Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 75: 75

In Dazhou college, Jiangnan other college and courtyard.

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A green shadow is like a ghost, running through the courtyard at a high speed. Just a few breath of effort, no trace then dodged into his room.

"Damn it, old demon! Is this really the refined prescription of super grade pills in the legend? As soon as this super product Dan Fang comes out, all alchemists on the mainland of China will be crazy about it! What's more, all the top forces in mainland China will fight for it Inside the room, no trace breathlessly widened his eyes, some restless slowly opened his mouth and called.

"Brush!" A strange red awn appeared quietly. Demon respect fire Xiao full face of don't approve of, in front of the shock of no trace slightly nodded.

"Old demon, you hate me! If this super Dan prescription comes out, I'll be crushed into dregs in a moment! " No trace of face did not see a trace of joy, but sad face frowned.

"Ha ha, is it difficult for you to sell this super pill directly?"

"Build orifices to become souls. Only one pill of building orifices can make those who move souls enter the realm of building souls. Although the Zhuqiao pill is only a kind of inferior pill, it can become a super pill after possessing the spirit of the pill. Its medicinal power is far beyond that of the ordinary Zhuqiao pill. It not only does no damage to the foundation of the martial arts, but also helps to cultivate and consolidate them. It has all kinds of benefits but no harm. "

"Ha ha, for some big families and forces, the Zhuqiao pill of super Dan soul is still worth fighting. But although this super product Dan Fang is unique, it is also an ordinary Dan Fang after all! Although it will not cause a bloodbath in the mainland of China, if it is this super pill, once it flows out of your hand, it will be enough for you to die! " Demon respect fire Xiao full face smile, stare at one side bitter a face of no trace softly return a way.

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"Damn, I wanted to buy it! But old demon, you've said that. How can I sell him? " No trace full face bitter color, shook to shake hands, quite helpless say.

"Ha ha, it's really hard for the super pill to flow out. However, if several super grade pills are sold, I believe all forces and many Dan masters will be very interested in them! " Demon zunhuoxiao eyes a turn, to no trace remind smile way.

"Eh, every super grade pill, if it comes out of this world, will certainly cause the mainland of China to shake. However, it's much more appropriate to sell a few pills than the outflow of super pills! " No trace carefully consider, immediately in front of the eyes obviously a bright. Turning his head, he had a pathetic look on his face. Red fruit was burning hot, and his eyes were fixed on the empty shadow of the demon zunhuoxiao.

"Damn, boy, why are you looking at the demon like this? Demon master, my body is broken, but there is no super pill for you! " Demon respect fire Xiao one eye then see through the mind of no trace, hasten to speak will no trace idea strangle in the cradle.

"Damn, old demon, you give me a super pill, I can't sell it! You can't take out the super pill. Do you still expect me to make it myself? " Traceless turned his eyes and sat on one side of the bed, staring at the floating demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying coldly.

"Hey, since you are so ambitious, I will help you! Besides, no one is born to make pills, and those top Dan masters are just tired by the sun and the moon. As long as you are willing to practice, and the demon master, I will give you some advice. I dare not say what kind of top Dan master you will become. I think it is enough to be proud of this mainland of China! " Demon respect fire Xiao a face cheap smile, as if the ghost plan succeed to no trace boast.

"You're not kidding me, are you? You asked me to learn the way of refining pills from you. It's not a ghost because I burn newspapers in the grave! " No trace repeatedly shook his head and waved his hand, without hesitation to the demon respect fire Xiao refused.

"Cough, from today on, take an hour every day, demon master, I will teach you the skill of Dan Dao. I'll give you a prescription. In a moment, you can prepare everything according to the above list! " After that, the demon zunhuoxiao didn't wait for no trace to reply, so the whole person's empty shadow turned into a red awn again, rushed into no trace's body and disappeared.

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"Brush!" It is also a golden streamer, turned into a group of gold font, clear in the no trace brain within the circulation of the sea of knowledge.

"A cauldron of xuantie alchemy furnace, a hundred of peiyuancao, a hundred of jingqihua and a hundred of gubenzhi, plus cinnabar, Danhuang and Moshi..."

"Damn it, old demon, are you playing a rogue with me?" No trace a wail, fell on the back of the bed.

"Sa Sa! Hungry, I'm hungry again A hustle and bustle of young children's voices reverberate again in the traceless sea of knowledge. The air of Hongmeng's chaos in Wuhen's body is rolling wildly again, and it is converging on the golden virtual shadow in the Dantian.

"Damn, it's my martial spirit. It's a living ancestor!" Without trace, his face was speechless, and he jumped up from the bed. Then, with a black face and no trace, he quickly pushed open the door, slipped out of the Jiangnan college, and went straight to the exchange office of the college.Dazhou college, college exchange office.

The exchange office extends in all directions to the core area of Dazhou college. There are 32 exchange places in the exchange room, which are enough to deal with the daily use of points exchange by students from internal and external colleges.

At the same time, no less than 100 students outside the exchange office were surprised. I saw a green shadow galloping in, and a strong wind was blowing outside the exchange office.

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"Why, what was that just now?"

"Cough, it seems that a person rushed into the exchange office!"

"Wow, it's a great body method. It must be the top genius in the nine other schools. Unfortunately, I can't see his face clearly."

After a heated discussion, many internal and external students set out to enter. Everyone looked up curiously and peeped into the exchange room.

In the exchange room, a handsome young man in a blue robe was chatting with an exchange instructor.

"Ha ha, here you are. Please change all my points into these things! " A piece of paper, with dense small characters on it, and a token symbolizing the identity of the inner school students, was handed to the exchange tutor.

"Cough, basic score of external hospital is 100, basic score of internal hospital is 1000. The rest accumulated 9000 points, a total of 71000 points, which were converted into 10100 pieces of inferior Xuanshi! "

"Five thousand points for the xuantie alchemy furnace, plus all the other materials you need, you need ten thousand pieces of Xuanshi! Are you sure you want to change it all? After the exchange, your remaining points are 100! " The tutor in charge of exchange is full of doubts and stares at no trace to ask again.

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"Well, I confirm the exchange!" No trace biting teeth, heavy point nodded, in the heart some meat painful mouth return way. Ten thousand points, most of which are accumulated after several battles with people in the outer court and inner court. So easy to change into hundreds of broken herbs, no trace really feel some worthless. Moreover, although there are things, they are consumables after all. Finally, whether the refining can be successful is another question!

If it does, everyone will be happy. If it doesn't work, it's nothing. Moreover, even if it is, it will be a major problem for us to take it out for sale in the future.

"Dong! Exchange success, take your goods A light sound symbolizes the token of no trace identity, and all the notes are returned together. In addition, a dark iron furnace, hundreds of herbs, and other materials for refining and building orifices were all put in the furnace.

"Brush!" No trace heart read a move, put on the hand storage ring suddenly a flash. A white awn fell on the dark black iron Dan furnace, and the materials around it disappeared.

"Thank you, thank you!" No trace to responsible for exchange tutor smile, turn around and then turn into a green awn, disappear again.

"Eh, what a quick body method! So many points, this boy should not be nobody, how can the face be so strange! How can you be so familiar with the name "other courtyard in Jiangnan" and "Liu Wuhen", but you can't remember where you've heard it... "The tutor in charge of the exchange was suspicious and thought about it in his heart

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