Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 710: 710

"Suddenly A cold wind blows quietly, and the killing intention on Wuchen's body bursts out instantly. The endless silver sword air is flying all over the sky, just like sword rain coming down from the sky.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

A heavy dull sound reverberates in the mirage array one after another. Thousands of flying sword rain and sword spirit are attacking and killing madly. The space confined by the mirage array is cracking at the speed of the naked eye and breaking on the spot.

"Click, click!" A series of breaking sounds gradually came out, and the space boundary of the whole mirage array was broken.

"Bang!" At the moment when the magic array was broken, the air of all the attributes of Xuanli in the heaven and earth swarmed into the void. There was a bloody air in the void, and an invisible terror was also scattered in the fierce wind.

"Bang, bang, bang," when the magic array was broken, four clear sounds were heard from East, South, West, North and four directions at the same time. The four bright magic weapons are losing their luster, and the power of the magic weapons in the mirage array has completely dissipated into nothingness.

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"Brush!" The sword rain gradually disappeared in the void, and the violent killing intention also slowly stabilized and fell back to the traceless body. The smoke of the riot spread wildly around, and the figures of Wu Chen, the puppet leader of the organ, Yuan Zong, the camel monster and so on were exposed in the original place.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

On both sides of the dense jungle area, dozens of figures rushed out. Several infant soul cultivation disciples dressed in array treasure house costumes and several Fairies in Bixia palace appeared together to surround Wuchen and others.

At the same time, Mo Qingsong, who ranks seventh in the potential list, and Zeng Yixian, who is the leader of Bixia palace, both look solemnly and coldly on the figure of Wu Chen and others.

Plop, plop

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There was a strange dull sound, which started around the magic field. I saw a group of disciples in different costumes, all of them were standing upright in the area of mirage array.

"Eh, there are all the disciples of the major sects. It seems that they all died in this magic field. This desert green pine and that Zeng Yi fairy are too brave. If this matter is poked out, I'm afraid that the array treasure house, Bixia palace and the two major forces can't protect them... "Demon zunhuoxiao Xuying quietly follows Wu trace, and knows everything that happens in the mirage array.

"Eh, that guy, how did he also be recruited..." no trace glanced at the scattered corpses on the ground, among which several disciples dressed in tianyunzong's clothes also died in the dreamland array. At the end of another edge of the magic circle, a young man with a black robe and a shivering body was standing.

"Roar!" An angry roar came from the mouth of the young man in black robe. The eyes of the young man in black robe, who was struggling with each other, opened in vain, and his palms were soaked with blood by clenching his fists and fingers.

"Why, what happened?" Then the young man in black robe, who has just come to life, is released from the infant soul realm without reservation. The black evil spirit quickly lingers around the young man, and the young man's face is very ugly. He glances at a group of people who confront each other.

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"Ha ha, Lampson, there's nothing for you here, you can leave..." opposite, the desert pine in the zhenbaozhai looks ugly for a while, and looks coldly at the young man who just woke up. Immediately, then see its eyes fell on the body of no trace, that expression posture simply wish to eat no trace alive on the spot, general gnash teeth.

"Hum, how dare you count the disciples of each major sect, Mo Qingsong? Do you really think that I, Lampson, am afraid of you?" Lampson glanced at the scattered corpses on the ground around him. In addition, the disciples of Baozhai and Bixia palace surrounded Wuhen and others. After falling down, Lampson guessed the general situation. Without retreating, he put pressure on the figure of the desert pine in Baozhai.

"Bang!" With a loud roar, a dazzling light flashed in the arms of desert green pine. The power of magic weapons spread rapidly, and the pure and vigorous golden light quickly enveloped desert green pine. However, the magic power released by Lampson will be on the protection of the light shield of the magic weapon, and can't make any progress.

"Well, I'll settle with you later!" Desert green pine scornfully glanced at no trace in the field, turned around and went straight to Lampson, who was full of demons. With every step taken by the desert pine, there is a magic array power on the ground. When the desert pine surrounded Lampson for a week, the ground had quietly climbed out of a force of confinement array, and Lampson, who was possessed by evil Qi, was trapped in it."Ha ha, it's a pity that you think you can kill me in this way. Do you despise me too much, Lampson?" Lampson gave a faint smile, and the evil spirit lingered around him. He stood in the middle of the array with an extremely dignified face and did not act rashly. He looked coldly at the desert green pine outside the array.

"Ha ha, you watch him, don't let this guy escape!" Desert green pine evil smile, to the side of a group of array Baozhai disciples Nu mouth. On both sides, there were no less than ten disciples of the array, each occupying a corner of the confinement array, besieging and monitoring the life and death of Lan Pu.

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Daddada, dada, dada

Mo Qingsong didn't pay attention to Lampson's anger, but turned to Zeng Yi again. They met each other with a smile, and they saw a decisive color in each other's eyes. Then they focused their eyes on the bodies of Wu Chen and others again.

"Cluck, you guys, go and get rid of all the other people..." in the field, Zeng Yi, who had never done anything, finally said something.

On the other side, several Bixia palace maids released their mysterious Qi. Without any hesitation, one Bixia palace maids directly bypassed the position where Wuchen stood and ran to Wuchen's rear. The puppets, Yuan Zong, camel monster and the three of them joined hands to attack and kill< br>

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