Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 68: 68

After seven days in a row, Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, Liu shuang'er and his party were all familiar with the environment of the other courtyard in Jiangnan.

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During these seven days, my tutor Yanyu played the piano on time at noon every day. The rest of the time are all alone, sitting in the small bridge lingering in the gurgling water in the pavilion in a daze. And no trace and others seem to have returned to the previous state of picking up stars and leaving the hospital, no one to manage, no one to teach, no one to care.

Fortunately, no trace and others have their own cultivation methods. In addition to Liu Shuanger, Wu Chen, Jian Ming and Ji Ruxue shut themselves in the room for seven days, absorbing the mysterious atmosphere of the south of the Yangtze River day and night. After seven days of crazy practice, the initial cultivation of the three people's soul state has been completely stable and consolidated.

In seven days, the story of Wu Chen and others joining other colleges in Jiangnan has spread all over the University. Whether in the inner court or the outer court, this incident has been well known.

Among the eight most powerful in the inner courtyard, there was no news from the other courtyard except Wucheng. The rest of the seven strongest other courtyards all sent people to come as lobbyists, asking Wu Chen, Jian Ming and Ji Ruxue to join them. Even Xiqi hospital, the ninth largest hospital, which has always disdained to be associated with the eight other hospitals, even sent someone to sincerely invite Wuhen and others to the hospital.

Fortunately, before Wu Chen and others closed their doors to practice and consolidate their accomplishments, Liu Shuanger politely rejected wave after wave of strong men from other schools who came to dig people.

All this happened, the major hospitals are extremely high-profile, no taboo. Some other colleges even openly invite each other in front of their tutor Yanyu.

And the tutor Yanyu life, is a pair of desert does not concern oneself appearance. Regardless of the people coming and going, I still sit alone on the pavilion in a daze every day.

Click, click, click

On the eighth day, with the sound of several clear doors, Wuchen, Jianming, Ji Ruxue and the three finally closed their doors.

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Dangdang, Dangdang

Melodious and gentle, murmuring melancholy music, leisurely came from the river Pavilion. No trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, three forces of artistic conception around them rise again quietly. With the rise and fall of the music, the artistic conception of the three gradually began to improve.

"Deng!" With the last sound of the zither falling in vain, the whole Jiangnan courtyard fell into silence again. No trace and others, who are feeling the artistic conception, are stunned one after another, and all of them wake up from the feeling state.

"Oh, what a pity!" The sword sighed innocently, and his face was full of regret. The sound of Qin just now obviously made him have a better understanding of the artistic conception of Wushuang sword. Unfortunately, before he could wait for the sword nameless to be improved, his tutor Yanyu's music stopped suddenly.

"Oh, I'm so close that I can make a further improvement in my Yanyu sword sense." No trace repeatedly shook his head and sighed. He was very regretful and remorseful.

"It doesn't matter. Teacher Yanyu plays the piano once a day. As long as we are still in other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River, this artistic conception will be completed one day! " Ji Ruxue, who has always spared words like gold, has made an exception to become more talkative today. Ji Ruxue's words are in Wuchen's and Jianming's mind. They look at each other with a smile and shut up.

"Wuwu, this is the other courtyard in Jiangnan. You can't go in without the approval of Yanyu's tutor..." in the distance, at the front door of the other courtyard, a confused noise came clearly. First, Liu Shuanger cried anxiously with a little cry, and then came bursts of messy footsteps.

On the pavilions surrounded by small bridges and flowing water, Yanyu Jiangnan has obviously noticed the changes outside. The whole person slowly stood up and walked, negative hand toward the front, looking quietly.

There are dozens of young men in inner courtyard robes in the direction of other courtyard in Jiangnan. A group of people full of sneer, aggressive, while forcing Liu Shuanger not to retreat, while swaggering into the Jiangnan other courtyard.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, three figures suddenly appear in front of Liu Shuanger like ghosts. Immediately after that, three violent breath instantly rose up, and the invisible pressure was like a flood of water and beasts, which forced all the dozens of students who were still in front of them to step back.

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"Hum!" Among the dozens of students in the inner courtyard, a cold and quiet voice came. I saw a terrible momentum burst out suddenly, and the atmosphere of fury filled the other courtyard instantly. This breath of terror was so violent that it forced back the three invisible forces on the other side at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom

At the same time, the remaining dozens of inner court disciples reacted and released the Xuanli breath of the whole body one after another without reservation. Dozens of breath of the initial state cultivation of the soul state spread out. Together with the terrible fury before it, it came to the crazy oppression of Wu Chen, Jian Ming and Ji Ruxue.The invisible force of oppression is just like Mount Tai's pressure on the three people. Three people only feel the whole body up and down, bean big sweat dripping out. Everyone's chest seemed to be pressed with a huge stone, and his breathing began to be obviously rapid.

