Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 715: 715

"Pa!" A crisp slap sound, resounding in the edge of the silent jungle, is particularly loud and harsh. In the void, terror was once again filled with the weight of Xuanli, and another bright red five fingers imprinted on Zeng Yi's white cheek.

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"Young master Liu, Ji Ruxue and I are the people of Bixia palace. I think I'm not inferior to her in appearance and fighting power. Even if there is any grudge between me and her, I think she would like to end it in our own hands. It's not that you should let Liu Wuhen out for her now... "Zeng Yi's ten finger palms on both sides of her cheeks were hot, but she didn't care. There was not a trace of anger on her face, but her eyes were full of indifference and she sneered back.

"Eh, this little girl, she's very clever!" On the other side, demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying was slightly stunned, looking at the humble Zeng Yi fairy with a faint smile and murmured.

At the moment, Yuan Zong, camel monster, and Lampson were all shocked by Zeng Yi's words. They were stunned in the same place and focused on the traceless figure.

"Ha ha, do you think I'll spare you if I use jijiangfa?" Traceless mouth with a sneer, staring at Zeng Yi fairy disdain words. On his body, the terrible meaning of Yin cold sword turned into thousands of flowing sword Qi again, which surrounded and enveloped Zeng Yi.

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"Cluck, if young master Liu wants to do something, I'm afraid I'll be dead long ago. It's just that Ji Ruxue has a strong nature, and Ruo Nu's family really died in the hands of young master Liu. I'm afraid it's not easy to explain to my elder martial sister after young master Liu goes back? " Zeng Yi fairy eyes are full of sneer, a pair of as if to eat the no trace appearance, open the mouth to fight back.

"Ha ha, I really won't kill you now. I believe Ruxue would like to solve your problems by herself! Although I have no way to take you now, I have thousands of ways to make you suffer... "Wu trace nodded with a smile and did not refute Zeng Yi's self-confidence. The silver in Wu Chen's hand flashed in vain, and an invisible silver sword gas immediately spread out along Wu Chen's arm. The sharp sword gas quickly penetrated the mysterious Qi of Zeng Yi's body protection, and suddenly fell on Zeng Yi's cheek coldly and rose slightly.

"Brush!" The cold invisible sword Qi fell on the side of Zeng Yi's cheek, and the terrible momentum intruded along the sweat pores on Zeng Yi's face. As if as long as no trace of the arm slightly forward half a minute, that terrible cold sword will instantly scratch Zeng Yi fairy charming and attractive face.

Gulu, Gulu

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On both sides, Yuan Zong, camel monster, Lampson, and a group of people were all stunned. They couldn't believe their eyes fell on the traceless figure with a full face of evil smile.

"Cluck, is master Liu testing my mood? After stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu, the warrior can turn into Emperor Wu. You can reshape my face in a short time. Even if you destroy my face now, it will not affect me. What's more, the strength of my infant's spiritual realm's later cultivation realm, and it's just around the corner to step into the realm of Emperor Wu... "In the face of yin and cold sword Qi, the color of waves in Zeng Yi's eyes just flashed away. The charming smile on his face quietly appeared again, and his moving eyes were staring at his face.

"Ha ha, you can really be called an opponent, but the gap between you and Ruxue still has nothing to compare with!" With a faint smile, the Yin cold sword Qi gathered in his hand quickly turned into silver, and the light and shadow disappeared. The original pressure on Zeng Yi fairy's body also disappeared with his traceless figure retreating.

"Cluck, young master Liu, if you have nothing else to do, I will leave first!" Zeng Yi fairy eyes charming expression instantly increased, to no trace extremely provocative gently make a blessing. The cold spring martial spirit released above his head was quickly absorbed in his body. Zeng Yi fairy's whole body was light and incomparable, and quickly jumped out of the control area of Xuanli power released by no trace.

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"Ha ha, I hope you can be so lucky all the time and live to the day when my family, Ruxue, personally solves your problem!" Traceless can not deny the smile, in front of Zeng Yi fairy did not care about waved. Then, Wu Chen slowly stepped back to the puppet's side, and gently knelt to the camel monster on the puppet's shoulder, saying: "Tianyun sect disciples bury them on the spot, others wait for you to do it by yourself."

"Ha ha, you are the right way to go with grandfather camel!" See no trace signal, camel big monster the first time then reacted to come over. Its hearty laughter instantly resounded on the edge of the dense forest, which seemed to be the happiest performance of camel monster since it entered the land of exotic treasures.

Then, he saw the camel monster flying back and forth on the edge of the jungle. This guy even started a carpet search for the dead disciples."Damn, no trace boss, how can you leave such a hard and glorious task to camel alone? No, as a member of our treasure hunting team, I will do my part, too All of a sudden, Yuan Zong jumped down from the shoulder of the puppet and began to feel for the body of the nearest disciple. The look was so obscene that even the camel monster, who was so experienced, could not help sighing from his heart as he watched yuan Zong's movements change from unfamiliar to skillful. This guy's movements and understanding were just like the ancestor's reward

"Damn, that's my ghost sect disciple. You two guys, stay still for me!" It took a long time for the numb Lampson to react. Together with these two guys, he even searched for the treasure on the corpse of the ghost sect disciple in front of him. Lampson's eyes were full of indignation, and a brisk walk turned into a dark shadow. He fought with the camel, the monster and Yuan Zong on the spot.

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"Cluck, young master Liu, I can't see through you more and more!" A beautiful voice like a silver bell came again quietly, and Zeng Yi was standing up on the spot. In his body, the spirit of Xuanli, a state of cultivation in the later period of his infant soul state, was released crazily and wrapped around his body. His eyes were full of vigilance, and he looked at Wu trace and others.

"Well, if you don't go, you'll never have to go!" With a cold hum of no trace, the Yin and cold sword Qi on his body soared to the sky in a flash. The terrible momentum spread and spread, and he rushed straight to Zeng Yi, who was soaring up in the air, to chase him.

"Cackle, young master Liu, you really don't know how to be compassionate. I will repay you for the kindness in today's land of exotic treasures in the future! " Zeng Yi's face was covered with a smile, and her body quickly flashed away in the opposite direction. On the spot, Zeng Yi decided to give up the exploration of the land of strange treasure. Instead, she rushed to the entrance of the land of strange treasure and ran away from the channel of the array.

"Ha ha, this girl, it would be a disaster to stay late!" Demon zunhuoxiao red virtual shadow gently fluttering, looking at the distance that gradually away graceful figure, involuntarily sigh< br>

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