Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 67: 67

Dazhou college, Neiyuan, Jiangnan other college.

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Melodious music, sometimes pleasant, sometimes bitter, sometimes euphemistic, sometimes high pitched. No trace and so on a line of four people, all listen to crazy on the spot.

With the completion of a song, the music lingers on, and people still have no response. They stand in the same place as infatuated, addicted to the music and can't extricate themselves.

"Brush!" A strange red light flashed out, and the demon zunhuoxiao's eyes were full of surprise, staring at the mysterious state, and the key point was traceless.

At this time, in the traceless sea of knowledge, a body shape is haunted by the light of Zhou Tian's sword, and a soft sword made of jade belt is rolling up in the hand.

Liu style nine swords have not been perfected before. At this time, they are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and they are evolving in traceless mind.

Moreover, the air of Hongmeng chaos contained in Wuhen's body is more exuberant. Traceless whole body light golden awn lingering, its physical body gives a strong feeling, obviously a bit stronger.

An invisible sword came out quietly and sealed off the area within tens of meters around the body. The invisible sword meaning is gradually changing into the entity form of "if there is nothing" with the fluctuation of the music.

The invisible meaning of the sword is sometimes sharp and sometimes gentle. It is as continuous as a continuous drizzle, and as surging as the Yellow River.

"Eh, does the sword mean anything? No trace boy, how old is that? He has realized his own sword meaning Demon zunhuoxiao was stunned, staring at the endless sword sent out by no trace.

At the same time, not far away from Wuchen, there was a strong and upright sword. The spirit of Xiaosha's sword is instantly transformed into a solid state, and a long sword with sharp breath stands out of the air like ten thousand swords.

Back long sword, eyes closed sword nameless, the whole person like a peerless sword standing proud. The Epee on his back rises suddenly and falls into the meaning of ten thousand swords released by the nameless sword. Just like the monarch in the sword, looking down on the sword spirit of all living beings

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The sound of two swords appeared at the same time. It seemed that they felt the threat of arrogant sword Qi from the incomparable Epee sword. The continuous misty rain protected by the whole body of no trace suddenly trembled, and the two terrible sword meanings instantly turned into solid form and collided together.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

The continuous meaning of the sword is like the misty mist in the smoke and rain. It is gentle but sharp. And the power of ten thousand swords released by the matchless long sword is just like an invincible weapon. It is invincible.

Two swords mean one Yin and one Yang, one soft and one hard. It's so-called unpredictable and eternal.

For a moment, the two terrible swords were intended to collide with each other in the void. The mysterious air in the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River was in disorder. The peaceful small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions were also in turmoil and trembling in the two swords.

Liu Shuanger, who was the first to wake up, only felt that the Xuanli breath in his body was unprecedented and exuberant. After a tune is finished, Liu Shuanger's strength is inexplicably promoted to the realm of later cultivation.

Liu shuang'er opened her eyes, but before she could be happy, she felt the two terrible breath around her for the first time.

"Ah! Brother no trace? No name brother? " After a exclamation, Liu Shuanger sat on the ground. Dripping cold sweat DC, invisible pressure Liu Shuanger can no longer say a word.

"Frost, don't disturb them!" A cold light call, quietly ring from Liu Shuanger's ear. Closely following, Liu shuang'er only feels that her whole body is in vain, and a cold and refreshing feeling suddenly flows up and down her whole body.

"Sister Ruxue!" Liu shuang'er looks at Ji Ruxue, who wakes up in seclusion around him. He looks red and lowers his head. Within the scope of about five meters around Ji Ruxue's body, an invisible ice cold artistic conception is like a light shield, which firmly protects them.

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Around, the continuous rain in the air, with the resolute Xiaosha sword, still in the fierce collision with each other. But no matter how the two terrible pressure, they have no choice but to get half of the cold mood in front of Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger. But the ice cold artistic conception also seems to be very interesting, deliberately avoiding the collision and friction with the other two artistic conceptions.

Boom, boom

Bursts of terrible turbulence suddenly burst out in the courtyard. Countless sword Qi in the air wantonly flying, two pairs of sword meaning disappeared out of thin air.



Two mouthfuls of blood, at the same time, spouted from the mouth of no trace and no name sword. Their closed eyes opened at the same time, and their figures unconsciously withdrew a few steps backward. Then, four cold lights, like bright stars, cut through the turbulent void in a flash."Misty rain, sword meaning!"

