Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 72: 72

Dazhou college, inner school martial arts field, high platform.

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The air of Xuanli, which was turbulent in waves, was rising one after another, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the whole tower. The two figures are constantly changing their positions and chasing each other to attack each other. In the turbulent terrorist attacks, the sound of sword Qi accompanied by the sound of the dragon is heard all the time.

"Liu style nine swords, flowing light and flying!" There is another sword spirit around. A green shadow is natural and unrestrained. With the sword spirit floating, while avoiding the terrorist attack of Xuanli around, it walks leisurely and rushes to another figure like lightning.

"Willow style nine swords, flying leaves falling!" The sword spirit of a drizzle burst out from Qingying's hand. The sword Qi floats up and down. It seems soft and weak, but in fact it is as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it comes to Wang Tianlai.

Yila, a crisp sound of rowing came coldly. Immediately after that, a blood line was drawn to the sky, and Wang Tianlai's figure suddenly and rapidly retreated.

"Ha ha, that's right. I'm still alive!" The green shadow drifted back, and the soft sword in her hand flashed with light.

On the other side, Wang Tianlai's whole body was full of ups and downs, and there was a bright sword mark on his chest. The scar of the sword was several inches deep. It pierced Wang Tianlai's mysterious Qi from top to bottom and made a bloody long seal on his chest.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas slowly spits out, Wang Tianlai's complexion is very ugly. A pill suddenly appeared in Wang Tianlai's hand, and a surge of pure life filled the void.

With a grunt, a pill was swallowed. The look on Wang Tianlai's face gradually recovered a lot, and the blood on his chest gradually stopped flowing.

"Damn, Liu Wuchen, he, he can hurt Wang Tianlai!"

"Oh, I'll go. I've even taken the healing pill. It seems that the Wucheng hospital has already made preparations this time."

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"Ha ha, you deserve it! Let them bully and bully the weak and the weak in Wucheng other courtyard. Now they will be punished! "

Under the stage, many students in and out of the college murmured and began to point out to Wang Tianlai, who had already taken the pills on the stage.

"Why, Wang Tianlai is defeated

"Ha ha, it's too early to talk about the victory or defeat. After all, neither side has used the spirit of martial arts!"

"Martial spirit? Do you know what Liu Wuchen's martial spirit is?

"Damn, yeah, it seems that I've never heard of this boy using martial spirit!"

In the field of martial arts learning, there are many students from both internal and external schools. I don't know who was the first to ask such a question. In an instant, the martial arts field was silent. At this time, everyone found that the most serious problem was that everyone knew what the traceless spirit was. This is the most shocking and shocking place for a new comer who has never used the martial spirit to fight, and an old inner school student who can fight against the later cultivation realm of the soul realm with his own combat power alone!

"Ha ha, Wang Tianlai and I will give you another chance. Just let it go!" On the high platform, the two figures quickly separated, no trace hand soft sword breath calm, a point opposite Wang Tianlai incomparably domineering said.

"Hoo On the other side, Wang Tianlai's face was unsightly, and he was breathless. He had dozens of bloody sword marks all over his body. It seems that in the confrontation just now, no trace has always stabilized Wang Tianlai's head.

"Hum, boy, you forced me. I hope you won't regret it later!" Wang Tianlai gave a cold hum, and forced his mind to be steady. His momentum rose in vain, and a violent wind surged to the whole high platform“ Hey, boy, remember that lions fight rabbits with all their strength. Don't capsize in the gutter! " The demon zunhuoxiao shakes the virtual shadow, and asks the way of no trace.

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"Ha ha, it's real. Do you want to use your martial spirit at last?" Wu Chen smiles lightly and shakes his soft sword. The sword Qi is just like catkins, which envelops the whole body of traceless people layer by layer.

"Boy, go to hell!" With a roar, Wang Tianlai's body suddenly jumped into the air. Immediately after that, the terrible air of Xuanli burst out in the void. There are no less than hundreds of dark shadows, with the air of mysterious force and the sound of dragon chanting, they rush to the well prepared body below.

"Ten thousand horses galloping!" With a loud cry, and the sound of horse hooves. There are no less than a hundred horses in the void. The shadow of the horse is roaring and galloping, and it will rush to the traceless body with great momentum.

"Damn it, this boy, this, this is really the way to let it go!" Feeling the empty shadow of more than 100 runaway wild horses coming from all directions above the head, no trace can't help exclaiming.

