Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 717: 717

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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In the dense jungle area, several figures ran away like ghosts. The more we rush towards the dense jungle, the more powerful and dignified the evil spirit in the void.

In the distance, the air of Xuanli, which contains the power of the five elements, rises up from the sky. A series of dark shadows, which are flexible and extremely fast, are coming from all directions at the same time.

"Damn, old demon, these guys are catching up!" The Xuanli attribute of the wind blesses itself. In addition to the willow catkins ethereal skill, the whole person of Wuchen rushes freely like a gust of wind. However, the inexplicable pressure brought by the distance is always like a shadow. No matter how much Wuchen plays with his life, the Xuanli Qi in the body rushes away, and the pressure is full of breath in the distance Are always firmly pursuing the location of no trace.

"Cough, if I'm not wrong, those little guys are coming towards you." No matter how fast the traceless body method is, the demon zunhuoxiao shadow always follows its left and right place. No trace can obviously feel that the Xuanli Qi in his body has begun to consume a lot, and the demon zunhuoxiao is just like no trouble person, and it is not easy to talk and laugh with him.

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"Damn, it must be the guy who ran to the front. He's coming with them!" No trace's face was full of helplessness. As soon as he was in shape, he jumped down into the void. His feet fell firmly in the dense forest area below. He looked around the silent area coldly, and his heart was full of depression.

Sasa, Sasa, Sasa

A rare sound came from the thick forest ahead. There were ten vague figures on the East and west sides of the road ahead. At the moment, under the cover of the dense forest, they blocked the way of no trace.

"Well, since we can't escape, we can only play with them!" No trace sighed a tone lightly, the air of Xuan force in the body slowly releases and comes out. The power of guarding the field is rising again quietly, and the whole person without trace is firmly protected.

At the same time, the eternal Heaven and earth resolution method has been running wildly in Wuchen's body. The double refreshing resolution quickly covers the sea of consciousness in Wuchen's brain and protects it. Wuchen quietly releases the divine consciousness and makes it clear about the situation within the scope of several miles around his body.

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Deep in the thick jungle, the air was silent. No trace and ten strange figures in the distance confront each other, and no one takes the lead in action.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In the rear, a series of terrifying Xuanli Qi spread slowly from far to near. The puppet ran to the head, Yuan Zong, who was hiding in his arms, the camel monster, who was restored to his real state, and the ghost lineage disciple Lampson, who was standing on his body. All four of them had gone through the dust all the way, and the servants appeared disheartened and embarrassed.

On both sides of the dense jungle, there were 15 black shadows coming. Judging from the breath of the fifteen to the shadow, they were all monsters of the infant soul realm and the later cultivation realm. However, the newly arrived shadow, together with the ten shadows blocking the way on the left and right sides in front of it, has formed a situation of encirclement, encircling the whole group of people such as Wu Chen and imprisoning them in the same place, so they can't escape easily.

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"Haha, no trace boss, I knew you would not leave us. You have been waiting for us all the time!" Yuan Zong's eyes were full of joy. He was gasping for breath while shouting to traceless. Just now, this guy has been hiding in the arms of the puppet. He doesn't consume much Xuanli. At the moment, his tense expression is in vain. He seems to be panting as if he has just consumed so much energy.

"Damn, I told you to run separately? It's only a little longer. Why do you all follow me? " After hearing yuan Zong's cry, Wu Chen's face sank. His handsome face was so majestic that he looked at people's reluctance.

"Cough, follow you boy, safe..." the camel monster's whole body was shining, and quickly changed from the real body state back to the body form. I saw him suddenly drink the liquor in the gourd behind him, and say nothing to Wu trace.

"Ha ha, camel, if you say this, I will not be stubborn with you. It must be right to follow the no trace boss. It's not only safe, but also reliable!" Yuan Zong surprisingly did not refute the camel monster in any words. Instead, he patted the shoulder of the phantom camel monster and winked intimately.

"Damn, I've really convinced you two guys. I've really lost eight lives when I met you guys!" No trace mercilessly patted his forehead, a face to cry without tears expression skimmed the side half a man and a beast. Then, Wu Chen moved his eyes away again. He was not angry. He stared at the evil spirit and asked in a cold voice: "these two guys just follow me. You are the disciple of the evil spirit sect. You follow me too. Don't you think it's embarrassing for the evil spirit sect?""Hum, in this world of the jungle, survival is the only way to be king. What's the gossip in the world to my ghosts and Demons disciples? If my ghosts and Demons disciples are afraid of gossiping, there will be no more ghosts and demons." Lan Pu gave a cold hum, and he was very proud of himself. He spoke softly. At the same time, Lampson also glanced at Yuan Zong, who was hiding in the side with a bad smile, and the camel monster, who was waiting to see the joke. He didn't grow angry and didn't change his color. He opened his mouth again and responded to traceless: "besides, I personally think that those two guys have some truth..."

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"Damn, you look shameless, It's quite like an old friend of mine when he was young! " Traceless turned his eyes fiercely. The high sounding Lampson also pretended to look at the body of the demon zunhuoxiao Xuying.

"Cough, no trace boy, who is your old friend? He seems to have a very good character. Do you want to introduce me to the demon master some day... "Demon zunhuoxiao's fiery red face grinned and bared his teeth in vain, and his whiskers trembled constantly. How sincere that look is, how hypocritical it is. He was quite shameless and joked with a smile.

"Roll, roll, roll!" No trace heart a burst of roar, almost by these two shameless guys to get together, angry back to go. Fortunately, no trace suddenly realized a truth, to have a face is not to have a face, not to have a face is to have a face, water to clear is no fish, people from cheap is invincible, this is true!

"Boom!" A terrible rising sword will burst out from the depressed traceless body in an instant. The horror of the sword is like continuous misty rain dripping down, encircling the dense jungle within the scope of dozens of miles around it and trapping it in the same place.

"Brush!" With the rising of the road, the sword Qi splashed everywhere. In an instant, all the weeds covered by the jungle in the front, back, left and right directions were laid flat. There were twenty-five shadowy shadows, and many of them were exposed to the public's eyes< br>

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