Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 736: 736

"Liu Wuchen, good, very good. Did you treat us as idiots?" Yang Shuo, the first peak of the sword Pavilion, almost bit his back teeth and read his name without trace.

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I saw Yang Shuo's whole body sword idea quickly and crazily swept out, the whole person seemed to incarnate into a Xiao Sha sharp sword. Then, he saw Yang Shuo suddenly wave his hand, and saw a terrible sharp sword quickly cut out by him. He flashed away, straight to the side of the traceless body.

"I'm sorry to correct you! I don't treat you as idiots, but just treat you as idiots! " Traceless light smile, staring at the angry Yang Shuo cold way back. Immediately, a layer of purple and gold armor appeared on his body, and on his left and right shoulders, gathered a strange red light and shadow, and a purple light with the power of Leiman.

"Boom!" A deafening sound, instantly in the right area of the ring. The sharp sword cut by Yang Shuo, with the sword spirit of killing and cutting, suddenly hit on the sword intention of the guard field in front of Wuchen.

"Hum!" The power of guarding the field, the sword light mask gathers the five elements' Xuanli Qi, and forcefully blocks Yang Shuo's sword on the spot. However, the fierce and terrifying spirit of Xiao Sha's sword did not stop. Instead, he flew wantonly to the right area.

"Amitabha!" A voice of Buddha's name came out slowly, and a holy golden light covered Ananda's body. And the wantonly flying sword Qi, after hitting the holy golden light, quickly turned into layers of air waves and began to dissipate on the spot.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

A series of Xiaosha swords scattered in all directions and ran through the end of Yuanba who was already a strong crossbow. A blood line on the spot will spray out, Yuan Ba blood red eyes consciousness are vaguely began to slowly lax up.

"You dare to sneak on me..." Yuan Ba's countless places are being devoured and eroded by the evil spirit at the same time, and it's hard to keep awake in his mind. His eyes also became more and more lax, and he murmured angrily.

"Hum, a dying man, I'm just kind enough to send you on your way." Yang Shuo snorted coldly. Instead of reducing his sword intention, he released it madly. An invisible Xiaosha sword will gather to form a lingran killing idea, which directly covers Yuanba who is on the verge of collapse.

"He was your goal in the beginning?" Wuchen's eyes are filled with cold. On his shoulder, the blood red from different fire and flame is long and fast, and the leimang long dragon from nine sky purple thunder is also not willing to be outdone. He breathes the power of thunder in his mouth, and the long heart is strong on another shoulder of Wuchen.

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"Ha ha, I'm not sure I can beat him if I face him head on! But now it's not the case. He's a useless man, and no one will know if he's killed here. It's better to eradicate an opponent than to keep an eye on him all the time. You say that's the truth. Brother Liu Wuchen, the number one in the potential list... "Yang shuolang laughs, and doesn't seem to be asking. His intention of killing and cutting sword was released quickly, and he rushed to Yuan Ba's body, which was on the verge of collapse.

"Brush!" A blue figure as fast as the wind appeared in front of Yuanba's figure. An invisible Qi of sword meaning contains the Qi of five elements Xuanli, which spreads out and becomes a five color barrier to block Yang Shuo's attack of sword meaning.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of roaring blasts will come out, which makes the ground in the right area of the open field shake violently. Endless fierce and fierce sword spirit poured out in a rush, and all of them bombarded on the guard sword meaning barrier containing the integration of the five elements.

Xiao Sha's sword spirit is fierce and strong, and he is invincible. His sword intention is as strong as a rock in the field of defense. The attack and defense of the two terrible sword intentions collide in one place, which makes the empty space on the right side full of fierce sword intention.

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"Amitabha!" The golden light of Ananda, a disciple of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists of. The virtual shadow of Sanskrit gold characters, like relief engraving, emerged from the golden mask on the outside of the body.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A deafening dull sound, resounding in the right area. With the flying of the sword, the area on the right side, which is already in a mess, becomes more and more unbearable.

All the streamers of horror sword spirit were killed by the light and shadow of the golden Rune imprinted by the golden mask that covered Ananda's body, tens of meters away from his body.

"Hum, Liu Wuchen, how dare you stop me? Do you really think that if you rank first in the potential list, your real combat power will be higher than mine? I'm Jianzi of Tianshu peak, the first peak of the sword Pavilion. Do you want to try my lethal sword? " Yang Shuo snorted coldly, and his eyes were fixed on the blue figure in the guard field. On his body, the fierce and fierce sword Qi converged madly towards his hand, and a long golden sword with cold light and killing intention suddenly appeared on his palm."Hum!" The sound of a high pitched sword sounds, and Yang Shuo's whole body is full of killing intention. The golden sword in his hand gives people a terrible killing spirit. It's obvious that there are no 1000 or 800 dead souls under this sword.

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"Ha ha, with your broken sword, you can represent the sword pavilion? I'm afraid that you, the first peak of the sword Pavilion, are just in vain! " Hearing the speech, Wu Chen laughs loudly, and his strong body quickly strides out of the guard field. The silver awn on his waist rose in vain, and a bright silver slender soft sword suddenly appeared in his hands without trace.

"Why do you want to save me..." Yuanba's nearly collapsed body gradually regained peace under the cover of the guard sword meaning. The guard sword meaning gathered the Taoist essence of the five elements Xuanqi, and constantly swam in Yuanba's body, helping him dispel the evil spirit that was covered in his body.

"Ha ha, don't thank me. Don't think too much about it. I just don't like him!" At the same time, the corners of his mouth rose slightly on his face and waved to Yuanba behind him. Wuchen's sword intention is released without reservation. The terrible sword intention is no less powerful than Yang Shuo.

"Amitabha, you are at ease to fight with him. I will protect Yuanba for you in this battle." A voice as if it were nothing came to Wu trace's mind. A Nan, a disciple of MI Buddha sect, moved his steps slowly and blocked Yuanba's figure in front of him as if no one was there.

"Why?" Wu Chen was slightly stunned and stared at Ananda, who was covered by the golden light. His sword spirit was still released continuously, and he came out of the cage to cover his body. On the one hand, he resisted Yang Shuo's sword spirit, and on the other hand, he was extremely careful to guard against Ananda's sneak attack

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