Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 709: 709

Daddada, dada, dada

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On the edge of dense forest, it is in a closed space condensed by array weapons. A gentle sound of footsteps will ring out in an irregular way, and the chaotic sound will be out of order outside the confinement area.

At the moment, no trace is holding his breath and creeping along the edge of this imprisoned area. On one side, the organ puppet, as tall as a half black tower, still stood on the spot with cold eyes. On both sides of his shoulders were yuan Zong and camel monster, who sat still.

"Cluck, Congratulations, young master Mo, you have caught another group of people who have entered the magic array! When they die, all the skills and treasures they carry are in the bag of master Mo! " A very charming and beautiful voice of jiaodidi woman's voice, even without any sign, drifted in from outside the magic array.

"Why, is there a voice?" The power of divine consciousness was fully opened, and the exploration of traceless expression was in vain. In a hurry, he immediately stood up and stood up to listen quietly.

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"Brush!" A fire red virtual shadow flashed out, and the figure of demon zunhuoxiao even flashed in from outside the mirage array. Immediately, he saw the demon zunhuoxiao's disdain turned white and traceless. He seemed to speak slowly and carelessly: "nonsense, demon master, my evil spirit has been detected out of this magic array. You and demon master have my mind figured out. What demon master can feel, you can also feel one or two of them!"

"Well, it turns out that's what happened. It seems that you are not so useless, old demon!" Traceless startled Zhang Zhang mouth, seem to respect fire Xiao to be able to come and go freely to feel very happy in the illusion array. But his mouth is still not soft, habitually to the demon respect fire Xiao sarcasm.

On the other side, there was no change in the eyes of the puppet. On the contrary, Yuan Zong and the camel monster on their shoulders, as if they had not heard anything, looked puzzled and went to the grave traceless body, where they stopped in vain.

"Ha ha, Zeng Yi is joking. Although my magic weapon has the power of confinement, it is far from the power of mirage! If it wasn't for the fairy, your method of creating a dreamland and my instrument of confinement, how could it be such a good situation now? " It's also a bright and complacent wave. The laughter comes faintly, and the traceless eyebrows trapped in the dreamland are picked in vain. The man talking at this moment must be Mr. Mo, who was just in the woman's mouth, and this voice is exactly the same as Mo Qingsong, the leader of the young disciples of zhenbaozhai. Mo Qingsong had threatened Wuhen to enter Yibao's earthly land with him before, so Wuhen immediately recognized the man's identity.

As for the fairy Zeng Yi mentioned in Mo Qingsong's mouth, Wu trace probably has the answer in his heart. After all, among the major sects in the mainland of China, only Bixia palace disciples can be regarded as fairies. The only person that the Bixia palace disciples can talk to is the young and charming mysterious woman who replaces Ji Ruxue. Zeng Yi fairy, the original name of that person is Zeng Yi, I really don't know what this person is, unexpectedly completely replaced Ji Ruxue's position in Bixia palace.

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"Cackle, Mr. Mo is serious. I hope Mr. Mo can do what he says. Don't abandon the little girl when it's over!" Another snicker, like a silver bell, was enough to make most men feel numb on the spot.

"Hoo A dull breathing sound, from the mouth of no trace unconscious faint spit out. The eternal Heaven and earth determination skill in Wuchen's body runs on its own madly, and the instant clarity in its brain dispels all the enchantment skills that invade the brain.

"Ha ha, what a strong spiritual force. It seems that this woman's practice must be the main attack of spiritual power! But the enchantment skill, I'm afraid it's less than the time of the fire... "Demon zunhuoxiao Xu Ying stood with a negative hand on his face, staring at the outside of the mirage array, murmuring to himself in a low voice.

"No trace boss, what are you doing?" A figure flashed out. Yuan Zong came to no trace with a curious face and asked in a low voice.

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"Shh No trace patted yuan Zong's head and made a silent movement. After that, Wu Chen once again explores the power of divine consciousness and spirit, and carefully eavesdrops on the dialogue between the two people outside the mirage array.

"Ha ha, don't worry, fairy Zeng Yi. You and I will take half of the profits from this mirage array. Even if I enter the land of exotic treasures, my promise is still valid! "

"Cluck, so thank you for your kindness!"

"Ha ha, with the help of Zengyi fairy, I'm sure to win this trip to the land of exotic treasures! I believe that after this trip to Yibao, Zengyi fairy's name will be famous in the potential list! At that time, Zeng Yi fairy, your position will be more stable, far beyond the ice beauty Ji Ruxue... ""Hum, Mr. Mo, don't mention that bitch in front of me. If she hadn't entered my Bixia palace, how could I have been crushed by that girl. Up to now, when people talk about Bixia palace, the first thing they think of is that bitch! But now that slut has been captured by Liu Wuchen, the prodigal son of the Dengtu. He must have become a ruined woman. For those who have ruined the clan's reputation, our Bixia palace has already decided to expel them from the clan forever... "

"Ha ha, in this way, I would like to congratulate Zeng Yi fairy in advance for becoming the key training object of the younger generation of Bixia palace disciples! As for the ruins, let's not mention them, let's not mention them.... "

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A man and a woman have no taboo to talk with each other. Wu Chen, who has been besieged by fairyland Dharma array, has a gloomy face. His chest is full of ups and downs, which almost blows up his lungs. An invisible sense of killing permeates his body quietly.

"Gulu, Gulu!" On both sides, an invisible sense of killing cold spread and spread. In a flash, the whole fairyland array area was shrouded and spread. Yuan Zong and camel monster, who had been sitting on the shoulders of the organ puppet, shivered at the same time. They could not help but shiver. Two people four eyes quickly meet a pair of, immediately then face puzzled eyes will fall on the collection in the traceless body.

"Hey hey, these two guys who don't know how to live or die actually touched the scale of the traceless boy. Now, I'm afraid there will be a good play! " Demon zunhuoxiao's fiery shadow, a fiery smile on his rough cheek, and the floating figure quickly hid beside the puppet. The whole face was full of the look of watching the excitement and fearing nothing big. He stared at the whole body and swallowed the saliva excitedly< br>

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