Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 718: 718

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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The continuous pure sword Qi is flying around wantonly. In a moment, it sweeps away the dense jungle within dozens of miles. And the whole twenty-five demon and beast breath containing the Qi of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and various properties of Xuanli rose up madly, and the pure sword Qi that divided it and killed itself collapsed and disappeared on the spot.

"Eh, what kind of monsters are these?" Wu trace swallowed his saliva and looked at the 25 shadows that were clearly visible around him. For a moment, some of his hands didn't know what to do.

On the other side, Yao zunhuoxiao, Yuan Zong, camel monster, and Lampson were all staring at the twenty-five shadows in front of them.

Around, there were only 25 dark shadows, and a group of 551 stood by themselves as a camp 100 meters apart. In addition, the Xuanli Qi released by a group of five shadow monsters must be possessed by the Xuanli Qi of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements.

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Looking at the figure of each shadow carefully, they were all strong and strong. And every monster is just like a human warrior. Both men and women have a standing posture and are ready.

At a glance, all of the 25 mysterious shadows were full-bodied and exuberant, and each of them had a long slender tail swinging at will.

These twenty-five shadows, like human, non-human, ape and non ape, all showed fierce light and bared teeth, showing their wildness. They stared at Wu trace and others like hunters looking at their prey, and their eyes were full of aggressive coldness.

"Well, these guys are supposed to be ordinary apes. Because apes have not only the body of animals, but also the spirit and aptitude of human beings. "

"The ape people have a unique advantage in the speed of cultivation among the demons and beasts. As a result, the ape tribe should have become one of the most powerful groups among the orcs in our country. Generally speaking, when they meet with the demons, they usually choose to retreat... "The camel monster swallows his saliva and introduces to the people around him. At the same time, after staring at these ape people for a long time, camel monster still looks at Yuan Zong's body in confusion.

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"Damn, camel, don't look at me like that. I'm not a traitor!" Yuan Zong looks like crying without tears. Behind him, the long straight brown tail is swaying. That look is crying about the fact that not all human beings with long tails are ape men.

"Ha ha, of course you are not an ape. You are a half breed at most!" Traceless but rolled his eyes, patted yuan palm's shoulder, and comforted him. Immediately, no trace swept around again with cold eyes, lowered his voice and asked the camel monster in a soft voice: "camel, you just said they are ordinary ape people, do you want to divide them into three, six and nine classes?"

"Ha ha, that's nature! Ape people who can't practice martial arts can only be called monkeys. Once you can practice martial arts, you will have spirituality, open your mind and become an ape. All the ape monsters below the realm of soul cultivation are ordinary apes. And once you step into the level of transforming soul into cultivation and become a big monster, you will be the leader of the ape family. "

"Among tens of thousands of apes, there is a chance to give birth to a snow ape! The snow ape is said to be born with wisdom, which is the favorite of all things in the world. Once it practices, it will not be bound by the bottleneck of the realm. Therefore, in theory, every snow ape will become the leader of the ape race in the future. In other words, the great beast in the realm of the ape king is only the leader of the ape family. The real king of the ape family, the king of the ape family, can only be competent by the snow ape forever... "The camel beast looks thoughtful and seems to be recalling the legend that has been handed down for a long time among the major tribes of the beast. His eyes were full of yearning color, and his expression was just like seeing the real emperor of monsters.

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"Why, snow ape?" On the other side, after listening to the words of the camel monster, the demon worships the fire, the sky is red, and the virtual shadow trembles in vain. A faint smile appeared on his face, as if he remembered what happy things he had met in the past.

One side, no trace eyes flashed a color of doubt, but forbeared not to ask. This is also his sincere smile when he saw the demon zunhuoxiao again after he stepped on the tianladder examination of Tianyun sect and mentioned Zhuge Zhen and Tianma XingKong, the founder of Tianyun sect.

"Ha ha, it's really boring. It's a big monster in the soul realm. I don't care what rumors have spread. Isn't it ridiculous to let a monster in the soul transforming realm obey a newly born snow ape Lampson burst out laughing in vain, and looked at the twenty powerful and terrible ape people around him with a contemptuous glance.

"Hum, what do you people know? This is the inheritance of our demon family. No matter after a hundred years or a thousand years, the things that we have determined will not change. This is a belief inherited by the ape people, and even other monsters dare not speak disrespectfully about it. Even if it's the feud of generations, we monsters have to respect each other's beliefs, not to be as shameful as you humans A cold light flashed in the eyes of camel monster, and he turned his eyes coldly. Lampson was smiling beside him.An invisible mysterious force of earth filled the air, and Lampson's joking face was in vain and dignified. The dark evil Qi all over his body quickly covered and blessed him, which just managed to disperse the heavy power of the earth from himself.

"Cough, it's just a joke, why take it seriously..." Lampson's forehead was full of cold sweat, and his eyes were full of dignified color when he looked at the body of the camel monster again. It was obvious that the momentum and pressure released by the camel monster had gone beyond the level of the later cultivation level of the infant soul, But his own cultivation realm is always exposed in the early stage of infant soul realm.

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Roar, roar, roar

Just as the camel monster stopped, twenty-five ape people roared and roared at the same time. At the same time, twenty-five Xuanli spread and released slowly from five directions.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the five kinds of Xuanli Qi are woven together, which quickly envelops and imprisons the place where the five groups of ape people are located. The Qi of the five elements Xuanli rises madly and turns into a light cover cage, trapping all the people like traceless in a flat and open dense forest.

Gulu, Gulu

A nervous gasp came out of the crowd one after another. Feeling the power of the five elements around them gradually transformed into the array power, Wu Chen and others all met and looked at each other, and saw an incredible look from each other's eyes one after another.... < br > the five elements around them gradually transformed into the array power

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