Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 676: 676

Boom boom. Boom boom

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The power of black and white is everywhere on the body of no trace. In addition to the body of Chenghuang realm exposed by Wuhen just now, Wuhen itself has completely reached the level standard of the powerful emperor in huahun realm. However, what is astonishing is that the breath of cultivation level emitted from Wu Chen's body is still firmly above the peak level of cultivation in the later stage of infant soul, which is commonly known as the level of half step Wu Huang.

"By the power of the law?"

"His grandmother's, what kind of monster is this guy? How can he realize the power of the law by cultivating in the realm of soul?"

"Well, there's something wrong with this boy. Get out. Everybody get out!"

On the other side, a group of ghosts and demons in the realm of Emperor Wu were all shocked, and all the people looked at the traceless eyes as if they were looking at monsters. With the power of the law, all the powerful figures of a Taoist emperor soared up to the sky. With Lampson, they quickly opened a distance of hundreds of meters away from it.

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"Damn, god man, I'll kneel down for you. You'll be my boss after that. I'll take it. I'll take it with all my heart!" In the void, a cry of shock and a little excitement resounded from the guards of the powerful emperor in the soul realm. Lampson's eyes were full of amazement, and he looked at the traceless man standing in the same place in front of him.

"Ha ha, now if I want to kill him, who can still keep me? As I said, I don't intend to be an enemy of your demon sect, so we'll leave here and go our own way! " With a faint smile without trace, the power of the black and white law of life and death lingering around the body is slowly absorbed in the body. The fire and flame from the sky soared to the sky. The purple sky thunder and Thunder Dragon slowly fell down, and once again occupied on the shoulders of traceless.

"Cough, young master Liu, I've offended many people just now. Since Master Liu is no doubt the enemy of our demon sect, our demon sect will not make enemies at random! " In the void, all the powerful people of the ghost clan looked at each other one after another. One of them, a middle-aged man in black robe, Moxiu, stepped forward, clasped his fist at no trace, and returned with a dignified face.

"Boom!" At this time, no trace has not yet spoken back. In the distance, over the endless end of the desert, there are seven colors of brilliant rays in vain. Moreover, with the rise of the seven colors of dazzling rays, the blazing void, even a pair of green mountains and green waters, the picture flashed away.

"Eh, old demon, what's the matter? What's going on over there?" No trace eyes flashed a color of consternation, looking at the distance is still residual in the void of the seven colors of light, in a daze. And just emerged out of the strange mood picture is just a flash away, almost no trace, have not seen it out of thin air disappeared, there is no trace to follow.

"Damn, it's not good. The precious land in the ancient wasteland has been opened!"

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"Well, someone has taken the lead in entering the Yibao heavy area!"

"Hurry up. Go to the gathering place of Yibao. If it's a little late, I'm afraid elder Huang will be killed, then we'll do it!"

In a low voice, the hot discussion spread out, and the faces of the powerful people in the Wuhuang realm of the ghost clan were all gloomy and ugly. Then, he saw a powerful Taoist warrior in the realm of emperor in succession blooming his Xuanli Qi and power. He flew with Lampson himself towards the end of the vast Yellow sand and disappeared.

"Ha ha, god man, you will be my boss in the future. Let's see each other in the forbidden area!" A burst of excited laughter, accompanied by bursts of violent wind and sand sound curled up. Lampson's figure disappeared in the bag in an instant. And in such a vast area of wild yellow sand invasion, there was only no trace left, and one person was still standing in the same place.

"Keke, traceless boy, the forbidden area of exotic treasure has been opened, which means that someone has got there first! If you don't act quickly, I'm afraid that the strange treasures in this wasteland will be out of your share! " Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong Xuying quietly appears beside Wuhen. Looking at the figure of the powerful in the realm of Wuhuang, he whispers to Wuhen.

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"Hehe, it's natural to search for strange treasures. It's also a reminder from the old demon!" Traceless light a smile, to the side of the demon respect fire Xiao gently white one eye. At that moment, the flame of different fire and the shadow of nine clouds purple sky Thunder Dragon rush to attack one after another, and the shadow of two fierce beasts stares away from the calm void in front of them.

"Ha ha, my friend, you must be tired after watching for so long! Why don't you come out and meet me and tell me about the past? " The pure light in traceless bright eyes flickers constantly, staring at the front of the void, which is calm to no waves.

"Why, someone?" The body of yaozunhuoxiao, who had been floating beside no trace, was stunned in vain, and there was a strange red light on the body. His sophisticated eyes stare coldly into the calm void in front of him, as if to see through the void completely, with a grim look."Suddenly Gusts of fierce heat waves and strong winds swept up again with yellow sand all over the sky. There is no sound in the calm void, only no trace is still smiling and standing in the void.

"Ha ha, my friend, it's boring!" No trace raised his hand with a smile, and his body rose in vain with a pure and vigorous fury. The sword will fly out and turn into silver streamers in an instant. It will become an invisible and fierce net like a thin thread. It will fly out of the air and burst out towards the void which is calm to the front without any waves.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

The strange silver sword spirit burst out from all over the world, and instantly turned into a series of terrible silver sword Qi, which burst into the calm void. All the rising sword Qi burst out at the same time, which broke the void into pieces of Xuanli Qi.

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"Brush!" At the time of the outbreak of the terrible sword spirit, a strange yellow light flashed out of the calm void.

With the rise of the yellow light, an invisible force spread quietly in the surrounding area.

"Ha ha, I can find my existence. It seems that you are really a freak. My name is camel. It's a monster in the soul transforming realm. It's also the leader of this desert area. As it happens, your camel master lacks a human servant. Would you like to submit to me? " The light of earthy yellow gradually changed, and a tall middle-aged man with scorched skin emerged out of thin air. Moreover, on his middle-aged man's back, he could see two protruding bags, and a huge local gourd was tied between the two protruding bags. The middle-aged man, named camel, was still holding a pipe and an hourglass in his hand. His eyes were full of fun and he was staring coldly at the traceless figure.

"Cough, desert camel? Pipe sandglass? Your sister, what monsters and ghosts. What beauty painting skin No trace face a burst of embarrassment, mouth a burst of coughing, almost choked himself, looking at the face in front of this scorched yellow, momentum is not good, the heart even as if there are tens of thousands of ponies trampling at the same time in general. Over the river and sea, inexplicable blood surge up< br>

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