Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 70: 70

It took only half a day for the news to spread all over the inner and outer courtyards of Dazhou University.

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Three days later, Liu Wuhen, a new child of Jiangnan other college, wants to compete with Wang Tianlai, a student of Wucheng other college.

Although Wang Tianlai is not the ace student of other schools in Wucheng, his strength is also ranked in the top. Besides, his recent accomplishments have reached the late stage of he Hun Jing, while Liu Wuhen has just entered the inner courtyard for a few days, which is at best the early stage of he Hun Jing.

Liu Wuhen openly fought with Wang Tianlai about life and death, which caused the shock of the whole university. No matter inside or outside the college students or tutors, no one is optimistic about Liu Wuchen. On the contrary, Wucheng bieyuan even began to make a lot of efforts to show off. It seems that it wants to take this opportunity to consolidate its reputation.

Three days is fleeting. In the past three days, Su has secretly met Liu shuang'er once. After learning from Liu shuang'er that there is no trace in her mouth, she leaves with a smile in her eyes.

If Su has come, it is still within the range of no trace's conjecture. What surprised Wu trace most was that song Chungui, Qi Xiaxia, Liang Qiusheng, Chen Dongzang, and the king of spring, summer, autumn and winter all visited him in person. In addition, the four young people's postures are very low, as if they have great respect for Wu Chen,

From the words of Wang Du Si Shao, it is clear that as long as Wu Chen is willing to. Then the four of them can jointly exert pressure in the name of Dongbo, Xibo, Nanbo, Beibo, and the four dabieshu to ensure that no trace will be spared from the war. And as long as Wuchen is willing, he can join any one of the four hospitals at any time, and the other three hospitals have no objection.

Three days later, Dazhou college and Neiyuan learned martial arts.

At this time, all the students from Tiangang 36 other schools of inner courtyard were present around the martial arts field of inner courtyard. Except for the ace students in each other's schools who disdain to come to watch the battle, all the other students from other schools were present. Most of them came to watch the battle and planned to have a look.

No matter the tutors or the students, the whole people came to watch the battle. After all, in their hearts, no trace although joined the inner court, but still represents their inner court. No trace is not a person in the fight, it seems no trace has become the object of worship of the students. It is the spiritual symbol of the whole college and the pride of all the students in the whole college

For a short time, it was really colorful flags, crowds, gongs and drums, firecrackers. All of a sudden, the whole internal learning and martial arts field was full of people.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

On the high platform of the martial arts field, nine figures emerged out of thin air. The nine middle-aged men and women had different looks. They were all dressed in uniform and lined up.

"Boom." At this moment, all the students in both the inner and outer schools closed their mouths.

On the top of the platform, on the robes of the nine tutors, the words "Dongbo", "Xibo", "Nanbo", "Beibo", "Wucheng", "Chonghou", "Yizhou", "Qiantang", "Xiqi" and "jiudabieyuan" are embroidered on the chest.

When these nine people came out on the high platform, they were shocked in the martial arts field. After all, the statements and prestige of the nine universities are there, but they represent all the backbone of the whole university.

The strong man tutor wearing the words "Wucheng bieyuan" is not someone else. It's the martial arts of the strong man tutor that has appeared before. The martial arts circle looked around the martial arts arena and said to the audience indifferently: "today's World War I is supervised and presided over by our nine major schools. Gamble on life and death, and each one's destiny. Let's meet the students, let's go

"Another courtyard in Wucheng, Wang Tianlai!" With the words of the martial arts tutor of Wucheng other academy falling, a figure in the team of Tiangang 36 Academy in the lower inner courtyard suddenly jumped out and landed on the martial arts field. This person is no other than Wang Tianlai, a student of Wucheng other college.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

A light and gentle sound of footsteps came slowly from far and near. Dressed in a green robe, the instrument is elegant and traceless, and is smiling from the crowd.

Dada, dada, dada

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No trace a little smile, raise a hand and then grasp the long ladder leading to the high platform below. In the eyes of many students in the inner courtyard, the whole person climbed up leisurely.

"Ha ha, this guy is doing it again!"

"Keke, last time, he seems to have made such a dent in our experts in the outer courtyard!"

"Oh, what a familiar scene!"

"Haha, it seems that the people in the inner courtyard should be shriveled this time!"

All the students in the outer college laughed and looked at the students in the inner college.

