Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 729: 729

"Brush!" All the ape people in the field cast hostile eyes on the traceless human body, while the camel monster, with a smile on his face, swaggered to the five ape elders.

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"Ha ha, since I'm a monster, and I'm forced to enter the territory of our ape tribe, I can be forgiven. The ape, the ape, and the elders of the five apes, led by the elders of the ape family, who were all dressed in gold robes and had white hair on the temples, had a faint smile on their faces. There was not a hint of metaphysics in their body. They could be imprisoned in the five sticks of a camel monster. Turn head and slowly dissipate in the void of nothingness.

"Ha ha, thank you for your insight. I owe you to our ape brothers! If I have a chance in the future, I will go through fire and water. I will give you a generous reward Camel monster full face proud smile, facing the ape family five elders patted chest guarantee way.

"Ha ha, there's no need to worry about repaying. Have you ever heard of the legend of Daozu preaching On the other side, the elder of ape land shakes his blue robe, stares at the camel with interest, and asks softly.

"Brush!" As soon as the words came out, all the ape people on both sides of the square quickly closed their mouths. All the ape people's eyes were shining and focused on the body of the camel monster.

At the same time, Wuchen, Ananda, Yang Shuo, Yuanba, Zengyi Xianzi, and the only human Wuxiu who was still awake were all listening.

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"Keke, Daozu preached. This legend has been handed down for a long time. I believe that the story of Daozu preaching has been handed down since the day when there was mainland China." Camel big monster gently clear voice, eyes full of doubt toward the ape family five elder body look. On the other hand, all the five elders of the ape clan were expressionless, as if they were waiting for the camel monster to continue to speak.

Seeing this, the camel monster had no choice but to continue to speak and complain in front of the public: "it is said that the mainland of China used to be a place of chaos. The old man of Daozu came by this place by chance and found that there were signs of birth in the mainland of China, which created a new world and separated heaven and earth."

"Therefore, the pure Qi rises, the turbid Qi sinks, the three lights of the sun, the moon and the stars come to the mainland of China, and hundreds of millions of creatures in the mainland of China accept the gift of the Tao and open up their minds. Only in this way can we have a situation where all ethnic groups stand together and human beings and our monsters jointly rule the mainland of China!"

"You brothers, the Taoist ancestors preached and taught, opened the door of wisdom for hundreds of millions of creatures, and taught all things to absorb the mysterious Qi and practice magic. This legend is well known to the people in mainland China. I don't know why you mentioned it again today?"

"Ha ha, the legend of Daozu's preaching is well known, but few people believe the truth of the legend!" Ape day elder, one of the five elders of the ape family, lightly smiles and waves his hand back to the camel monster.

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"Eh, is it difficult to become a legend of the Taoist ancestor's preaching? Is there any evidence to follow?" After listening to the subtle words of the ape elder, the camel monster's expression suddenly tensed. His eyes were full of disbelief, staring at the five elders of the ape family.

On both sides, Wu Chen and a group of people who were imprisoned were all in the same place. Their eyes were shining continuously, and they quietly gathered their eyes on the body of elder ape.

"Ha ha, I don't know whether the legend of Daozu's preaching is true or not. However, there is a saying among the ape people that all the ape people should listen to the order of the ape emperor and help the ape emperor to defend the treasure of the ancestors to the death! " The ape elder's eyes were deep and long. He went straight through the swift streams and rivers behind him, and finally focused his eyes on the right side of the valley, in the shadow of the towering bloody mountain.

"Damn it, protect the treasure of Daozu to the death? Isn't that to say that the ancestors of the ape tribe once followed the Taoist ancestors to practice, and is there a legend that the Taoist ancestors have passed on in mainland China... "The camel monster was so frightened that his eyes almost fell down on the spot, and his eyes were full of disbelief, staring at the five elders of the ape tribe for a long time, and he refused to let go.

Gulu, Gulu

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On both sides of the empty space, a group of ape people gathered around, including Wuchen, Yangshuo, Ananda, Yuanba and Zengyi. At this time, all of them unconsciously swallowed their own saliva. All of them raised their ears and did not dare to breathe. All of them gathered together and held their breath, I'm afraid that something will disturb the interest of the five elders of the ape clan.

"Ha ha, it's true that Daozu preached. Not only that, there were treasures left by Daozu in the forbidden areas of mainland China. It's just that when our ape ancestor, snow ape emperor, was reborn, he was ordered to guard in this barren and forbidden area. "

"Now, after more than ten thousand years, the blood of our ape family, the snow ape emperor, has already disappeared. And our ape people still believe in ancestral precepts, guarding in this wasteland without leaving. Perhaps, the demons and beasts guarding the other forbidden areas have already abandoned the treasure of Daozu"Ha ha, it's just that without the blood of the snow ape emperor, the seal of this strange treasure can't be opened. Even if some people go to great pains to come here, they will not be able to enter the land of Yibao in their whole life. " The ape day elder's eyes flashed a touch of pure light, as if intentionally or unintentionally, he turned his eyes to a group of people, such as Wu trace, who was imprisoned.

"Eh, only the blood of the snow ape predecessors can open the prohibition of the land of exotic treasures. Doesn't that mean that no one can enter the land of exotic treasures?" Camel monster's eyes are full of amazement, staring at ape day elder asked softly.

On the other side, Wu Chen and others were all stupidly stunned. No one thought that it would take the supreme existence of the ape family to enter this strange treasure land, and the blood of the snow ape emperor could be opened.

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Even the eight sects didn't know the news. They even had a delusion to send their disciples to the land of exotic treasures and take away the exotic treasures that were about to come out of the world. Now, it seems that no wonder the monsters of all ethnic groups in the ancient wasteland have never made any big moves, which is obviously the result of the apes having quietly signaled in advance.

"Ha ha, that's natural. At least that's how our ape ancestral precepts are handed down. As for the truth, it's only known after verification!" Ape day elder burst out laughing, looking at the camel monster's eyes full of fun color, then, his eyes quickly fell on the side of no trace and other people's body shape, a malicious smile faintly from his old face.

Gulu, Gulu

In the field, naked eyes came, and all the ape people expected their eyes to fall on the people's bodies. Wu Chen, a Nan, Yuan Ba, Yang Shuo, Zeng Yi Xian Zi, and a group of people all shivered together, and then they all turned to the five elders of the ape race with ugly faces and looked away again in a daze

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