Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 74: 74

For several days, the wind was calm and the waves were quiet in the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River. No trace and others are obsessed with the music mood of teacher Yanyu's life every day, and have no time to pay attention to any rumors outside.

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The outer courtyard is the seventy-two other courtyard of Disha, and now the prestige of no trace has reached its peak in the outer courtyard. Every day, countless people break their heads and want to join in. For a time, Liu Wuhen's name seemed to be a synonym in the hearts of all the students in the outside college.

The inner courtyard, Tiangang 36 courtyard, is the top nine other courtyard. Among them, eight other hospitals all sent people to send out messages, welcome to join us at any time. But this time, Wu Cheng's other courtyard, which was disgraced, still went its own way as usual. The only gratifying thing is that Wu Cheng's other courtyard really didn't send any more people to look for traceless trouble.

For one thing, Wang Tianlai's death has no influence on the foundation of Wu Cheng's other Academy. For another thing, in the hearts of the talented people in Wu Cheng's other academy, they still don't care about Liu Wuchen.

In the inner courtyard, Jiangnan other courtyard.

I saw a green shadow across the pavilion and the stream, and the sword spirit danced in the sky. The whole small bridge water is calm, and a continuous sword will gradually rise above the blue water.

"Liu style nine swords, willow catkins all over the sky, streamer flying, sword rain flying, flying leaves falling..." one breath to show the four sword moves, the green shadow in the void gradually stabilized body shape, holding a cold breath of soft sword, standing proudly.

"The sword cage south of the Yangtze River."

"The sword covers the sky."

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"The sword rises the moon."

"The sword falls in the morning glow."

It's also a series of four sword moves, which can be displayed in one go. On the whole calm water surface, continuous sword Qi and didi stream are perfectly integrated. The whole water surface is covered by sword spirit. This area seems to be the world controlled by sword spirit.

"Hoo The empty green shadow breathed heavily, and the soft sword in his hand suddenly turned into a streamer. There was no air of Xuanli, only the continuous sword meaning remained on the whole water surface, and passed by instantly. Then, all the water drops fell down quickly, and the water was calm again. Everything around as if nothing had happened in general, only the green shadow is still floating, proving that something has just happened!

"Traceless boy, what's the name of that last move?" A fire light flashed out, and the demon zunhuoxiao asked excitedly, staring at the green shadow in the void.

"A sword has no mark!" The blue shadow in the void, a touch of knowing smile on the handsome face. Cyan figure floating again, the whole person has quietly landed on the ground below.

"Flying all over the sky. The south of the Yangtze River is continuous, with bright moon and rosy clouds. All methods are empty, a sword without trace... "Demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying thinks deeply, mumbling to himself, floating body came to without trace side.

"Ha ha, how about old demon. My improved nine style sword move is not bad After listening to the murmur of demon zunhuoxiao, Wu trace burst into laughter. As soon as he threw his soft sword, it turned into a jade belt and was tied around his waist.

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"Ha ha, it seems that the music hasn't been heard in vain these days, and the perception of artistic conception has obviously improved. However, the artistic conception is beautiful, but I don't know how powerful the sword is! " Demon respect fire Xiao full face light smile, to no trace playful joke way.

"Haha, now that my artistic conception of sword has been formed, and my nine style sword moves have been completed, and I have made great efforts to improve my body. Now that I have met the top talented students in the inner court, I also have the confidence of the first World War!" Traceless mouth slightly up, extremely proud of the negative hand.

"Ha ha, if you put aside the realm, single round combat power and life-saving means, you really have the power to fight. However, it is not so easy to deduce the war. The three elements are indispensable. If you don't say anything else, I'm afraid you haven't completely controlled the little earthworm in your body. " Demon respect fire sky empty shadow left and right flutter, to no trace some sarcastic smile way.

"Cough, this little earthworm is really a problem!" Said, no trace only feel chest Dantian a throb. Immediately after that, I saw an earth awn galloping out, and there was a Golden Snake three meters long on the ground for no reason.

"Sa Sa!" The Little Golden Snake stares at her eyes curiously, looking left and right, and the red letter in her mouth is huff and puff. Look a little obsessed, big mouth big mouth greedy call up the fresh Xuan gas outside.

"Alas, moving the soul, building the soul as the body and combining the soul as the teacher. Other people can freely control the martial spirit in their body. When you look at me, you can feel the little guy's movement at most, but you can't control his action completely... "Wu trace stares at the little golden snake on the ground, looks at the demon zunhuoxiao with extremely sad expression and asks for help.