Dong Dong, Dong DongMore than a hundred horses roared and screamed, and one after another they hit the sky full of sword Qi and catkins arranged in front of no trace's body. The terrible fighting of the super dragons burst apart, and the flying sword Qi was swallowed up by the galloping wild horse momentum.

"Damn, what a cruel horse!" Without trace a exclamation, body shape quickly back. At the same time, the soft sword in Wuchen's hand was waving again, and catkins were flying out of the sky. Again into an invisible barrier, tightly protected in front of the traceless body a few meters away.

Boom, boom

More than a hundred horses galloped furiously without any pause. The willow catkins and sword Qi were fragmented, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into waste smoke and dust.

"Ha ha, boy, what's the taste of the spirit of Liema? It's a brutal collision, isn't it! Small sample, this time I see you are not dead! " On the high platform, a burst of smoke rose. For a moment, the air of Xuanli lingered and surged, blocking the sight of most of the students under the stage. All of them were shocked, and they could only hear Wang Tianlai's wild laughter for a long time.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

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Bursts of dull crashing sound, cold reverberate on the high platform. Dozens of false shadows of horses burst out quickly, and a blue figure was trapped in the false shadows of horses. In the rear, more than a hundred horses were jubilant, their hooves were surging, and they rushed towards the blue figure in the middle.

"Traceless boy?" A light call, demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow far away. Staring at the blue virtual shadow trampled by the galloping horse's hooves, he began to cover his eyes.

"Poof!" A mouthful of bright red blood, from the galloping chaos of the horses in the oblique sprinkle out. Immediately after that, I saw more than a hundred horses exploding at the same time, and the whole platform shook violently for several times.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of intense huff and puff sound, one after another from around the high platform. The students inside and outside the stage, as well as a group of college tutors, were all in an uproar.

"Cough..." a fierce cough, a blue figure flashed out. No trace portable soft sword was in a mess, and there were bright red blood marks on both sides of his mouth. On the bronze shirtless upper body, the horse hoof marks are striking.

"Eh, boy, you are still alive!" On the other side, Wang Tianlai was surprised to see traceless flash. Then, a trace of proud cruel smile appeared on the treacherous face.

"Bah!" A rich bloodstain, spit out from no trace mouth. The appearance of no trace at this time, though a little tragic, is not enough to make the chaos in his body run quickly. He repaired all the internal injuries in his body quickly.

"Ha ha, boy, I don't know how crazy you can be!" With the fall of Wang Tianlai's words, a terrible air of Xuanli rises again. A dark and galloping shadow of the fierce horse came out of thin air one after another, rushing towards the opposite traceless again.

"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!"

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"Liu style nine swords, sword rain flying!"

"Liu style nine swords, streamer flying!"

Willow catkins flutter out, forming an invisible sword aura to protect Wuchen's whole body. Then, several swords scattered like rain, stabbing the fierce horses in front. Then, I saw the traceless blue figure turned into a streamer, flying through, rowing down in more than 100 roaring horses.

"Jie Jie, boy, you are so naive. Do you think you can escape if you keep hiding? My spirit of horse will keep chasing until it hits the eye! " Wang Tianlai on one side of the high platform looks up at the sky with a long smile, and sneers at the light and shadow in front of the changing position.

"Hum, the meaning of Yanyu sword!" With a cold hum, the sword Qi scattered in the void suddenly condenses, and the horrible sword Qi will ignite the high platform instantly.

In a twinkling, the rain and chill rose. Hundreds of horses were all strangled by this strange continuous sword.

"Wow On the other side, Wang Tianlai's body suddenly trembled. A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and his face was as white as paper. The whole person's body was soft again, and then he collapsed on the high platform.

Gulu, Gulu, all the changes happened in a blink of an eye, when the people around the high platform had not recovered. Then I saw "brush!" At that moment, a green shadow galloped out, holding a soft sword until Wang Tianlai's throat was sitting on the ground.

"No, don't kill me, please, please!" Wang Tianlai's eyes were full of panic, and the whole person's mental state was in a state of panic.

"Liu style nine swords and flying leaves are floating." A light call, as if there were no trace, came from the mouth. The sharp point of the bright soft sword suddenly burst out a sword light. The meaning of the sword was as light and melodious as a flying leaf, straight and slanting on Wang Tianlai's chest."Poof!" A slight light sound echoed coldly on the high platform. There was a dead silence around the high platform. Wang Tianlai glared at Dou Da's eyes and fell straight towards the high platform behind him

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