Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 747: 747

Boom, boom, boom

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There was a terrible explosion, and the blood red mountain in the void trembled violently. The numerous tiny cracks on the top of the space are all quickly fused and closed, and the monstrous smell of destruction is sealed up in the crumbling land of Yibao.

"Brush!" The Qi of Wuxing attribute Xuanli in Wuchen's whole body spreads wildly, which is compatible with the mask of sword power in Wuchen's whole body. Without trace, the whole person is in the space crevice opened by Yibao's earthly land, speeding up frantically.

In the space of Yibao's earthly place, the space is full of darkness. The endless depressing pressure seemed to come from all directions at the same time. It made me feel bored and breathed quickly. At the same time, the monstrous evil spirit seems to breed in this dark space. No matter how fast Wuchen's body flies, this strange evil spirit seems to follow him. It erodes Wuchen's power of guarding the field all the time, and it seems to destroy Wuchen's body at any time.

"Cough, old demon, how can I not feel any Xuanli Qi attribute power in this space? The Xuanli Qi in my body can barely last for a period of time. If it's consumed for such a long time, I'm afraid I'll be buried in the crevice of the space... "Traceless body is still flying along the crevice, but its guard field power sword light shield has quietly started to break up. Meanwhile, the aura of the five elements Xuanli mask released from Wuchen's body began to fade gradually, and the momentum began to thin rapidly.

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"Whoosh!" Traceless whole person as if the depths of the night in the general rush, aimless crazy toward the front and go. But for the question of no trace, I don't know why the demon zunhuoxiao didn't respond at all. As if the old guy had disappeared out of thin air and never appeared before, he was even more flustered.

"Brush!" I don't know how long later, even the sword light shield released from Wuchen's body completely broke. The power of the five elements, Xuanqi light is completely engulfed by the dark evil evil Qi, and no trace feels that his whole body is completely covered by the bloody evil Qi.

At this moment, even the whole person's forward and galloping movement of Wuchen becomes heavy and slow, and the five senses in Wuchen's body are gradually separated from its body under the constant attack of this strange evil spirit.

"Hum!" A loud and clear sword, slightly trembling from traceless waist. A silver white light came up, and in an instant, it was swallowed up by the strange evil Qi around.

"Suddenly In the inner elixir of no trace, there is a child soul villain who is exactly the same as his appearance. Suddenly, he opens his eyes quickly. Two bright purple and gold rays burst out from his eyes. The pure and exuberant Qi of Hongmeng chaos suddenly boils and roars in no trace.

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"Brush!" Two purple and gold rays burst out, and the whole person's body trembled inexplicably as they galloped in the dark space. Traceless's original dispirited expression soared rapidly, and the whole body's power of guarding the field burst out again. It turned into a silver mask to cover his body. The purple and gold light in traceless's eyes kept flashing and shining, which was particularly prominent in the dark evil atmosphere.

"Suddenly The dark and strange evil spirit is coming, wrapping the whole body of Wuhen in it. The power of protecting the field is gathering and breaking, breaking and living, and so on, constantly lingering in front of Wuhen. And the purple and golden light of traceless eyes is like the bright stars in the dark night, which makes it never lose itself in the space gap of magic surging.

"Wow The dark and strange evil Qi rushes to the body of Wu trace continuously, and Wu trace's brain always keeps a clear state. I don't know how long after that, no trace just felt that his body was tired. At the time when traceless will is gradually a little low, a strange and incomparable blood red awn appears quietly in the space gap covered by the dark evil spirit.

"Why, it's so strange, there must be something abnormal!" Traceless purple gold eyes flash, staring at the front, as if close at hand and as if close at the end of the world as strange red Mans, inexplicable move in the heart. Immediately, he saw no trace clenching his teeth and stamping his feet, and without reservation, he urged the Xuanli Qi in his body. The whole person turned into a sword like streamer, and frantically galloped towards the direction of the strange red light and shadow.

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"Whoosh!" The faster Wuchen's body flies, the more powerful the evil evil Qi is, the better the news is.

With the crazy attack of the whole person without trace, the closer to the strange red land, the more the strange blood red light and shadow become more and more spread."Huhu," moreover, since entering the crack space of Yibao, I can no longer feel the traceless power of the five elements Xuanli attribute. At this time, I felt the fierce attack of the gusts of cold wind. Obviously, the nearer Wu trace is to the strange red light and shadow, the nearer it is to the end of the crevice space.

Boom, boom, boom

Just as the traceless figure was about to approach the edge of the strange red light and shadow, the strange black evil Qi around him seemed to be crazy and rushed out. Moreover, the attack power of each strange evil Qi is obviously stronger than that of the strong one in the infant soul realm. Even, in this strange evil attack, no trace still vaguely felt the power of the law.


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Two long roars of fury, at the same time, resounded from the shoulders of traceless. A fire red long ran, virtual shadow quickly into a raging flame, the dark crevice space at the end of the ground quickly ignited light. The fiery red rising flame is dazzling, which quickly reflects the end of the dark crevice space into a fiery red and bright light.

At the same time, a long dragon transformed by a purple ray light and shadow soars up and turns into a purple ray light. The lightning splits out horizontally and cuts a gap at the end of the whole dark crevice space. The strange red light and shadow in the distance suddenly rises. A steady stream of fierce wind poured into the cracks in the space, which made the dark crack space tremble violently.

"Good chance!" As a result, no trace's eyes brightened in vain. Two purple and gold rays burst out of his bright eyes, and his whole body quickly turned into a sword like streamer. All of a sudden, he flashed away along the gap of the black hole split by jiuxiao purple sky thunder, and disappeared into the vast black magic space

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