"Cough, traceless boy, are you playing with me?" A strange red awn emerges, and the demon zunhuoxiao floats in the air and stares at the traceless and speechless question."Hey, hey, keep a low profile all the time. This is what you taught me, young man. I always keep it in mind!" No trace a face bad smile, white eye demon respect fire Xiao disdain of return way.

"Rely on..." demon respect fire Xiao a face have no language, mercilessly toward no trace turned a big white eye. Traceless air, a moment of Kung Fu then climbed to the high platform.

"Ha ha, there is no trace of willow in other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River!" No trace clasped his fist and gave a courtesy to a group of nine tutors around the martial arts field.

"Ha ha, good, good, really young and promising!" The tutor of Dongbo farewell college burst out laughing and nodded to no trace with satisfaction.

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"Thank you, teacher, for your praise!" No trace light a smile, neither humble nor overbearing arched back.

"Ha ha, I haven't seen my teacher Yanyu for some days. If you have a chance, let him take you to my West uncle's other hospital. You are welcome to my West uncle's other hospital at any time!" Xibo other courtyard that female tutor's face is full of soft, harmonious whisper to no trace smile way.

"Sure, sure!" Traceless look indifferent, calm mouth arched back.

"You are welcome to my Nanbo bieyuan at any time!"

"Hey, hey, don't forget, there's our Beibo courtyard!"

The tutors of nanbobie and beibobie also opened their mouths to show their love to Wuchen. No trace smiles, hugs his fist, bows his hand, and salutes back to the two tutors in turn.

"I'm Jiang Shang, the tutor of Xiqi other college. My Xiqi other college specializes in students of scattered studies. If you are interested, you can also come to Xiqi other hospital The old tutor of Xiqi other courtyard said with a loving face and a smile to no trace.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Jiang. If you have time, you must go!" For Xiqi other college, which specializes in students of scattered studies, Wuhen has always maintained a good feeling and awe. Therefore, for the tutor Jiang Shang, traceless answer is undoubtedly a bit more intimate.

At the same time, the teachers of Chonghou, Qiantang, Yizhou and Sanyuan were surprised, and their eyes turned to Wu Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hum, boy, you have life to survive first!" Wu Cheng other academy tutor martial arts complexion instant gloomy incomparable, staring at no trace voice indifference said.

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"Ha ha, life and death depend on fate, wealth depends on heaven! It's just the so-called "human calculation is not as good as heaven calculation", heaven calculation is not as good as not! You don't have to worry about the boy's life and death! "

"Ha ha, in addition, I hope the other Wucheng hospital can keep its word. If you lose this battle, you won't trouble me any more! Of course, I'm not afraid of you. I'm just in trouble. After all, I have to help you every day, which will delay my personal practice Traceless laugh, voice calm, fearless staring at the teacher martial arts and talk.

"Ha ha, as long as you can win this battle, I will keep my promise! But if you die early, don't blame me for not giving you a chance! Today, my martial arts are very kind-hearted. At last, I ask you whether you want to fight or not. I advise you to quit now. It's still too late! " The teacher's martial arts is full of smirk and speaks without trace in front of all the students in the college.

"Ha ha, a man should be a man when he is born, and a hero when he is dead. It's just a Wang Tianlai. I don't have a trace to fear! " No trace burst out laughing, standing on the high platform, looking at the crowd below the hearty way back.

"Life is a hero, death is also a ghost hero..." Wen Yan, no matter the tutor on stage or the students off stage, everyone was shocked by the words of no trace. A group of tutors on the stage, including martial arts, all looked at Wu Chen again. Many students under the stage were shocked and looked at Wu Chen with admiration.

"Well, ugly people do a lot of mischief!" On the other side, Wang Tianlai, who has been on the stage for a long time, looks at the indifferent no trace on his face, which makes his teeth itch. I thought that once I stepped on the stage, I would become the focus of attention. Who knows that when Liu Wuhen just appeared on the stage, all the students in the college were attracted by him. Even with the tutors of other colleges, they all showed their love to him one after another.

You know, the college tutors standing on the stage are all authoritative tutors who have a strong voice in each other's colleges.

As long as you get the respect of any one of the tutors, the way of cultivation in the future will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. Compared with Wang Tianlai's embarrassing position in Wucheng other college, it is ten times, hundreds of times and even more.

"Hum, I must kill you in front of everyone, and let them know that Wang Tianlai is the best son in the inner court!" Every time I think of this place, the hatred in Wang Tianlai's eyes becomes stronger. Looking at the smiling willow without trace, Wang Tianlai's killing intention is more determined< br>

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