Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 668: 668

Whoosh. Whoosh

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In the endless emptiness, the gnawing sound of the seeping people appeared quietly. The huge body shape of the heron eagle was eaten by the little earthworm in an instant.

Until the end, the body of the heron hawk monster has been completely engulfed by the little earth dragon. The heron eagle is the first monster to be bound up on its body. On one hand, it is red and flaming, and on the other hand, it is frosty and cold. Its two winged arms quickly lose their mental power and become a piece of dead ashes, which quickly scatter and break down on the ground below.

"Suddenly Without the cover of spiritual power, the empty space has now completely disappeared into nothingness. This face blots out the dark sky like the sun, and at the moment, it suddenly splashes down the dazzling scorching sun light.

At the same time, the hot breath seemed to rush out of thin air from all directions, and all of a sudden it completely eroded and occupied the whole empty space. The wild wind and yellow sand once again roared out of the sky, and the Gobi desert, which could not see the edge, seemed to fall from the sky, once again engulfed the empty space.

"Sa Sa!" A rare sound of huff and puff started from the rolling of yellow sand all over the sky. A huge red light and shadow flashed in and rushed straight to the traceless chest.

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"Cough, little earthworm, don't be so wild every time, OK?" Traceless body suddenly trembled, a red light on the chest flashed away. Xiaodilong's huge body disappeared out of thin air, and suddenly completely disappeared into the traceless body.

"Sasa, master, I'm so sleepy. I'm really sleepy!" A warm feeling rises from the body of no trace, and the familiar murmur of little earthworm rises again in the sea of no trace. Then, no trace can clearly feel that the little earthworm is sitting in its chest, where the Dantian is, and once again fell into a state of drowsiness.

"Hum, little earthworm, go to sleep after eating. Do you have any animal nature?" Traceless turned his eyes hard, touched his chest gently, and sneered coldly.

"Ha ha, this guy has devoured the spirit of the big monster in the spirit realm with the body of the baby spirit realm. If this kind of thing is spread out, I'm afraid that all the major forces will attack your soul. Now the little earth dragon just needs to rest and digest for a period of time. It's better than that it can't bear the spiritual power of the big demon beast in the soul realm to explode and die! " Yaozunhuoxiao needs to flash again quietly, and its red needs to sway its red head in front of traceless body.

"Ha ha, old demon, you can't say that!" Traceless left the demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow beside, patted his chest, and nodded scornfully. Then, the whole body of no trace was once again covered with a burst of fiery red flame and strange fire light. The thick air of Xuanli and the bursts of leimang's power were alternately generated. A dazzling purple gold armor like a rainbow quietly hung on the body of no trace.

"Suddenly At the moment of the release of Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body, the strange magic Qi several meters in front of him trembled in vain. The ancient flute, which was wrapped with skeletons, rushed out of the 100 meter area. With the rise of strange evil spirits, a tall young man dressed in black appeared out of thin air.

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"Brush!" As the young man in black and white came out, a violent evil spirit burst out from his body in vain. And within the range of tens of meters around the young man in black, the temperature suddenly dropped in vain. Even the yellow sand, which was surging wildly in the void, all bypassed the figure of the young man in black and floated around.

"Bata!" A clear sound came from the hands of the evil young man in black. I saw the skeleton flute falling down, and now it was firmly in the palm of the young man in black.

"Teng!" In a flash, the evil spirit released from the young man in black suddenly poured into the skeleton flute. In addition, the spirit of the skeleton flute is constantly released and struggling with the evil spirit wrapped in the whole body of the skeleton flute.

"Cough, who the hell is this guy? He's just robbing me of the magic weapon I've exchanged for my life. I don't care about you!" No trace a burst of light cough, bright eyes in a touch of unhappy color. The bright eyes of the young man in black, who was trying to control the ancient flute, looked at him.

"Boom!" As the spiritual power released by the ancient flute becomes weaker and weaker, the monstrous momentum of the young man in black is obviously higher. On the white face of the young man in black, there was a touch of joy. He put the skeleton flute in his hand and played it softly.

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Wulala. Wulala

An extremely astringent and harsh sound came from the body of the skeleton flute. The hot yellow sand blowing all over the sky in the void seemed to escape in all directions at the sound of the flute. With the strange and harsh sound of the flute, a monstrous spirit turned into two different metaphysical forces, substance and spirit, and bombarded the surrounding void.Boom boom. Boom boom

In the endless void, the figure of the youth in black is the center. Within the 100 meter range around his body, all the strange notes shrouded by evil Qi burst out of thin air.

The evil spirit of terror seems to be all pervasive, mixed with the spiritual attack of strange notes. It turns into a strange black smoke of evil spirit, and blows to the only living creature in the area directly ahead.

Boom boom. Boom boom

A series of violent sounds of explosion burst out all around the body. The original standing body of Wuchen retreats rapidly, and the hot fire around it burns up quickly, blocking the rising evil Qi from Wuchen's body.

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At the same time, the spiritual power of the strange and astringent notes seems to flow into the mind of Wu trace along with the sensory organs of Wu trace.

"Hum!" In an instant, the body shape of no trace galloping and retreating was trembling in vain in the semi suspension. In his mind, it was as if it was cracked and the pain was unbearable, and the sweat was brushing directly on no trace's cheek. The purple gold baby soul villain in the elixir field of traceless body suddenly opened his eyes.

"Brush!" With the baby soul in traceless body, the eyes of Zijin villain burst out, two bright lights of one purple and one gold burst out from the eyes of Zijin villain. The two bright lights of purple and gold burst out from the elixir field in the body of no trace, and rolled up the pure and exuberant Qi of Hongmeng chaos in the body of no trace. Mixed with the supreme prestige, they quickly ran in every meridian in the body of no trace, Will just pour into the mind of no trace in the sea of strange spirit attack completely engulfed, submerged in the purple golden streamer Hongmeng chaotic gas.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out, without mark Zheng Zheng's body shape suddenly again violently quiver. His closed eyes slowly opened, and his traceless figure now had retreated to the height of a hundred meters away from the figure of the young man in black, standing still

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