Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 728: 728

Ouch, ouch, ouch

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With a roar of excitement, Turks came out one after another from the ape population on the square.

All the ape people in various robes smashed their arms to their chest at the same time, and the deafening sound spread all over the field, which made the hearts of all the people who were imprisoned by the five presidents' club.

"Brush!" There are several horrible monsters in the air. Between the empty place where people are imprisoned and the edge of the stream where another Valley is divided, five ape elders in five color long clothes appear.

All the five ape elders had gray hair and bright eyes. Each body shape is all big and tall, not angry from the powerful out of thin air appeared on the edge of the stream area.

When five ape elders appeared, all the ape people who were excited and roaring in the field closed their mouths and disappeared. There was a faint smell of monsters, and the five ape elders were all powerful in the realm of soul. Moreover, judging from the breath, three of the five ape elders' breath remained at the cultivation level of Wuhuang realm, while the breath momentum of the other two ape elders reached the cultivation level of Wuhuang strongman in the soul realm of the middle realm, even comparable to the core elders of the eight sects. It can be seen that these five ape elders must have an extraordinary and detached position in the ape family.

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"Cough, old demon, it's troublesome now. Your idea is really bad enough!" Obviously felt the strong sense of oppression brought by the five ape elders, no trace heart in vain with a touch of unknown premonition. His heart in vain inexplicable sorrow up, in front of the body hidden demon respect fire Xiao quietly despise way.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. There are so many people with you. Anyway, as long as Yibao doesn't get ahead of others!" Demon respect fire Xiao rough waves of laughter again, the tone did not even the slightest apology. In the face of the unexpected power of the ape people, this guy even talked and laughed with no trace in general.

"Heaven and earth are kind and close, and our family will prosper!" A loud cry came out of the population of the ape race again. With the roar of excitement rising higher and higher than the mountain and tsunami, a small detail that is not easy to be noticed was discovered.

It turns out that on the corner of the five colored robes worn by the five ape elders who have just appeared, there are five big words with different colors: Heaven, earth, benevolence, harmony, kinship and so on.

The five color robes swayed with the wind, and the clothes flickered and floated. The words "five color Dou Da" were particularly attractive in the sunlight, which made Wu trace remember the five words "Dou Da" in his heart.

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"Ha ha, I'm ape kin, one of the five elders of ape tribe. Do you dare to break into my wasteland because of your later cultivation in the infant soul realm? Are you not paying attention to us apes, or are you not taking us monsters seriously at all? " Among the five ape elders, one of them, dressed in an orange robe, stepped out with the momentum of cultivation at the level of the next emperor Wu Huang. His eyes flashed through the crowd, such as Wu Chen, who was bound by death. His voice reverberated like thunder in the minds of the crowd.



With a shrill scream, the generals came out one after another in the mouth of the disciples. In the field, all the disciples fell to their knees in an instant. The seven orifices were bleeding and painfully holding their heads and rolling back and forth. They couldn't get up.

Among all the prisoners, only Yang Shuo, the first peak of the sword Pavilion, Yuanba, the disciple of the animal temple, Anan, the disciple of the secret Buddha sect, Zengyi fairy in Bixia palace, Wuchen and camel monster, and a few of them are still standing in the same place, but most of them are inexplicably ugly.

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"Keke, the benevolence of heaven and earth is a taboo of the five elders of the ape clan. It is said that these five people are the most respected people under the command of the ape clan leader. These five guys are not very good tempered. You'd better be honest later! " Accompanied by a weak light cough, the camel monster even stepped forward. At the same time, he arched his hand to the five ape elders in the field with a smile on his face, and whispered a warning to no trace.

"Oh, the name of heaven, earth, benevolence, harmony, kinship is so casual!" No trace embarrassed smile, the body of heaven and earth will never crazy operation. The whole body is covered by the spirit of the realm of Wu Huang monster momentum still exists, but compared with before has been significantly weakened, eased a lot.

"Eh, big monster?" Dressed in an orange robe, the ape elder's eyes were in vain, and he was quite puzzled and stared at the camel monster.At the same time, the other four elders of heaven, earth, benevolence, harmony and ape also flashed a look of consternation in their eyes. They all looked at the body of the camel monster and thought about it.

"Keke, I'm ashamed to say that xiacamel is a wasteland. He is the leader of the big monster outside. He was besieged by the eight sects before and was forced to enter the territory of the ape tribe. Thanks to the help of your ape brothers, I'm able to escape this disaster! " The camel monster cleared his throat and introduced himself slowly to the five elders of the ape family. In addition, the camel monster turned into a real body state in front of the public, and then turned into a human body posture.

On one side, dozens of disciples of each major sect were seriously injured, unconscious, and fell to the ground. Only a few disciples of each major Sect on the potential list were still standing on the ground.

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In addition to no trace, the rest of the people on the scene once again looked at the camel monster's eyes, and there was obvious fear. In particular, Jianzi Yang Shuo, the first peak of Jiange, had threatened the camel Monster without trace and turned into his real body.

Now, the identity of camel monster has been exposed in public. In addition to the amazement of the ape group, Yang Shuo himself was the most frightened.

"Hum, I didn't expect that these powerful human beings should be so despicable. They not only bullied all our demon and beast races, but also made you enter our ape territory. These despicable human warriors should have killed them all... "With a cold hum, the elder ape's orange robe trembled, and his eyes looked at the body of the camel monster again, which was obviously softer. It was his blurted words that caused many ape people around him to cast cold and strange eyes on the bodies of the few remaining people in the field.

"Keke, you don't have to kill all of them. It's OK to leave one or two..." camel monster nodded his head with a familiar look, and said to the elder ape. During this period, his eyes unconsciously crossed Wu Chen's body, and he was quite proud of the fact that the corners of his mouth rose and stared coldly at the body of Yang Shuo, the successor of the sword Pavilion, and chiguoguo looked away like a provocation... < br > this is the first time that he passed on the body of Yang Shuo

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