn with blood red in front of Wuhen's body tremble in vain, and a fierce beast spirit breath rose up to the sky.

"Ouch!" A deafening sound of the dragon's song resounds through the world, and the empty space suddenly trembles. And a red and huge long flying beast figure quickly emerged out of thin air. Under its abdomen, there were four bright sharp claws, shining with strange cold light.

"Cough, traceless boy, you even let the little dragon out, do you have any prospects..." demon zunhuoxiao fire red virtual shadow quietly flash and fall, steadily appeared in the traceless side of scorn.

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"Hey, old demon, if I don't let the little earthworm out, can't I let you out? Besides, the little earth dragon is the soul of my life. If I let it out to fight, I will make the best use of it. It's you who absorb the air of chaos in my body every day. At a critical moment, you slip away for the first time. Compared with the little earth dragon, you are really nothing Traceless mouth up a bad smile, turned his eyes, the side of the demon respect fire Xiao repeatedly contemptuous mouth counterattack.

"Sa Sa!" A low strange cry, from no trace body in front of the shape of the small dragon mouth in the faint spit out. Small earthworm's huge body immediately blocked the whole body of Wu Chen behind him. His expression and posture seemed to agree with Wu Chen's words. He even had a bloody mouth and gave a cold hum to the place where the demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying was.

"Damn, little earth dragon, do you think you've grown up with hard wings and dare to show off your power with the demon master. When the demon master comes back to me, how can I deal with you... "Demon zunhuo Xiao Huo Hong Xu Ying steps back, as if he is afraid of the momentum released by the little earth dragon's cold hum. Then, the demon zunhuoxiao points at xiaodilong with his hand, provoking xiaodilong's fiery eyes to anger."Hum, little fellow, you have seed. I'll write down the account for you!" See, demon zunhuoxiao empty shadow momentum suddenly on a lot of short, but still a pair of indomitable appearance, roar at the little dragon. Then, before the little earth dragon had any reaction, he saw that the demon zunhuoxiao was in a hurry and turned into a red light again. He quietly rushed into the traceless body and disappeared.

"Ha ha, old demon, you are a hopeless guy..." no trace saw demon zunhuoxiao run away in a panic, not to mention how happy he was. His bright eyes suddenly flashed a touch of pure light, and whispered to the huge little earthworm in front of him: "little earthworm, I'll be free, this guy, I'll give it to you..."

"Ouch!" A roar of excitement came from the mouth of xiaodilong. A burst of violent blood filled the whole empty space in an instant, and the giant body of the little earthworm turned back. He licked his forehead intimately.

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"Damn, little earthworm, you son of a bitch's little disgusting little master..." no trace body suddenly retreated and retreated, and wiped the sticky mucus on his face with his hand. His fierce eyes were full of disgust, and the whole person waved to little earthworm.

Wulala. Wulala

A melodious sound of the ancient flute came out again, and the fierce yellow sand quickly appeared between the body shapes of the heron, the big monster and the little earth dragon. Meanwhile, the heron Eagle monster takes advantage of this opportunity to release its spiritual power and escort its body to flee away from the influence area under the influence of the little earth dragon

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