Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 680: 680

Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

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The sound of a loud and clear sword meaning cry rises, and the power of thousands of sword Qi to protect the field turns into the rising sword light.

All over the sky, the power of the silver sword roared out, and turned into silver light and shadow, which spread all over the sky. Generally, it went to kill the camel monster on the opposite side.

"Wow!" There is also a rare movement of yellow sand, and the sound of spreading is faint. The wild yellow sand in the void has gathered madly, guarding the crystal clear quicksand water lines, blocking the sky and the sun, and blocking the isolation in front of the camel monster's body.

Poop, poop. Poop, poop

The silver sword light and the crystal clear quicksand water line collided with each other madly, and the fierce Xuanli air spread wildly in the void. The fury of Xuanli's Qi was turbulent, and they attacked and killed Wuchen and camel monster respectively.

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"Whoosh!" A green light flashed out, and the air of Xuanli burst out to the extreme. Willow catkins are ethereal, with the mysterious force of the wind and the mysterious Qi. Without trace, the whole body is as light as willow catkins.

In the blink of an eye, the traceless body moves freely through the turbulent mysterious forces like clouds and flowing water. The sword power released by itself is quickly integrated with the silver sword in his hand. Traceless body like a ghost in general flash out, when its figure reappeared, has been quietly around to the camel monster's body.

"Ha ha, it's just a small skill of carving insects!" Camel monster body is still standing in place, did not show any panic color. The yellow sand water line suspended in the air quickly turned into a thick earth wall, falling down continuously, completely blocking and isolating the turbulent air of Xuanli from the front.

At the same time, he saw that the huge tusang wine gourd tied to the body behind the big camel monster flashed in vain and fell into the hands of the big camel monster strangely. Then, he saw the camel beast gently open the mouth of the wine gourd, and suddenly pour it into his mouth.

"Gulu. Gulu!" A sound of creeping sound, strong wine gas along the camel beast's mouth quickly diffuse out. The strong wine gas seemed to be so strong that it ignited the mysterious power of fire hidden in the void.

"Poof!" The mysterious power of fire vaporized into strong and wanton strange flames, which hovered around the camel like ghost fire. At this moment, the mysterious force of earth, the mysterious force of fire, and the breath of the giant camel monster are rising up. After rising, the humps, which are like two meatballs, are showing a strange and terrible purple light.

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"The leaves are falling!" At this time, has come to the camel big monster behind no trace finally chose to move. On the silver sword blade in his hand, a bright silver sword light burst out in vain. The silver sword light, like a flying leaf, ran freely and swayed out of the void.

"Bang!" It turned into a silver sword light with flying leaves falling down, and ran to the back of the camel monster, then the heart suddenly went away.

"Brush!" A thick and violent power of the earth suddenly rose up from the body of the camel monster. Then, a bright purple ray light and shadow burst out from one of the humps on the back of the camel monster, and went straight to the back of the traceless chest.

On the other hand, another hump on the back of camel monster is full of earth awn, which is full of vigorous and thick earth awn. At the moment when the earth's essence burst out, the air of Xuanli in the surrounding void was whirled and disordered. And the hump burst out like a mass of endless flowing whirlpool, it even released a stream of invisible suction, absorbed all the flying leaves and sword Qi into one of the humps on its back.

Click. Click

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The sword Qi of flying leaves was absorbed and disappeared by the hump behind the camel monster, and a terrible purple thunder awn burst out from another hump behind it.

The terrible purple thunder was like a long dragon, whistling and rolling out, bared teeth and mouth full of the power of thunder and lightning, running straight to the body without trace.

"Damn, this is the thunder of the nine sky purple thunder?" No trace, not far from the camel monster, showed a look of amazement in his eyes. It was too late for him to completely avoid the leimang attack.

"Brush!" But no trace had to bite his teeth and stomp his feet to show his sword spirit, which was the power of guarding the field around him.

"Boom!" The terrifying nine sky purple thunder and the power of leimang's madness came and smashed the power of guarding the field in front of traceless body. The terrible purple Leiman's power quickly attacked and spread on the traceless body, and an invisible crushing force quickly and madly destroyed every skin of the traceless body.Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong

The terrible purple Lei mang attacks the traceless body crazily, and the traceless and strong body feels an inexplicable numbness in vain. The pace of his feet unconsciously retreated and retreated, and every skin on his whole body was filled with the smell of burning.

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"Hoo A heavy, dull voice came out of the traceless mouth. The purple golden armor on Wuchen's body suddenly brightens up, and the purple leimang Thunder Dragon, which was transformed by the nine sky purple thunder, once again squats on its body. The strange purple leimang that originally attacked and bombarded Wuchen's body, also disappears in the roar of the nine sky purple leimang Thunder Dragon.

"Brush!" After breaking free from the attack of strange purple awn lightning, no trace first chose to retreat. The dragon, which was transformed by nine sky purple thunder, was all around him. His eyes were wary of ferocity, and he was staring at the camel beast slowly turning around.

"Cough as like as two peas, how can the VAILLANT that is purple and thunder get exactly the same as the momentum of the nine sky purple thunder?" No trace light cough a few, on its body unexpectedly up to now still continuously spread the meaning of acid and numbness. Traceless complexion suddenly becomes a little ugly to the extreme, quietly to the side demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow secretly sound inquiry.

"Ha ha, if the demon master is right, it must be the double hump spirit behind the monster. The purple thunder thunder as like as two peas of thunder and thunder, and the purple thunder and the thunder, the purple sky thunder that is released before you and mysteriously disappeared, "the demon of the demon fire is a gentle shadow floating on the side of the scar, and a deep and funny smile is coming up over the flaming face. br>

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