"Eh, there are dozens of martial arts practitioners in the early stage of he Hun realm, among which there is a little guy in the later stage of he Hun realm?" A red awn slanting stab flashed out, and the demon zunhuoxiao shook his strong body and looked left and right, smiling at the pressure mountain beside him.

"Hum, the later cultivation of the soul state? No wonder I always feel a sense of crisis oppressing me all the time! " Traceless brow locked, sharp eyes across the crowd of Xuanli. A young man with a sharp face and two black moustaches is impressively reflected in the sight of no trace.

I saw this man's Xuanli breath was surging, and his eyes were shining with endless killing intention. While staring at the opposite side in the crowd with a sneer, from time to time he looked alert and turned to the pavilion in the distance.

"Be careful, there's a strong one in the later cultivation of soul state on the opposite side!" A sound, quietly floated into the sword nameless and Ji Ruxue's mind. Then, no trace step forward, sweat on the forehead instantly flowing down, during a hand has been firmly pressed on the waist of the jade belt.

"In the later stage of the soul state?" Ji Ruxue's cold face is still very cold. She looks disgusted and glances at the crowd of dozens of Inner-school students.

"Hum, the later cultivation of the soul state? Don't you think I'll be afraid of him? " With a cold hum, the Epee behind the nameless sword suddenly trembled slightly.

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"Hum!" A sword roared, and a terrible Xiao Sha sword burst into the sky. The invisible pressure that originally oppressed the unknown and others of the sword suddenly trembled, and was instantly killed by the sword Qi released by the unparalleled epee.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

A confused sound of footsteps sounded, dozens of students in the opposite inner courtyard all trembled, the center of gravity of each foot was unstable, and they fell to the ground behind.

For a moment, more than ten students in the inner courtyard all fell to the ground and looked at Jianming with fear. In the field, only the young man with a small black beard didn't move. His eyes were slightly fixed and his face was as calm as Mount Tai.

"You are Liu Wuchen?" The young man with sharp mouth and monkey gills, his eyes slightly heavy, staring at the sword with lingering sword spirit, asked in a cold voice.

Smell speech, sword nameless facial expression is tiny a Zheng, some don't understand of toward one side of have no trace body to see.

One side, no trace is also first obvious a Leng, but the moment then reaction come over. Then, no trace stepped in front of the sword nameless body and nodded heavily towards the sword nameless.

"Hum!" The nameless face of the sword shows the color of Xiaosha, standing quietly behind the traceless. The back of Epee is matchless, full of is unwilling to send out a sword to sing, the sword is nameless, the whole body sword Qi this just gradually dissipates.

"In Xialiu no trace, who is your surname?" No trace strong pressure in the heart anger, stare at opposite sharp mouth monkey cheek youth cold voice to ask a way.

"Ha ha, boy, you are brave enough! Remember for me, I'm from another Academy in Wucheng! My name is Wang Tianlai. I'm here to ask you for some interest! " The sharp mouthed young man burst out laughing, pointing to the traceless nose, arrogant and extremely contemptuous way.

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In the rear, dozens of students in the inner courtyard got up one after another and hid behind Wang Tianlai in fear. They pointed to no trace and yelled for Wang Tianlai.

"Ha ha, it's another Wucheng hospital! It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you really don't have a long memory! " Traceless eyes Xiao Sha sharp look to Wang Tianlai, Jun Lang's face with a faint smile!

"Deng!" A dry Qin sound suddenly reverberates in the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River.

On the other side, dozens of students from Wucheng other college trembled. Everyone just felt a burst of salt in his throat, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth.

Wang Tianlai's face suddenly changed in the later cultivation stage of he Hun Jing. He retreated for dozens of steps and then gradually stabilized his figure.

"Anyone who uses force in the inner courtyard or other courtyards will be killed in the same place! Haven't the tutors of Wucheng other college taught the rules of your college? "

"For the first time, I'll spare you a dog's life! If you do it again, there will be no amnesty! "

"Go away!"

A series of indifferent voices seemed to shake people's heart. On the other side, dozens of students in the inner courtyard and Wang Tianlai himself all turned pale like paper.

No trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, four people's eyes are full of shock, at the same time, they look at the surprise behind them.

A gentle breeze was blowing on the surface of the quiet stream. On the white jade Pavilion, a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar stood proudly. A clear and green Guqin was placed quietly behind him, and the whole Jiangnan courtyard was once again in silence

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