Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 71: 71

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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On the high platform, nine Xuanli breath rose in vain. The tutors of the nine universities urged the mysterious force in the body one after another, and the nine terrible momentum rose rapidly.

An invisible barrier sprang out and covered the whole platform strangely. On the high platform, it seems to be completely imprisoned by this momentum. Except for the smooth and unimpeded Xuanqi of heaven and earth, any remaining Xuanli can't freely enter and leave the barrier.

"Gambling begins, no matter life or death!" In front of the martial arts tutors of Wucheng other college, the nine tutors on the stage flashed out of sight.

On the whole platform, it became empty in a moment. On such a large platform, there was only Liu Wuchen with a cool face and Wang Tianlai with fierce eyes. They stood up looking at each other.

"Boy, you're dead today!" Wang Tianlai's whole body momentum was suddenly released, and the terrible murderous spirit was instantly diffused. Wang Tianlai's killing intention is not hidden in his eyes. He points to the non trace in his hand and shouts in a low voice.

"Ha ha, if you have any skill, just let it go! If you blink your eyes, your master is not a hero! " With a smile, the power of Xuanqi rises. There is a light golden light on the whole body, and there are two forces of ten thousand dragons on the double fists.

"Hum, boy, you die for me!" With a cold hum, Wang Tianlai suddenly burst out the power of mysterious Qi.

The sound of dragon chants rises, and the breath of Xuanli surpasses the power of thousands of dragons rises to the sky. One after another, they turned into terrible streamers and went straight to the no trace on the opposite side.

"Well, the boy's Xuanli spirit seems to have improved a lot. It seems that in these three days, he has stabilized his state! " No trace slightly picked pick eyebrow, feel the opposite layers of Longyin pressure. On the double fists of the earth awn, the blue mist rose.

"Wanlong Shenglong boxing!"

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There are several green air filled fists, mixed with the sound of rolling dragon. In the blink of an eye, the momentum of the fist released by no trace reached the power of super dragon in an instant. With the opposite momentum of the power of the dragon, fierce impact in a place.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of violent cracking sound, one after another on the high platform. Layers of Xuanli waves spread in a flash, and the powerful breath blew a rustling sound on the high platform. Fortunately, invisible barriers have been set up around the platform, which makes many students under the platform free from the terrible storm.

A heat wave rises, in a smoke of gunpowder. The two figures were separated and gradually set off clearly in the eyes of the public.

After several punches, we can see that Wu Chen and Wang Tianlai are still standing in the same place. With the momentum of state cultivation in the early stage of he Hun Jing, Wu trace was able to fight against Wang Tianlai's later stage of he Hun Jing and his chamber.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, come on

"Hey hey, Liu Wuchen, turn him over, we'll support you in the outer courtyard!"

"Ha ha, maybe Liu Wuhen can really beat Wang Tianlai! Doesn't that mean that we outside the college can beat the students inside the college? "

As a result, a group of 72 students from other colleges and universities were in full swing, cheering and standing up for the no trace on the stage.

"Damn, this boy has played a super power?"

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"My God, the initial strength of he Hun Jing was able to compete with the later level experts of he Hun Jing. How could this happen? It's hard to imagine!"

"Ha ha, it's just the beginning. Although the power seems to be equal in strength, in the early stage of he Hun Jing, it can't be compared with that in the later stage of he Hun Jing. I believe Liu Wuchen will be defeated soon! "

"Wang Tianlai, give him a look!"

"Wang, don't disgrace our inner courtyard!"

"Brother Lai, kill this boy, I'll treat you to flower wine!"

After hearing the cheers from the people in the outer courtyard, a group of students in the inner courtyard roared loudly.

For a moment, the whole martial arts field of the inner courtyard was full of people. There are laughter, abuse, flag waving and farting. A duel between life and death seems to have evolved into a prosperous period of duel between inner and outer colleges in the whole university.

"Ha ha, now my training has been completed. Even if I play Shenglong boxing, I can't hurt my foundation. But even so, my super dragon power is only tied with Wang Tianlai in strength. It seems that the gap between the two levels of realm can not be easily made up... "With a faint smile in his eyes, Wu trace gently shakes his fists with green fog and yellow awn. The vigorous and chaotic Qi in the body is surging in every meridian of traceless body.On the other side, Wang Tianlai felt numb in his arms. Looking at Wu Chen, he was shocked.

"Ha ha, next, it's my turn!" With a faint smile, the jade belt around his waist turned into a shining soft sword.

"Hum!" With the soft sword in hand, a clear and clear sword sounds. After that, I saw Wuchen's sword Qi hovering around his body, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly became sharp.

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"Hum." Wang Tianlai's figure was slightly behind, and his nose and eyes gave a cold hum. With the sound of dragon chanting all over his body, his momentum suddenly climbed to the top.

"Liu style nine swords, sword rain."

A shining white light trembles in vain, and the boundless sword flower spreads like a fine rain. The fragrant and wanton sword Qi lingers all over the sky, gently splashes, and then rushes towards Wang Tianlai's whole body.

Poop, poop, poop

The sword's Qi flashed with cold light, and it came from the ground. Wang Tianlai's later cultivation Xuanli in the soul realm was released with all his strength, and all his powerful Xuanli came out to protect his body.

The cold light flickered and dissipated, and waves of turbulence began one after another. Wang Tianlai's whole body was covered with dark Qi, and his defense in the later stage of soul realm was shattered by the traceless sword Qi.

"Keke, what a sharp attack! It can completely destroy my defense!" At this time, Wang Tianlai's face was very dignified, and there was a faint fear in his heart.

"Ha ha, it seems that the later martial arts of the soul realm can not be shaken! If I use my sword, I believe I can kill Wang Tianlai! " No trace heart has already had the conjecture faintly, had a deeper understanding once again to own present combat power.

"Boy, take your life!" With a roar, Wang Tianlai rose up again. Countless fists are scattered from top to bottom like a storm, wrapped in bursts of super dragon power.

"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!" Below, I feel the sense of killing coming from the sky. No trace leisurely shook the soft sword in his hand, and the gentle sword air drifted all over the sky like catkins, and the layers of protection were all over no trace's body.

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Boom, boom, boom

A road of super dragon power, completely bombarded in the traceless body. The wandering sword Qi of the layers of guards whirled up, blocking the violent Xuanli from all directions.

The sound of turbulence reverberates on the high platform. The violent Xuanli photo burst, and the power of no trace's body protecting sword Qi gradually weakened.

"Keke..." a dry cough came from the rising Xuanqi filled with smoke. See a green shadow suddenly a flash, no trace whole person intact steady fall on the other side of the high platform.

Above the void, Wang Tianlai's body sways again, and the air of the terrible Xuanli lingers around his body, and rushes to the traceless below again.

"I'm so scared. I'm afraid this random blow will blow me to pieces!"

"Why, Liu Wuchen is so powerful that he can fight Wang Tianlai! I don't think Wang Tianlai can afford such a large amount of Xuanli. Why is Liu Wuchen like nobody else? "

"Ha ha, if you go on fighting like this, maybe Liu Wuchen can really win!"

"Well, in the early stage of he Hun Jing, he can fight with later stage of he Hun Jing. This boy is going against heaven! If this makes him grow up, who else in the whole college can hold him down? "

Under the high platform, Qi Qi, the tutors of the two colleges, was shocked. Originally, they didn't regard no trace as the same thing in their hearts, but now the opinions of all people have made a 180 degree turn. Now everyone has a glimmer of expectation, expecting no trace to succeed in the counterattack and defeat Wang Tianlai, which has written a rich magical color in the history of Dazhou University< br>

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