Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 737: 737

"Amitabha, both the origin and the extinction have cause and effect. Younger martial brother Yinian said that you were kind to him. This is also my elder martial brother's return of some human feelings for him! " Ananda was surrounded by the dazzling Golden Buddha light, and his eyes were full of indifference. He went back to the road calmly.

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"Eh, it turned out to be little monk Yinian. Is that guy OK now?" The color of vigilance in Wu Chen's eyes decreased sharply, and he asked Ananda in a light voice with some joyful hope.

"Amitabha, my younger martial brother lost all his accomplishments, but he also realized his own Buddhism. Now, younger martial brother, he has set foot on the road of cultivation again. I believe he will have a bright future in the future! " Ananda's face was as calm as water, and there was no fluctuation in his calm eyes. His figure step out of the station to the hard support of the Yuan Ba body, eyes again fell on the no trace and Yang Shuo two body.

"Ha ha, it's good to be safe!" With a faint smile, the little monk's figure flashed by. No trace once again concentrated on urging his body to guard the field, and completely covered his whole body.

"Well, put on airs!" Yang Shuo's eyes were extremely indifferent and he glanced at Ananda in the rear, but he didn't say anything more on the spot. The terrible sword spirit released from his body quickly merged with the life-taking sword with golden light in his hand. An extremely fierce sword spirit burst out from his body in a flash, and the sword spirit splashed on the front guard field.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

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A series of harsh and dull sounds were heard all over the world, and the Xiao Sha sword Qi was transformed into golden streamer. It was overwhelming and attacked from all directions. At the same time, it collided and bombarded on the power mask of the sword spirit in the guarding field.

The golden sword light rising from all over the sky is dazzling, and with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, it will cover the whole person's body.

Click, click, click

A dull sound came out of the golden sword Qi package one after another. The sword light shield, the power of guarding the field, was gradually broken under the attack of Xiao Sha's sword Qi. With the power of guarding the field, the light shield of sword will be broken slowly, and countless fierce sword Qi will rush in, turning into a terrible golden streamer, and the sword Qi will attack the inner body without trace.

"Ouch!" A loud sound of the dragon's song burst out in the attack group. The different fire battle regiment quickly ignites the whole body of no trace, and the golden Xiao Sha sword Qi is completely destroyed by the different fire.

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"Why?" On the other side, Yang Shuo held the lethal sword in his hand, and the cold light flashed in his eyes. He was staring at the shadow of the strange fire which swallowed up the golden sword. Then, the golden sword in his hand was waved by him again, and a terrible storm of sword spirit suddenly burst out from the body of the sword.

"Hey, boy, go to hell!" A sword was cut down from top to bottom, and the golden life-taking sword burst out in vain. A golden sword meaning streamer quickly turned into a hurricane storm, rolling out like mountains and seas, directly bombarding the opposite flaming fire battle group.

"Boom!" The bright golden sword was transformed into a hurricane storm, which immediately hit the group. The terrible sword spirit wave suddenly blew the group into two groups on the spot.

A dazzling golden sword gas quickly turned into a roaring hurricane, and the shadow flashed by. It went straight to the body of no trace escorted by the fire group.

"Roar!" A roar as deafening as a wild animal roared out from a shoulder without trace. A purple Thunder Dragon with the power of thunder and lightning flashed out, and directly hit the roaring golden sword air wave like a hurricane.

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"Poof There is no deafening sound in imagination, only a dull sound that shakes people's heart. The virtual shadow of Thunder Dragon from purple ray mang smashes the golden sword hurricane with one blow. At the same time, the purple Thunder Dragon's shadow didn't hesitate. The purple thunder awn light and shadow all over his body surged up and down. All of a sudden, he went to kill Yang Shuo, who was holding the lethal sword in the rear.

"Hum, evil animal, too presumptuous!" A cold hum, cold spit out from Yang Shuo's mouth. Yang Shuo's whole body was full of killing intention, and his body shape was in vain, and then flashed out in a flash.

"Brush!" Yang Shuo's whole body is like a Xiao Sha sword. Holding the lethal sword tightly in his hand, he rushes to attack. Unexpectedly, he doesn't have the color of avoiding. On the spot, he rushes directly into the sky and has a fierce battle with the leimang which is transformed by the nine sky purple thunder.

Tear, tear, tear

A purple ray mang from all directions at the same time will split down, scattered bombardment in Yang Shuo's body. Yang Shuo's body, full of Xiao's intention of killing the sword, trembled in vain, and the feeling of pain spread all over his body."Hum!" A more brilliant golden sword light soared into the sky, and in vain made a golden flash in the cover of the nine sky purple thunder and purple thunder.

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At the same time, a violent wind suddenly blows between the heaven and the earth, and the dense and gloomy nine sky purple thunder cloud suddenly shakes. Then, a golden streamer flew out of the sky with the momentum of destruction from the top to the bottom, and fell down from the sky like a rotten wood. It destroyed all the obstacles in front of the terrible golden streamer, and rushed to the ground below, killing the world's traceless head.

Gulu, Gulu

A nervous gasp, at the same time, in the area on the left side of the stream pool, rang out repeatedly. All the ape people in the rear were shocked. Looking at the terrible golden sword light, they were all in the same place.

"Eh, the power of the law of heaven and earth, this is the power of half step Emperor Wu!" At this time, the five elder masters of heaven, earth, benevolence, harmony, kinship and ape clans all silently swallow their saliva. Although the Xiaosha sword power released by Yang Shuo is not enough to threaten the lives of the five people on the scene, they also feel a faint sense of peace in Yang Shuo's sword attack It only belongs to the power of the law of heaven and earth, which is the unique power of Wu Huang's cultivation. Obviously, at the moment, Yang Shuo has already touched the threshold of Wu Huang level in the soul realm, and has realized the power of the law of heaven and earth. Although he has not yet fully understood the power of the complete law, with the combat power released by him now, he will not be hindered by any strong hindrance even if he is to kill the later warriors in the infant soul realm.

"A sword, no trace!" Below, no trace is still standing straight in place, motionless, its high face above a faint smile. The long silver sword in his hand suddenly stood up, and a silver sword shadow, which seemed weak but bright, broke away from his body and ran straight to the top of his head. Yang Shuo's body quickly collided with each other with a lethal sword

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