Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 672: 672

"Suddenly In the void covered by evil Qi, endless wild yellow sand rolled up all over the sky. A hundred miles away from the area covered by the evil spirit, there is a dark yellow shadow shaking three times at the moment. The pace of the foot is like stepping on the rhythm, slowly running to the area, shaking and driving leisurely.

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"Brush!" In the void covered by the evil spirit, Lampson's sharp eyes like ghosts slowly tend to return to normal. His white and proud face is full of self recovery, and his eyes disdain to turn slightly on the traceless body. In the calm void around him, there is a wisp of black evil spirit rolling and rushing into the traceless body.

"Ah, Mr. LAN, what do you mean?" At the moment when the black evil Qi enters the body, the vigorous and pure Hongmeng chaotic Qi in Wuchen's body will ascend and wrap it in an instant. The strange black magic Qi trembles in the package of Hongmeng's chaotic Qi, but the surging Hongmeng's chaotic Qi is not in a hurry to wipe out the black magic Qi that invades into his body.

"Haha, plant a ray of my evil Qi in your body, and I will feel it no matter where you escape. If one day you want to betray me, don't blame the evil spirit for spreading in the earth! Only by accepting the baptism of the control of evil Qi, can I rest assured that you will follow me! " A proud look flashed in Lampson's eyes. It was obvious that his divine sense could clearly feel that the black evil spirit was still in the body of traceless. The magic attack method he practiced is the most orthodox advanced skill of the demon sect. Even if he killed Lampson, he would not believe that it could be broken and eliminated by means of an ordinary scattered cultivation.

"Young master, it's not proper for you to do so!" No trace a face of mourning appearance, bright eyes full of tears.

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"Damn it, traceless boy, do you still owe you a little gold man for that o-what-ka you always talk about?" At this time, Wu trace's state is full of both voice and emotion, which vividly interprets the posture of a loser who has no choice but to give in. The expression and posture seemed to be very humble, and the demon zunhuoxiao was almost conquered by the pure performance without trace, almost believing it. Demon zunhuoxiao quickly flashed a new word in his brain, imitating the traceless tone and praising his extremely fashionable worship.

"Bah, it's useless to have strength. I'm an idol!" Traceless quietly rolled his eyes and made a face to the demon zunhuoxiao.

"Hey, don't worry. As long as you are loyal to me, this evil spirit will never be used on you! I believe you will have a place in the potential list when you get to the top of the potential list one day On the other side, Lampson seemed to be very happy. He walked slowly to no trace. His vigilance in his eyes was obviously weakened. He reached out his white palms full of evil Qi on his arms and patted his traceless shoulder. His expression is just like the manner of a teacher. He spoke slowly and comfortingly.

"Cough, young master, since I'm already your man, can you let me die to understand. What are the top nine in the potential list? In order to avoid that I'm going to make trouble for you, young master, when I wander in the river and lake in the future No trace coughed two times, his body slightly yawned, and his eyes were full of smile. He asked Lampson respectfully again. In particular, no trace also specially added a sentence in the words, which is just like casting salt on Lampson's fragile little heart.

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"Hum, if you dare to mention half a sentence about ranking again, I'll let you die now!" There was a touch of pain in Lampson's eyes, and his evil spirit turned white. Immediately, his white face was full of impatience, but he still slowly opened his mouth and kept on talking to Wuchen: "hum, the guy who ranked ninth in the potential list is called Baibian childe. He is the youngest disciple of Jiansha daozong."

"Er, young master with all kinds of changes..." hearing the words, the expression on the handsome face of traceless haramoto was a strange twitch in vain, and he prayed silently for the stupid Lampson in front of him.

"Hum, Mr. Baibian is really disgusting. He is not afraid of my spirit attack by virtue of his Yin evil cultivation. Otherwise, he is a rascal. How can he be ahead of me?" Lampu snorted coldly, as if his whole face was full of anger when he mentioned Baibian. There must be some unknown feud between Lampson and Baibian.

"Well, if this guy knows that Baibian childe has hung up the ball, I don't know if he will be excited and insane!" Traceless heart a burst of speechless, looking at in front of hate teeth are itching, Lampson secretly laugh.

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"Cough, I can't get angry when I mention that guy. Let's not talk about him!" Lampson seemed to be aware of his gaffe and coughed awkwardly at traceless. Then, Lampson spoke slowly again and continued to explain the ranking of potential list."In the potential list, the eighth one is a disciple of Bixia palace, named Ji Ruxue. It is said that this girl is like Bixia palace for one year, crushing the same realm. The sisters of the master are like playthings, and they have become the disciples of Bixia palace with a strong attitude. But I don't know why. A few months ago, Bixia palace announced that this woman had suddenly disappeared mysteriously. Now someone in Bixia palace has taken her place, but the potential list has not been updated, so she is still in the eighth place

"Damn, Ruxue is on the potential list!" Traceless eyes flashed a look of consternation, obviously did not expect Ji Ruxue even set off such a huge storm in Bixia palace. But now Ji Ruxue has entered the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, and is practicing in the thirteen exquisite pagodas to transform the realm of soul and the realm of cultivation of Emperor Wu. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to keep Ji Ruxue's name on the annual updated potential list.

"In the potential list, Mo Qingsong, the seventh in the list, is also the son of Mo Qianli, the deputy leader of Chen Baozhai."

"The sixth person in the potential list is named Jianming. It is said that Jianzi is the seventh peak of Jiange. But now the sword pavilion has publicly announced that he is wanted. It seems that he will never be seen in the list of potential next year! "

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"Hoo After listening to Lampson's words, Wu Chen can't help sighing. Now he has stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm. When his name appears again, he may only appear on the six states list.

"The fifth person in the potential list is said to come from the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. His name is aftershock. He is the only three generations of disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy." Lampson didn't notice the change of traceless expression, but continued to introduce thoughtfully.

"Damn, like snow. Nameless. Aftershocks, these three guys are all on the potential list. Am I also on the potential list?" No trace hard swallow swallow saliva, in the heart unexpectedly some expectation of inexplicable beat up. It seems that it is quite unreal, but without trace, I don't know my name. It has been passed on to the younger generation of disciples of the major forces in mainland China for a long time

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