Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 671: 671

Tengteng. Tengtengteng

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In the area shrouded by the evil Qi, a rising flame looms over the traceless body, and the fiery red flame rises from the sky. Unexpectedly, the evil Qi covering the traceless body and waiting for the opportunity is ignited as soon as possible.

"Why?" Aware of the strange changes on Wu trace's body, the young man in black, Lampson's face was in vain. In his hand, he quickly put the dark skeleton flute which was just compatible with his mind on the edge of his lips. His eyes flickered, and he was very surprised to stare at the traceless figure.

"Cough, Mr. LAN, what happened just now? Why is my head a little dizzy?" A burst of coughing suddenly appeared. As if waking up from a dream, he raised his hands and rubbed his eyes. His handsome face was full of sincerity and his eyes were full of envy. He looked at the vigilant worship of Lampson above the void.

"Ha ha, you are a little strange. However, since you can break away from the control of my magic power, it seems that you have some strength. Well, if you are willing to submit to me, I promise that you will be able to run freely in the six states of mainland China under the signboard of our demon sect in the future! " Lampson looked at the worship of traceless smile, quite some self mocking shook his head. The skeleton flute, which is placed on his mouth, quietly moves the memory again. The voice and tone are very tempting to induce Wu trace.

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"Ha ha, with this spiritual power, I still want to charm the traceless boy. I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss this time!" Yao Zun's fiery red shadow quietly falls on the side of Wu trace's body. He looks at Wu trace, who plays the role of pig and eats tiger. He nods in approval, and then raises his head to fix his eyes on the arrogant Lampson. He throws deep sympathy and a melodious sigh to him.

"Ha ha, what Mr. Lan said is that if the demon clan can take him in, I will be very grateful. The next time I look at Mr. LAN, I'm very congenial. It seems that we really cherish each other! I just dare to ask you, Mr. LAN, which seat is in the top ten of the potential list Traceless face innocent, raised his head, bright eyes like looking at the idol general staring at Lampson. The flame power on his body gradually leveled off, as if to throw a signal of goodwill to Lampson.

"Brush!" After listening to the question without trace, the color on Lampson's face, which was once proud and white, coagulated in vain. The whole person is just like swallowing a fly at once, and his eyes are rather sad to scan over the traceless body.

"Well, Mr. LAN, do you have any hard words to hide?" No trace was full of worship, and his eyes showed a color of doubt. He looked up and down at Lampson's figure standing on the void.

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"Damn, you're the one who has the hard word. Your whole family has the hard word!" On the void, Lampson's figure was stunned in vain. It seemed that he was startled by the fiery eyes of traceless red fruit. The evil Qi on his figure covered and surged again. His whole figure suddenly sank and fell on the ground below.

"Hey, hey!" Looking at Lampson's ugly face, and a series of reactions. No trace seems to understand what general, once again open a Langsheng light smile way: "Lan childe, if not convenient to reveal.". Let's forget it. Maybe this list of potential is just a parrot! "

"Shit, you don't have to fart!" Listening to the questioning without trace, Lampson's face turned red instantly. The dark evil spirit trembled with his body shape. Lampson almost bit his back teeth, staring at traceless with indignation, coldly replied: "ghosts and demons are in Lampson, the tenth strong man in the potential list..."

"Keke, Mr. LAN, it turns out that the top ten people you just mentioned, It's No. 10... "After listening to Lampson's gnashing words, there was another fierce cough in his mouth, which almost choked him. No trace forced to endure the smile on his face, pretending to be surprised, he spoke again to make up the Dao.

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, you are too bad, too bad! You know that people ranked tenth, I'm sorry to say so, but you forced me to ask and sprinkle salt on people's wounds. Do your family know that you are so ungrateful? " Demon respect fire Xiao Xu Ying a strength of tremble shake don't stop, point to the face like dead ash of Lan Pu Sheng burst out laughing. From time to time, his eyes quietly turned away from the body without changing its color. It seemed that he was extremely satisfied with the performance of no trace just now.

"Boom!" A bang, from the front of no trace side of the violent explosion burst out. The terrible dark evil spirit mixed with the fierce spiritual force, spread all over the world, rushing to the traceless body from all directions.

"Hum, boy, are you laughing at me?" With a cold hum, Lampson shivered in vain in his black clothes, and an invisible spiritual force burst out of his eyes. All of a sudden, he was staring at the traceless body which had been wrapped by the rolling evil spirit, and then he looked away indifferently.

"Hum!" When Lampson's eyes were fixed on the body shape of traceless, the whole brain of traceless suddenly became dizzy. Fortunately, the eternal Heaven and earth's double refreshing decision has always been run in the body by traceless, and the vigorous and pure Hongmeng's chaotic Qi has been rushing out from the traceless sea of knowledge."Wow!" The pure and exuberant air of Hongmeng's chaos surges up, and all of a sudden, it will devour and melt the spiritual power flowing into the traceless brain. Traceless turbid mind became sober again, its bright eyes quickly moved, eyes and Lampson's eyes staggered away.

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"Hoo Hoo Hoo A trace of cunning flashed in the traceless and clear eyes. His closed lips suddenly opened and began to gasp. At the same time, the hot sweat on the traceless forehead flowed down the nostrils, and the whole person seemed to be extremely frightened and repeatedly clasped hands at Lampson.

"Keke, Mr. LAN, it's terrible to attack with your spiritual power! If I don't have a chance to get close to you, I will be killed by your spiritual power and become a walking corpse! " No trace difficult urgent cough a few sound, forced to wipe the sweat on the forehead has shown the heart flustered.

"Haha, this time I'll teach you a lesson. I'd better be alert when I follow you in the future." At the sight of traceless reaction, Lampson's vigilant eyes quietly relaxed. It really surprised Lampson that he was able to break the spiritual power of Lampson. However, after the trial of continuous spiritual power attack, it is obvious that no trace has been unable to resist the spiritual power attack of Lampson, which also greatly weakens the sense of no trace's vigilance in Lampson.

Maybe Wuhun has some strength that can match the general infant soul realm, and the later martial arts practitioners need to be more powerful. However, for him, this kind of anonymous scattered cultivation is not worth mentioning. After all, the genius demon who ranks tenth in the potential list can't be compared with the isolated ordinary scattered martial arts practitioners< br>

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