Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 669: 669

Whoa. Whoa

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With a gust of wind and sand, the sound swept through the sky and the void, and the traceless figure steadily fell on the field of the young man in black. Its whole body was burning wildly. Against the white face of no trace, it seemed that its appearance had not been cut.

"Bang!" With a strange dull sound, the skeleton flute in the hands of the young man in black and his white lips flew away quickly. In addition, the spirit of the skeleton flute burst out in vain, and went to the brow of the young man in black.

"Suddenly In an instant, the young man in black suddenly gave a cold hum. His body was quickly blocked by a strong evil Qi, which completely enveloped and swallowed the spiritual power attack.

"Poof!" The invincible spirit attack is just a little meal, and then quickly penetrates the obstruction of the evil Qi and rushes out. At the moment when the strange spiritual force attacked the young man in black, he saw a strange Rune mark on his forehead.

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"Boom!" The strange Rune marks flash away, and the monstrous evil spirit suddenly rises from its body. A magic power that seemed not to belong to the young man in black rolled out, and immediately wiped out the strange spiritual power on the spot.

"Ha ha, you evil animal, if I hadn't been on guard, I'm afraid I would have caught your way..." the young man in black trembled in vain, and his trance was gradually restored. His pale face showed a faint sneer, staring at the last wisp of divine power left by the heron, eagle and monster in the void completely disappeared into nothingness.

"Brush!" Along with the hidden in the skeleton flute of the heron hawk big monster God consciousness completely disappeared, the surging around the monstrous gas unexpectedly rushed into the skeleton flute.

The original white and incomparable skeleton flute changed into a dark color in a flash under the surge of evil Qi. However, the spiritual power of the whole body of the skeleton flute is obviously weakened, but its magical connection with the young people in black seems to be becoming more complete and harmonious, as if it is completely natural.

"Well, old demon, what was that just now?" Traceless eyes are full of color of consternation, staring at the opposite young man in black, alert in the mind and demon respect fire Xiao ditch channel.

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"Cough, if the demon master is right, it should be the divine sense planted by a strong demon cultivator. And this divine sense is obviously higher than that of the heron, the eagle and the monster. Only then can it be planted in the brain of the young man in black to protect his divine sense from being damaged, so that he will not suffer from the accidental fall of a powerful enemy when he is walking outside. " Demon zunhuoxiao, Huohong, Xuying and Wuhen stood side by side, looking at the figure of the young man in black all the time.

"Damn it, you can still play like this. When I left the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, my senior brothers didn't plant a guard of divine consciousness in my mind!" Traceless turned his eyes, eyes full of naked envy. Just now, the magic power of killing the heron, eagle and beast spirits is traceless, but I have a deep understanding. At least it needs to be the spirit consciousness of the strong one above the middle emperor to achieve cultivation.

"Ha ha, it's not so easy to plant the power of divine consciousness. It's a great test for both the caster and the person being cast. If one side doesn't have the intention of resisting, it will give up all the previous achievements and cause great trauma to each other's divine knowledge. Moreover, the power of divine consciousness also has a certain number of trigger times. If it can be used at will, isn't it all guarded by the strong on that day. Besides, when you go down the mountain to leave the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, aren't you escorted by your Third Elder martial brother Shui mercilessly? " Demon Zun Huoxiao's fiery shadow flickered slightly, and a faint bad smile appeared on his fiery face. While facing the serious warning of no trace, he deliberately mentioned that water was merciless and attacked no trace in disguised form.

"Hum, old demon, why don't you mention that pot every time?" Traceless turned his eyes and hummed coldly to the demon zunhuoxiao. The sound of his cold hum appeared faintly, especially in the wild void space.

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"Why, are you still alive?" A light exhortation interrupts the communication between Wuhen and yaozunhuoxiao. On the other side, the evil spirit released from the whole body of the young man in black slowly gathered on his body. His eyes were full of amazement, and he looked over the traceless body.

"Bah, you shameless people are not dead yet. How can I die first if I act openly and honestly?" Traceless turned his eyes hard, and his eyes were full of indignation. The young man in black looked back contemptuously.

"Ha ha, this magic flute weapon can freely control the magic Qi and confuse the opponent's mind. For those of us who practice magic skill, we can get twice the result with half the effort. This is really a rare treasure for those of us who practice magic skill! " Aware of the indignation in traceless's eyes, the young man in black seems to understand the source of traceless's anger at once. The pale palm of his hand was lightly padded with the skeleton flute, which was completely dark, and he laughed at the bland voice without any trace."Ha ha, you don't know how to estimate other people's feelings!" Traceless angry expression in vain a loose, handsome face again over a smile.

The breath released by this ancient flute is disgusting to Wuhen from the beginning to the end, so Wuhen never thought of taking it as all. But just now, the young man in black actually stole the skeleton flute in vain, which made Wu trace feel a little dull for a moment. Therefore, no trace will say that young people in black are shameless, but also show their indignation.

"Ha ha, I'm so lucky to have such a treasure. It's just my chance. As for you, Ben Shao is in a good mood today, so I'll spare you one life. Let's leave as soon as possible! " The young man in black didn't pay attention to the change of traceless expression. Instead, he held the dark skeleton flute in his hand and became complacent.

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"Keke, you are really eloquent. You killed all my hard work by chance..." Wu trace coughed fiercely, and his face turned red instantly. After counting all the people he knew, he was surprised to find that he could surpass the young man in black in front of him, I'm afraid it's only Yao zunhuoxiao and Xiao Pang Zhen Bucai.

"Hehe, what else do you want?" The young man in black laughed coldly, and his evil spirit suddenly became very cold. His face, which was just full of smile, was very gloomy. Two cold lights flashed from his sharp eyes. He looked directly at the body without trace. His cold voice spoke slowly again and said: "Ben Shao is the demon sect. The demon sect's disciples. The top ten people in the potential list of mainland China are originally named Lampson... "

"Well, one of the top ten people in the potential list, Lampson, a disciple of the demon sect?" Smell speech, no trace body shape is a Zheng, the whole person's handsome face is full of the color of consternation, staring at the opposite look quite complacent young man in black, quietly meditate< br>

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