"Unparalleled sword meaning!"

Traceless and sword nameless four eyes opposite, one after another from each other's eyes to see the endless war. And the two invisible artistic conception of sword spirit spread out quietly again.

"Deng!" A dry sound came from the pavilion in the middle of the stream in the distance. No trace and sword nameless two people body at the same time a Zheng, two people's body surging from the two sword meaning artistic conception, in a twinkling of an eye once again disintegrated and disappeared.



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Wu Chen and Jian Ming were stunned at the same time. They raised their eyes one after another and set their eyes on the pavilion made of white marble in the distance.

On the white jade Pavilion in the distance, a middle-aged man, about 40 or 50 years old, was white and handsome. Dressed in a simple gown, the whole person is full of scholarly, giving people the feeling like a gentle scholar in general, sitting quietly and elegant.

In front of the bookish middle-aged man, there is an antique Guqin. Qin color Zhanqing green, in the sunshine appears particularly dazzling.

"Brush!" The middle-aged man who lowered his head and stroked Guqin suddenly raised his head, and his face looked extremely decadent. Although the eyes are bright, they are godless, as if they are not interested in everything in the world. Toward the entrance of the other courtyard below, Wu Chen and the other four glanced intentionally or unintentionally.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, traceless, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, the token in the inner courtyard of the three people's arms trembled together, three faint ethereal air rushed out, circled in the void, and fell back into the token in the three people's arms again.

"Keke, I'm a new disciple of another Academy. Liu Wuchen, I've seen teacher Yanyu! "

"I'm a new disciple of Jiexing bieyuan, I don't know my sword name, and I've seen master Yanyu!"

"Ji Ruxue, a new disciple of the other academy, has met master Yanyu!"

Wu Chen, Jian Ming and Ji Ruxue step forward one after another and salute the misty rain on the pavilion.

"Young Liu Shuanger, I have seen master Yanyu!" Liu shuang'er steals sound and language, falls behind the crowd, and gives a deep gift to the middle-aged man on the pavilion.

"Ah, I am my disciple in Yanyu's life, since I am in my other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River! However, I'm just a zither player. I'm afraid I don't have time to guide you on the way of martial arts and Taoism! " A sigh, as if through the vicissitudes of the world. Let people listen to, can't help feeling distressed for it.

"Master Yanyu is too modest. I just learned a lot from him! Thank you, master Yanyu, for playing the piano and giving us inspiration! " No trace clasped his fist and arched his hand again, respectfully saluted the misty rain on the pavilion.

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Behind, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, also all with no trace together, in front of the misty rain life again gave a gift.

"Tutor Su Ji, how are you doing?" Yanyu's expression has a trace of struggle in his life. His voice is extremely dry and he slowly asks.

"Tutor Su has arranged for us to join other colleges in Jiangnan. Yanyu has been tutor Su's former mentor all his life. There is only a wall between the inner courtyard and the outer courtyard. How come they have not seen each other for a long time? " Wu Chen frowned slightly, and was puzzled. But he still looked respectful. He whispered back to Yan Yu: "don't worry, master Su, everything is OK! I believe that in this year's competition, other hospitals will be among the best

"Oh The misty rain on the pavilion nodded slightly in his life, and the whole person seemed extremely sleepy and powerless. He sat on the stone bench behind him again.

For a long time, the whole Jiangnan courtyard fell into silence again. Only the murmuring stream flows slightly, and the vigorous and pure Xuan Qi floats wantonly.

"Well, I can't tell you anything about martial arts! If you are willing to stay, you will stay here for a while. In other Jiangnan courtyards, I will not restrict any of you. Also, I play the piano every afternoon. Don't disturb me. In the future, if you find a good source, you can leave at any time, no need to tell me! " Yanyu gently waved his hand in his life, and the whole person was obviously a little absent-minded.

Smell speech, no trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, a line of four people look all together a wrinkle, one after another to Yanyu life strange move expressed puzzled.

"Disciple, remember!"

"Disciple, remember!"

"Disciple, leave first!"

"Goodbye, master!"

No trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, the four of them winked at each other. Then, the four of them saluted the misty rain on the pavilion again. Then, the four walked along the stream and went straight to a row of attics behind the courtyard."Susu, why are you doing this?" Among the pavilions above the rockery, Yanyu, a bookish middle-aged man, slowly stood up all his life. His eyes were sad and deep. He looked at the distance, and his whole soul murmured

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