Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 679: 679

"Suddenly A gust of fanatical wind blows by, and an extremely strange scene happens in the empty space of the anxious confrontation here.

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The fragrant white smoke ring fog seemed to be everywhere, and it kept flying along the seven orifices of traceless body. At the moment, the traceless is just like the wood carving and clay sculpture, standing in the same place in a trance. It's like the flame of different fire spread over the traceless body, which makes the surrounding terrible Xuanli unable to invade and attack the traceless body.

On the other side, the camel monster still holds a cigarette holder, while jiuxiao purple sky thunder purple thunder is still spreading all over the camel monster. The camel monster's body twitches slightly, and the wine gourd on its back is covered with dense purple thunder, Obviously, it was attacked by the lightning force of jiuxiao purple sky thunder.

"Eh, the nine sky purple thunder leimang was so powerful that he couldn't kill him on the spot. It seems that the Wuhuang level monster of the Xuanli of the earth has a very significant restraint on the attacks of other attributes... "The demon zunhuoxiao's empty shadow is like watching a good play, and his expression is full of indifference, standing in the air.

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"My Lord, be careful!" At the side of demon zunhuoxiao, the guy with panic on his face is nervous, while the puppet who holds him in his arms is still standing in the same place, staring at the tense empty space.

"Hum!" A loud sound of sword, Turks from no trace waist resounded from the general. The sharp sword with a slight tremor rises up along the jade belt on Wuchen's waist and turns it into a power to protect the field. The light shield firmly guards the whole person of Wuchen.

"Poof. Poof!" As soon as the rising white smoke rings touch the sword array, they are killed by thousands of sword Qi. The white smoke was floating and trembling in the air, but this time it was unable to break through the defense of the sword array in the field of protection, and it was unable to run into the divine consciousness in the mind again through the seven orifices of no trace.

"Hoo A dull breath, slowly spit out from traceless mouth. With the crazy operation of the eternal Heaven and earth skills in Wuchen's body, the vigorous and pure air of Hongmeng chaos will rush out, devouring all the white smoke invading into Wuchen's body.

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"Brush!" With traceless eyes burst open in vain, it seems that two purple gold flashes will appear in the calm void. However, the white smoke left in Wu Chen's mind disappeared quickly. Wu Chen gave a deep breath, and his eyes were full of vigilance. He once again looked at the camel beast in front of him several times.

Click. Click

With the loud sound of friction, the nine sky purple thunder covering the camel monster became restless in vain. The terrible purple thunder awn frictions and flows on the body of camel monster. You can clearly see the rising purple awn flying wantonly. Moreover, there is a smell of burning in the void. It seems that jiuxiao purple thunder has hurt the body of camel monster, which is very strange.

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"Bang!" A clear sound, in a twinkling of an eye on the camel big monster's body, resounded. The clothes on the back of the camel monster split quickly, and the two protruding bags were exposed. The two golden meatballs are like humps, shining in the scorching sun.

"Brush!" At the same time, a strange and heavy force of earth's law of heaven and earth appeared in the body of camel monster. And with the power of this strange law completely spread over the camel monster's body.

The camel monster's eyes are as big as a meat ball, and two golden and dazzling yellow awns suddenly appear. Then he saw that jiuxiao purple thunder, which originally covered the flesh of camel monster, was restless as if it was out of control.

All the purple ray mang instantly separated from the body of the camel monster and concentrated on the double peaks behind the camel monster. The two humps of the meat ball protruding from the back of the camel monster emit the light of the Yellow awn, and absorb the afterglow of the nine sky purple thunder awn into the two humps on its back.

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"Cough, good guy, you're really strong, ray mang!" Camel big monster light cough twice, once again look to have no trace in the vision obviously many a touch of cold meaning. His body, which had been numbly imprisoned by the nine sky purple thunder, gradually calmed down and regained his freedom of movement.

"Why, ray mang disappeared completely? What's so mysterious about the double peaks on this guy's back that he can not be afraid of the attack of the nine sky purple thunder? " On the other side, Wu trace, who has just recovered his mind, is also extremely shocked. The Lei mang he just released is a nine sky purple thunder, which can be called the upper king of Lei Xuanli's Qi. However, the monster on the opposite side was not badly damaged. Instead, it took advantage of the strange double peaks behind it to remove the power of the nine sky purple thunder and thunder from the sky. Such strange things are almost unheard of, for the first time to encounter such a situation of no trace, no doubt then shocked and shocked."Ha ha, the twin peaks are stirring up to produce the power of martial spirit. Just now, the power of nine sky purple thunder and thunder must have been absorbed into the body by the camel monster using the power of martial spirit. And the strange double peaks behind it should be where its martial spirit is. It is a big monster at the level of Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm, and it also has the power of double martial spirits. Traceless boy, it seems that you want to accept it easily. I'm afraid that your wishful thinking is going to fail... "The shadow of the demon zunhuoxiao floats gently, and his eyes stare at the golden twin peaks behind the camel monster in the distance.

"Hum, it's just double spirits. Why are you afraid? I'd like to see what it can do for me No trace cold hum, obviously also aware of the camel big monster behind the two peaks strange. Immediately, he saw no trace suddenly step forward, his red flame reflected on his purple and gold armor, which showed that the whole person was extremely majestic and domineering.

At the same time, around Wuchen's body, the sword Qi of thousands of guardians rises at the same time, and turns into bright silver sword light floating in the air. All the sharp sword blades are shining with fierce momentum, and they point coldly towards the sneering camel monster body on the opposite side.... < br > the sword Qi of Wuchen's body rises up at the same time

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