Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 750: 750

"Suddenly After entering the half way section of Xuehong mountain, the dark magic cloud seems to be much closer to no trace.

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A very depressing emotion poured into Wuchen's heart, and the dead Qi in the heaven and earth shrouded Wuchen's whole body without any sign of blessing. At the moment when death shrouds Wu Chen's body, even Wu Chen's sword power, which is constantly surging out of Wu Chen's body, somehow loses contact with Wu Chen's divine consciousness.

"Poof!" The power of guarding the field is strange and vanishes. The whole human body is completely exposed at this time. Even on his shoulder, the flame of strange fire and the nine sky purple thunder, which had been shining with power, now, he was also reeling into traceless body, and disappeared without any sign.

"Damn it, old demon, something seems to be wrong!" A exclamation, body shape directly exposed to the outside of the no trace almost unstable body shape, fall under the steep cliff. Fortunately, no trace even if the reaction, this is the whole person like a mountain tiger in general, limbs cling to the steep cliff.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Black demons roared and scraped, like sharp blades, attacking the traceless bronze body. Endless black demons vaporize into black silk threads, like winding packages, trapping the whole person without trace.

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The thin thread of the dark evil spirit permeates into every inch of the skin of traceless body. The ancient bronze skin of traceless body turns to be dark gradually. In addition, the dark magic silk thread slowly penetrates into the body of traceless skin, and an extremely oppressive breath of death quickly covers the whole body of traceless from the inside out.

"Ah With an exclamation, the five senses of Wu hen's whole body gradually disappeared and peeled off under the lingering black evil Qi. At this time, his whole body had become completely dark, and the dead Qi in his body was surging wildly. He began to hurt the meridians of Wu hen's body along the blood channels of Wu hen's body.

"I rely on, peel off the five senses, devour the spirit, evil gas invade the body, this is the mask of giving up..." a exclamation, also resounded in the air on the steep cliff. The demon Zun Huoxiao is red, and the empty shadow's eyes are full of astonishment. He is amazed at the black evil Qi that is constantly attacking all around.

"Hum, play with me, let him swallow you first..." Wuchen snorted coldly, and his face was full of dark color. The eternal power of heaven and earth in Wuchen's body turned wildly by itself, and the pure and vigorous source of Hongmeng's chaos constantly attacked a meridian in Wuchen's body.

The pure and exuberant Qi of Hongmeng's chaos rushes to the body and melts into the blood along the meridians of Wuchen. The black evil Qi that originally intruded into the body of no trace quickly turned into white green smoke and disappeared into the body of no trace.

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"Hoo A mouthful of turbid air slowly puffed out, but the dark body shape and complexion of no trace suddenly relieved and recovered a lot. Even the five senses of no trace gradually peeled off were slowly restored to the body shape of no trace under the operation and flow of Hongmeng purple Qi.

"Cough, no trace boy, the speed needs to be faster, otherwise it is inevitable that there will be another change in Tu Sheng!" Demon respect fire Xiao nervous complexion cut not some ease, hurriedly can't wait for opening to no trace again urge way.

"Bah, grandma, what the hell is this? I can't even move a trace of Xuanli's Qi. Fortunately, the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill can be used, otherwise I will really have to wait for my death!" Traceless spit hard, eyes extremely fierce toward the top of the head, straight into the black magic cloud, a flash of strange red light, staring away. Then he saw no trace bite his teeth hard, and his limbs quickly moved again and again, climbing towards the top of the cliff nearly half a distance away.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

With the continuous upward climbing of traceless body shape, the dull sound of a strange seeper echoes coldly in the silent dark sky. The dull sound of terror reverberates on the silent bloody mountain constantly, which makes the black evil spirit permeated in the surrounding void turbulent.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

There are dark shadows like ghosts flying back and forth in the void. A golden treasure cassock is full of golden Sanskrit light. Unexpectedly, under the constant attack of these ghosts, the golden light is rapidly reduced on the spot.

Under the continuous black cloud of evil spirit, it seems that there are countless ghosts and shadows. Each ghost and shadow flies very fast, just like a bright black meteor in the dark, hanging on the golden Sanskrit cassock. In addition, after each ghost shadow passes by, there will be many deep black marks on the golden Sanskrit cassock."Suddenly The terrible black evil clouds rush down, quickly covering Ananda's body covered by the golden Sanskrit cassock and the Buddha's light.

"Click, click!" A clear sound came out of the black magic cloud, and the golden Sanskrit light gradually faded, until finally disappeared.

Half a moment later, the black magic clouds on both sides were slowly drifting away. In the place where the black magic clouds dissipated, a young monk like man was climbing up and galloping with red eyes and dark body.

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"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" A series of terrible birdsong sounds resounded fiercely, and a series of dark ghosts scurried past the demonic monks. These shapes were like black crows. Each time they scurried, they would attack Ananda's body, which had been attacked by the demonic Qi.

At this time, Ananda's whole body has been completely covered by the black magic Qi. In the face of the strange and terrible evil Qi, the black crow's crazy attack on his body, Ananda seems to be unaware of it, and still flies to the top of the bloody mountain.

"Gulu!" At the bottom, no trace, which was about 100 meters away from Ananda, looked with pain on his face, and the black crow, who was eating on Ananda's body, swallowed his mouth.

On the other side, the demon zunhuoxiao's empty shadow was stunned in vain. The fiery red face suddenly turned pale from the previous consternation. Its fiery red empty shadow jumped out in vain, ran straight into the traceless body, and disappeared out of thin air< br>

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