Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 748: 748

"Brush!" A strong wind is whistling on the body of no trace. The fierce wind is like a violent steel knife. It quickly cuts countless tiny scars on the body of no trace.

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"Suddenly As soon as the whole body of traceless person flies out of the crevice space, it feels that the extremely heavy and depressing gravity pressure is madly imposed on the body. The sword power of guarding the field gathered from Wu Chen was crushed by the terrible gravity on the spot.

"Dong!" A dull sound came from the ground below. No trace the whole body shape as if out of control in general, unexpectedly rapid fall heavily fell on the ground below.

On the ground below, a deep pit full of one person came out of thin air. Bursts of ash and dust filled the air, completely engulfed the traceless and rickety body.

"Cough, traceless boy, what the hell are you doing?" A burst of dry light cough, full of anger in the mind of no trace will spread. A whole body red rough man virtual shadow flashed out, demon respect fire Xiao careless stare to the pit, smoke package without trace, contemptuous words open to question.

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"Damn, can you blame me? I can't mobilize all the Xuanli Qi in my body. If it wasn't for my strong body, I was afraid that I would fall into a meat cake on the spot... "No trace's body moved, and a meteor flew out of the pit. However, the purple and gold armor that originally covered Wuchen's body with the power of thunder and lightning, and the power of earth's mysterious force and gravity's pressure on Xuanqi, had already disappeared.

"Eh, except for the fire and the nine sky purple thunder, we can't communicate with heaven and earth, and can't stimulate any of the mysterious forces? It seems that there is already some mysterious forbidden force in this strange treasure land, which can seal all the mysterious forces in heaven and earth. It seems that there must have been great power to do this in this world! " The demon Zun Huoxiao shakes the fire, and the red shadow swings around Wuchen's body for several weeks. As expected, Wuchen can't feel the existence of any Xuanli attribute's breath.

At the moment, the body of Wu Chen Cheng Huang is full of tiny scratches on the bed, but in its body shape, there are still a red, a purple, two colors of strange light, virtual shadow looming on its shoulders.

"Hoo After listening to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, he breathed heavily. Eyes quickly toward the four directions around the look away, bright calm eyes in the eyes gradually become shocked.

"Brush!" At this time, the place where Wu trace was was was full of strange evil spirit. In the void, a bloody evil spirit was smelling directly to his nose, which made Wu trace's body turn upside down and almost nauseous on the spot.

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Around the place where no trace is located, there are monstrous evil spirits everywhere. And the power of bloody evil spirit is more and more strong, and they are all floating and surging from the distance.

"Suddenly The terrible wind blows from Turk to Turk and gathers in a place not far from the body without trace. In the endless void, the dark and strange evil spirit spread wildly around, and a bloody mountain, which seemed to connect the sky and the earth, was suddenly reflected in the traceless eyes.

"Brush!"“ Brush The whole mountain is surrounded by dark and strange demons from the bottom to the top from the beginning to the end. At this time, they were hiding at the end of the top of the black air cloud, appearing and disappearing.

"Damn, what the hell is that?" Looking at the top of the head, I can't see the end of the shadow, the blood red mountain, no trace can't help swallowing. The glowing blood red light hidden at the top of the black magic gas cloud made no trace think of the strange blood red light just when he was in the opening space of the forbidden area. The strange blood red light is just like human eyes, which attracts traceless to escape from the dark crevice space.

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The sky is full of evil demons and dark clouds, as if the whole area of Yibao is shrouded by night, which makes people feel extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

On the other hand, on the top of the blood red mountain, which is as high as the clouds, two strange blood red awns, which are also flashing strange red awns, are constantly flashing and blinking, always giving traceless a feeling of extreme strange and depressing as if they were fixed by someone's eyes.

"Eh, this space has been completely confined and shrouded by the magic cloud. There is no power of the five elements Xuanli. Even the wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and the evolved Xuanli Qi are extremely rare here..." demon zunhuoxiao Xu Ying stands with his hands down, The fiery red eyes were full of deep light, and they looked at the blood red mountain covered by the magic cloud above their heads.

"Alas, I can't stir up the Qi of Xuanli. It seems that it will take a lot of trouble to seek the treasure in this strange treasure land!" No trace sighed a tone lightly, looking at the surroundings continuously invading the evil evil spirit on his body shape, helplessly shook his head. Then, you can see the vigorous and pure Qi of Hongmeng chaos rising rapidly in Wuhen's body, and the sword Qi on Wuhen's body turns into a light shield again. In addition, the bright silver white sword light and shadow constantly flicker out, which completely dispels the strange black evil Qi covered on the traceless body."Ha ha, there must be something strange about the two blood red lights. Judging from my ten thousand years of experience, the strange treasure in the secret place must be hidden in the two blood red lights..." the demon zunhuoxiao's fire red virtual shadow circled Wu trace for several weeks, patting his chest with a confident look, and assured Wu trace.

"Oh, I'll go! Old demon, when did you come out? Just in the crevice space, I called you. Why didn't you respond? " A very surprised exclamation, no trace on the spot will be scared body suddenly a Zheng. It seems to be extremely unexpected for the appearance of demon zunhuoxiao Xuying, as if all of a sudden the whole person was scared to feel bad.

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"Cough, what are you yelling about? Are you going to hell! Didn't you get out of the space after you entered the gap? Furthermore, you and I are in one mind. If you have something to ask the demon master for me, even if the demon master is reluctant, how can he not even answer you? " Demon zunhuoxiao's face changed a while, and he looked strangely at Wu trace.

See, traceless heart is also a sudden surprise, he clearly in the space crack in the rush for a long time, this just from the space crack to kill a blood escape from the sky. But looking at the appearance of demon zunhuoxiao, it seems that he didn't lie. For himself, it just took a long time, but demon zunhuoxiao didn't realize it at all.

In other words, in the space gap of that time, even the heart read one of the demon zunhuoxiao completely lost contact with their perception.

If I had just experienced something unexpected, it would not mean that even the demon zunhuoxiao would die out with it, and the spirits would be scattered.

Think of here, no trace forehead above the cold sweat is insufficient DC, the whole body shape is inexplicable, then tremble. His eyes twinkled and he looked to the fire sky of demon Zun. When he saw that the fire sky of demon Zun was still red and the shadow was still there, his traceless heart just dropped a little bit

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