Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 677: 677

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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A rare strange sound, from the middle-aged man named camel side flow resounding. Drops of fine yellow sand flow down the hourglass in the hands of camels, and these crystal clear hourglass are dancing with the wind towards the front of the traceless place, and the two sides are blowing away.

"Eun Gong, help me..." with the crystal clear yellow sand blowing in the wind, a weak voice quietly into the traceless ear. It seemed that the voice was extremely weak and familiar, which made the body of Wu trace standing in the distance slightly stunned.

"Old demon, do you hear me?" No trace's eyes were full of vigilance. The fire on his left and right shoulders was red and the dragon of Leiman was still standing. The eyes of the four fierce beasts were like evil spirits and evil spirits. They were staring at the middle-aged man named camel. They did not want to relax at all.

"Eh, I heard it. It seems that it's not an illusion, but someone is really asking for your help..." in Yao Zun Huoxiao's fiery red and empty shadow's capable eyes, it's obvious that a wisp of it also flashed and nodded quietly to the no trace beside him.

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"Ha ha, Tian Zao. It's really Tian Zao!" On the other side, the middle-aged man camel seems to be aware of the weak voice floating in the void, and even burst out laughing in front of the traceless face. Then his right hand grabbed the hourglass at his waist and fell down quickly. A thin shadow fell out of the hourglass.

"Plop!" A dull heavy sound, in the yellow sand blowing all over the sky is particularly loud. I saw a young man in the clothes of a tavern clerk sitting on the ground, with a long brown tail behind him rocking irregularly.

"Eh, a magic instrument that can carry living things? How could such a treasure fall into the hands of this monster? " Demon zunhuoxiao Huohong virtual shadow suddenly moved, staring at the hourglass that was once again pinned to the waist by the camel monster. You know, on the mainland of China, the general storage ring is a luxury for the warrior. And even the storage tools carried by some powerful people in the soul realm are basically unable to carry living things. For example, the purple wood cauldron carried by Wu trace has gone beyond the scope of common magic tools, so it is reasonable to carry living things. At this time, the big monster standing in the distance actually has a magic weapon carrying living things. How can he not let the demon zunhuoxiao feel surprised and stunned.

"Well, it's you?" No trace Leng Leng looking at the figure falling from the hourglass, eyes full of disbelief. It turns out that the man released by the camel monster is the cowardly tavern guy who triggered the battle of Holy Land tavern on the spot. No wonder that the sound of asking for help just floated out of the wind sounds familiar to traceless ears.

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"En. En Gong. Help. Help!" The boy who has been sitting on the ground, behind him, his long brown tail swayed excitedly. After seeing no trace, his frightened face was suddenly surprised by panic, and ran to no trace with excitement.

"Hey, you little demon, your camel grandfather, I'm kind enough to save your life, but you dare to eat in front of camel grandfather! It's true that you are not of our own race, and your heart must be different. " Camel monster eyes flashed a touch of fun color, his left hand palm in vain. Around the air, the air of Xuanli trembles in vain. The yellow sand rising and flowing on the ground rapidly and violently curls up. It quickly turns into a yellow sand cage full of earthly Xuanli breath, and the whole person who has been lying down to the general journey is buckled on the ground.

Whoa. Whoa

The sound of the yellow sand rushing and moving faintly appeared, and the yellow sand cage full of one person was surrounded by layers of crystal clear yellow sand. These yellow sands are rushing like running water now, surging into the yellow sands, and drowning more than half of the people who are imprisoned in the yellow sands cage.

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"Cough, my Lord. Help me!" The wild yellow sand surges in like running water, and the whole body of the young man is submerged in the cage of yellow sand. At this time, only the part above the shoulder is intact, and the top of the long brown tail behind him is still exposed. However, the whole person of Xiaoji is completely confined in the cage of yellow sand by this strange flowing water, which makes Xiaoji unable to move except to open his mouth for help.

"Shit, you guy, what the hell is going on. How come every time I meet you, nothing good will happen to me? " Traceless turned his eyes hard and looked helplessly at the young man in the yellow sand cage. I still remember when they met for the first time, it was because of this guy that the Holy Land tavern was completely scrapped. Wuhen killed Baibian, so Wuhen was also hunted and hunted by the gang of Jiansha.

Finally, fortunately, the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless appeared in time, which made the sword cut the twelve apprentices Lao Longda, and made Wuhen safely out of danger.However, as a result, the enmity between tianyunzong and the jingcangge of the academy and its rigid and evil way seems to have deepened and cannot be resolved.

And at this time, the second meeting of the two people, is to make no trace, a person alone facing the spirit of the realm level of the big monster. In general, compared with the level of the same realm, the combat power of monsters is obviously stronger than that of human warriors of the same level.

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"Puff. Puff, my Lord, help!" Rushing to the flowing crystal clear yellow sand, submerged in the prison of yellow sand, rolling higher and higher. At this time, the yellow sand flowing in has been submerged in his jaw and mouth.

"Cough, it must be a special fate, will let you come together..." demon zunhuoxiao empty shadow holding a bad smile, hiding in the side, to no trace big laugh.

"Damn, bad luck, you wretch..." Wuchen wailed and glanced at the struggling young man in the yellow sand prison. Immediately, the flame of red and different fire on his body was long and fast, and he rushed out of his body madly.

The ferocious beast, with its mouth wide open, flies by in flames all over its body. The place where its body shadow passes is full of fury, and the yellow sand all loses its luster and scatters down, while the ferocious beast flashes through the void, and rushes to the prison where the yellow sand is piled up to bombard and collide with each other

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