Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 675: 675

"Wow!" A hot wave rushed to attack, and the vast desert under the thunderous sun seemed extremely hot and dry. The yellow sand is rampant all over the sky, and there is a tendency to encircle the bodies of Wuchen and Lampson.

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"Ha ha, do you look like I'm joking with you?" No trace faint smile slowly raised his arm, the momentum of his body in vain become inexplicable cold. An invisible sword will rush out along the traceless arm in an instant, and it will rush past Lampson's cheek.

"Poof!" The invisible sword rushed by, and there was a bright red blood mark on Lampson's cheek. Lampson knew for himself the horror that had just burst out from his body. Just now, if the blow of no trace was slightly on the upper side, the ten lampsons would have been killed on the spot.

"Gulu!" On the other side, the face of Lampson, who had just passed by death, suddenly became unbearably defeated. Lampson spat hard and looked back at the traceless eyes with a trace of awe and fear.

Brush. Brush. Brush

All the strange shadows, like ghosts, flashed out from the empty places in all directions. Under the influence of the powerful power of the emperor, all of them rushed to the sky and smashed away on the traceless body.

It's almost unbelievable that Wu trace just released a hint of warning. Not to mention that Lampson, who had the lowest accomplishments in the field, didn't have the slightest reaction time. Even the ghosts and demons who were hidden in the void didn't react. By the time they came back, Lampson's cheeks were red.

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Therefore, all the powerful people of Wuhuang appeared at the same time, and several forces of heaven and earth were intertwined, trying to shackle the no trace in the field.

First of all, just a sudden move without trace is a great insult to the powerful people of the demon clan and the Emperor Wu. Secondly, the appearance of a group of powerful warriors in the ghost clan is to prevent Lampson from having any accidents again. After all, if Wuchen hit him suddenly just now, people would not dare to guarantee that Lampson's life was still on the spot.

"He has no malice. Don't attack him!" Lampson was also aware of the appearance of a group of powerful ghosts and demons, and immediately spoke to them.

"Suddenly As soon as Lampson's voice rang out. The power of terror and turbulence suddenly surged up between heaven and earth, and there were nearly ten laws containing all kinds of metaphysical power. They came down from the sky and bombarded and fell on the traceless body without deviation.

Boom boom. Boom boom

A series of violent and terrifying sounds, earthshaking in general, resounded from the place where no trace was. The power of several laws of heaven and earth is turbulent and surging, which immediately engulfs the whole person without trace and submerges him in the explosion of violent Xuanli.

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"God, man..." Lampson's eyes were full of amazement, and his whole body was in vain. The terrible Xuanli air burst in front of him, and the air waves piled up and rushed forward, overturning Lampson on the spot. His body was attacked by the terrible explosive force, and fell quickly behind him uncontrollably.

"Brush!" A dark evil gas rose up, and even wrapped the whole body of Lampson in the air. With the appearance of various figures in the surrounding void, there were no less than ten ghosts and Demons standing around Lampson, and Wu Huang was a strong man.

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

The terrible and violent Xuanli burst out in endlessly, and the center of the place where no trace just located has been completely smashed out of a deep pit. While all the people were concentrating on the battle group filled with smoke, strange footsteps echoed quietly in the turbulent void.

Boom boom. Boom boom


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"Well, who is it?"

"Who on earth dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of the emperor?"

A rather angry voice of reprimand, in the mouth of a group of ghosts and Demons Emperor Wu strong will have spread out. Around the void, there was still a dull sound of footsteps, just above the most violent center of Wuchen's explosion of Xuanli. A strong figure in purple gold armor, a fiery red shadow on the body, and a purple Thunder Dragon shadow on the left and right sides of his body respectively, on the handsome face of traceless. At this time, he even had a bad smile, with heavy steps, and the whole body appeared safely in the eyes of the public.

"Damn, man of God, are you a man or a ghost now?" At the sight of no trace stepping out safely and unharmed, Lampson's eyes almost fell. After all, just now, it was a joint attack of several powerful warriors at the level of Emperor Wu to release the power of the law, not to mention the traceless cultivation realm of the infant soul realm in the later period. That is to say, if a powerful emperor in the general spirit world suffers this terrible blow, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured on the spot. And now the traceless is not only safe and sound, it seems that the style has the power of the first World War. How can Lampson be silenced by such a strange scene."Ha ha, if you don't die after this exploration, you may go further and have a chance to be in the top five of the potential list!" With a faint smile, Wu trace spoke slowly to the worried Lampson on the opposite side. His bright and rich voice resounded sonorously and forcefully, as if it was a disguised proof of Wu trace's life and death.

"Eh, this guy has reached the level of a half step emperor!"

"Damn, what kind of training method does this boy cultivate in his body? How can he be so strong?"

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"It's weird. Be careful!"

A group of powerful ghosts and Demons stepped forward and stood in front of Lampson. At the same time, a number of powerful people in the soul realm are released without reservation, and the breath of powerful people in the soul realm is surging out, and the bright halo of law is hovering around the people's bodies.

"Ha ha, is it only half a step to become emperor? Wu Huang is Wu Huang in huahun realm. How can we say that? " No trace light smile, the whole person in vain suddenly step forward. On his body, the red flame of the different fire and the Thunder Dragon of the nine clouds purple sky burst out and soared. Moreover, the strange light on both sides of a black and a white rises and lingers on the traceless body shape at the same time, and the power and momentum of the law of heaven and Earth spread out without reservation.

Gollum. Gollum

Bursts of intense huff and puff came out slowly from the mouths of the powerful people in the spirit realm. At this time, the powerful people in the spirit realm of Wuhuang, who were originally well-equipped, were staring at the black, white and the power of the two-color law on Wuchen's body, all of them were stunned on the spot... < br >

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