Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 714: 714

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and the sword meaning of Wuchen rises from Turk to Turk. An invisible sword power spreads, and binds the body shape of Mo Qingsong and Zeng Yixian to the spot.

"You, what are you going to do? I'm the son of the master of array treasure house, ranking seventh in the list of potential..." feeling the aggressive sword spirit released by traceless, Mo Qingsong was in a panic on the spot. In a panic, Mo Qingsong takes out the signboard of array treasure house in an attempt to exert some pressure on Wu trace.

"Young master Liu, do you really have the heart to hurt my family?" Zeng Yi fairy eyes at this time is also full of color of doubt, looking at not far in front of the evil smile of no trace Nuo asked.

"Pa!"“ Bang

In an instant, two lights and shadows flew out, followed by two loud and crisp sounds from the void. The heavy and dreary Xuanli and Xuanqi of the earth filled the void for a long time. Mo Qingsong and Zeng Yi's body defense broke in an instant, and on their faces, At the moment, there were two bloody palms at the same time.

"Liu Wuchen, how dare you beat me?" In the void, Mo Qingsong's whole body is still confined by the momentum released by no trace, and his face is engraved with a bright red five finger print. Mo Qingsong's eyes are full of killing intention and anger. He stares at the roar of no trace gnashing teeth.

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"Pa!" In the void, traceless arm once again in vain, backhand is a slap fiercely fan out. Not surprisingly, there was a loud noise again. On the other side of the face of Mo Qingsong, there was a red five finger print.

"You..." desert green pine chest a burst of ups and downs, the corners of the mouth constantly emitting bright red blood. His eyes were staring at Wu Chen, but the burning sensation on his left and right cheeks forced him to quickly close his mouth.

"Quiet and dry!" No trace cold white desert green pine one eye, slowly spit out two words in the mouth. The sword power of his body suddenly oppressed the shape of the desert pine. The face of the desert pine, who was originally unable to fight back, changed rapidly. It seemed that there was a big mountain oppressing him. The mysterious force of his body quickly broke up, and the whole man fell down and fell heavily on the open area below.

"Poof!" A mouthful of bright red blood suddenly spits out from Mo Qingsong's mouth. Several muscles and bones on Mo Qingsong's body break on the spot. His whole body falls to the ground in agony and struggles to roll back and forth.

"Wow, no trace is so big and handsome!" On both sides, Yuan Zong's eyes were full of worship. Looking at his face as usual, there was no trace in his eyes. He secretly picked big brother.

"Hum, if I were the camel grandfather, one look would scare the kid to shit!" Camel monster pouted his lips and disdained his face. He lowered his voice and began to boast in Yuan Zong's ear.

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"Liu no trace, I desert green pine with you never die..." a very angry roar, from the ground below. Mo Qingsong's eyes were red with blood, struggling and panting, and yelling angrily at Wu trace in the void.

"Ha ha, it seems that you haven't realized yet..." in the void, Wu trace Xie smiles and turns away his eyes. Mo Qingsong, who is extremely painful, says faintly.

"Brush!" In the void, a remnant of shadow flies down, and the horror of Yin cold sword comes down from the sky in a flash, which covers the whole person of desert green pine.

"Boom!" A terrible dull sound resounded deafening again, followed by a sound of broken bones. See a green shadow handsome incomparable battle in the desert green pine side, one of the green shadow youth's feet is now dead on the desert green pine's chest.

"Hoo, hoo," a series of dull gasps rose from the face of the desert green pine. The muscles, bones and channels of the desert pine are all broken under the pressure of gravity.

Now, the foot stepping on his chest is like the coming of death, which can control his life and death.

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"Well, brother Wuchen, this guy is the son of the master of the treasure house, or are you thinking about it?" On the other side, Lampson, who had been closing the enemy's material array, could not help but swallow his saliva nervously. His eyes to see no trace, as if to see the terror of the monster general panic, relying on the courage to hesitate to dissuade.

"Ha ha, he is worried about the face of array treasure house. Did he ever worry about the face of your demon clan before Mo Qingsong took his hand?" Traceless cold smile, turned his eyes, Lampson pondered back.

"This..." after hearing Wu trace's words, Lampson suddenly became speechless. Its complexion a burst of red a burst of white, some embarrassed stand aside, no longer speak.Indeed, scruple this scruple that, let desert green pine, array treasure house won't be looking for no trace trouble? What's more, he set up a magic array here to hunt and kill the children of each major sect. Once upon a time, did he have any scruples?

"For, why..." Mo Qingsong's mouth is full of blood, his eyes are full of unbelievable expression, the traceless figure in front of him gradually begins to become blurred, and the consciousness in his mind gradually becomes lax and no longer sober.

"Ha ha, I gave you a chance, but you don't seem to want to beg for mercy. However, if you want to ask what all this is for, it's your fault for being frivolous in your words, and it's the people who shouldn't be frivolous! "

"Ji Ruxue, the slut you captured?" Mo Qingsong, who was not clear in his mind, had a sharp and fierce look in his eyes after hearing the traceless reply. At the moment, his expression was as energetic as a reflection, and he yelled at the extremely crazy voice of traceless.

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"Hum, it's an insult to say the name of snow from your mouth!" With a cold hum, the meaning of the cold sword shrouded in Wuchen's body burst out quickly. All the bright and dazzling silver swords were transformed into thousands of silver swords, and the whole body of desert green pine was drowned on the spot.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The sound of the wind of swords turns quietly, and the whole person of desert green pine is pierced by the sword Qi of ten thousand swords in a twinkling. The bright red and hot scarlet blood holes are very eye-catching, and a large number of blood stains flow out from its body. The temperature on Mo Qingsong's body cools rapidly, and his eyes are wide open. He still keeps an unbelievable figure when he dies. With the development of the society, the whole body of desert pine began to be rigid and corrupt, and its vitality had completely dissipated, without any sign of survival.

"Hehe, Zengyi fairy, right? I heard that you seem to have some opinions about my home like snow?" No trace slowly took back the foot that stepped on Mo Qingsong's chest, clapped his hands and raised his eyebrows to look at the numb Zeng Yi fairy and asked coldly.

"Cough, Mr. Liu, I'm the next generation of women. If there's any offence, please show mercy to Mr. Liu!" Zeng Yi fairy's face was as white as paper at this time. How could she dare to be half charming and seductive. His arrogant chest was full of ups and downs, and he was stabbed in the face of a murderous spirit< br>

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