"Ha ha, it seems that your martial spirit is a growing martial spirit. According to his appearance, the beast is the soul of martial arts. Maybe your strength level is not enough, or this little guy's rank is too high. I believe that as long as you continue to practice, you will be able to control xiaodilong freely one day! " Demon respect fire Xiao jiongjiongyoushen eyes constantly flashing, eyes motionless staring at the ground small golden snake."Sasa, hungry, I'm so hungry!" Another huff and puff came, and the lazy golden snake on the ground suddenly trembled. There was a golden light in the air, and the Golden Snake rushed into the traceless chest and disappeared.

"Damn it, old demon! I'm not hallucinating, am I? How do I seem to hear a child's voice, telling me it's so hungry... "No trace was in place, shaking his head hard. The whole person's facial expression obviously some panic, can't believe of stare at the demon respect fire Xiao to hope.

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"Cough, it's not an illusion. The demon Master heard it too!" Demon respect fire Xiao shook to shake the big head of fire red, some dry cough of stare at have no mark to nod.

"Wow, eat well, eat well, I want it, I want it!" It's also a childish voice, echoing in the sea. No trace only felt that the speed of the eternal Heaven and earth in the body had been accelerated several times in vain, and the pure and vigorous Qi of Hongmeng chaos all rushed to the Dantian.

In the traceless Dantian, a small golden snake is chasing madly. Hongmeng's chaotic Qi, which poured into the Dantian, was swallowed by the Golden Snake.

"The old, the old demon and the little earthworm are not talking, are they?" Aware of the changes in the body, no trace hard swallow saliva. Sanguan is refreshed again without trace, staring at the demon zunhuoxiao for help.

"Cough, according to my ten thousand years of experience, plus you have reached the realm of soul. It's really your soul communicating with you Demon respect fire Xiao embarrassed smile, in front of no trace helpless spread a hand.

"Ha ha, to be a teacher with one's soul is not just to integrate one's soul with one's own body. The unity of mind and mind is the only way to communicate. This is the real soul state warrior! " No trace burst out laughing, the whole person seems extremely happy. After all, being able to communicate positively with xiaodilong is absolutely the only great help to encounter various combat crises in the future.

"Jie Jie, it seems that the little earthworm's body is still in the growth period, and the external Xuanqi has been unable to meet its growth needs! Only the pure Qi of Hongmeng chaos in his body can promote his normal evolutionary growth. " Demon zunhuoxiao ponders for a moment, and explains in a soft voice to traceless.

"Old demon, I'm still in a weak state. I can't get promoted overnight! If the little earthworm can grow up quickly, it can also be my life-saving card in the future Traceless eyes are full of hot, extremely looking forward to looking at the demon zunhuoxiao.

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Demon zunhuoxiao was staring at by traceless's hot eyes for a while unnaturally. He whitened traceless and said in a soft voice: "ha ha, it's not impossible to let the little earth dragon improve quickly! In addition to the promotion of your realm, the Qi of chaos in your body is the best tonic for him. In addition, if you can take out a large number of Xuanshi, or some rare treasures containing the Xuanqi of heaven and earth, maybe you can also promote the growth of little earthworm

"Keke, massive basaltic rocks, rare treasures?" The essence in traceless's eyes kept flashing, and the scene that the little earth dragon devoured more than ten thousand pieces of inferior Xuanshi was echoed in his brain.

"Oh, rare treasure, where can we find such good luck! This little family can eat so much. I'm so poor! Return massive Xuanshi, old demon, where can I find massive Xuanshi for him No trace mercilessly turned to turn over white eyes, Wu wears the chest, have no good spirit of toward the demon respect fire Xiao disdain way.

"Ha ha, what's the difficulty! Don't forget, demon master, I'm the immortal demon master in the six realms. As long as the demon master, I'll do it casually. All the treasures in the world are sprinkled with water. It's a piece of cake Demon respect fire Xiao burst out laughing, extremely proud to no trace scold way.

"Hey, old demon, don't just brag! If you have the ability, you can show it to me first... "No trace eyes dribble around and stare at the demon zunhuoxiao with a bad smile.

"Ha ha, don't do that! You're a little younger than me! But after all, now you and I are two grasshoppers on the same rope. Demon, I still have to rely on you to reshape my body. In that case, I'll help you first... "After that, the demon zunhuoxiao suddenly turned into a streamer, rushed into the traceless body and disappeared. Immediately after, I saw no trace strong body suddenly slightly tremble, recognize the sea in an instant out of a line of gold font.

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