Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 751: 751

"Suddenly A gust of wind inexplicably blowing, so that no trace of the whole body in vain a tremor. A cold evil will quickly cover and engulf the body of no trace, and the sound of "chirp, chirp, chirp" like evil spirit crow is constantly ringing in no trace's ear.

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"Damn it, these black crows can close the five senses of the warrior and devour the spirit of the warrior. No trace boy, run fast. If you slow down, I'm afraid it's too late!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao rings anxiously again. It seems that the situation of traceless is extremely dangerous. Otherwise, demon zunhuoxiao will not be transformed into traceless body and coexist with it.

"Damn, these guys are haunted!" Traceless turned his eyes and looked at the dark evil air that was constantly covering his body with a cold smile. Then, you can see that the whole body of no trace is running up at a high speed, and the whole person is climbing up like a strong light and shadow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The black crows are transformed from the dark evil spirit. Between the peak of Xuehong mountain, countless black crows are transformed out of thin air. The black shadows roar down and cover up the sky and the sun. All of them open their mouths in the blood basin, Fly also like crazy toward the no trace where the violent gnawing fly peck away.

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"Ah A exclamation, from the crazy climb from the mouth of no trace out. Innumerable dark and incomparable evil spirit black crows, all rushed on the traceless strong body.

"Brush!" There is not a trace of pain, and there is no feeling of discomfort. When the black crow is eating the traceless body, this strange and terrible scene is still clearly staged in traceless eyes.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange light dull sound, repeatedly in the no trace body shape on the ring will be out. Every black crow's figure, which is transformed by the dark evil spirit, will gnaw on its body crazily when it passes by the traceless side, and all the areas of its body which have been eroded by the evil spirit black crow will haunt the dark evil spirit at the same time. Moreover, the lingering dark evil spirit all penetrated into the traceless body through the skin epidermis of traceless body. Even the body shape and skin color that had gradually returned to normal before traceless also changed into the dark and magical color again.

"Old demon, my reaction seems to be a little dull!" Traceless eyes are full of the color of consternation, and constantly use the corner of his eyes to scan his body with the crazy growth of evil Qi. At the same time, the action of no trace hand has no sign of stopping, and it still climbs up wildly.

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With no trace reckless crazy climbing up, the distance between the shadowy bloody mountain peak and no trace is more and more approaching. Two red lights with strange red light and shadow flash into the traceless eyes.

"Suddenly Between the two flashing red light and shadow flicker, like blood red eyes like a flash, hanging in the magic cloud. And a steady stream of dark evil Qi, along the end of the two blood red lights and shadows, is raging.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the top of the bloody mountain, between the two flashing blood red lights and shadows, countless dark evil gas black crows are rushing out of the two strange red awns flashing blood red lights and shadows. In general, it rolled out in a dense way and turned into two dark whirlwinds. It bombards Wuchen, who is climbing up by xiafangzheng, and Ananda, who is about to approach the top of Xuehong mountain and is haunted by demons.

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"I depend on..." a weak sound, panic incomparable from no trace mouth will pass out. Then, it was dark all over the sky, and the evil gas black crow, which was sweeping down like a violent whirlpool, was madly pounding towards the traceless body.

"Ah The black crows, which are extremely dark, crash into the traceless body. The bodies of the black crows quickly turn into nothingness and dissipate. In an instant, the whole person of traceless is completely covered and shrouded in it. A continuous stream of black magic gas invades the traceless body, even the crazy running Hongmeng chaotic gas in the body can't stop the crazy invasion and attack of the black magic gas.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A dull sound came out of the black crow's package. Traceless figure is like a machine, climbing up slowly. Every skin of the whole person is covered with dark black crows. In addition, these evil gas black crows are still eating the traceless body crazily, and the spiritual power fluctuates in the traceless body.

At this time, no trace just feel that the whole brain is no longer clear, in addition to heavy dead gas, there is no other feeling. Even the five senses on the body are gradually weakened and faded, as if in addition to the existence of a little breath, the whole person without trace is like a living dead person, who can only slowly and difficultly climb up under the subconscious urge."Suddenly The wind was blowing, and it was about two hours later. At this moment, the whole person's body had been climbing to the top of the bloody mountain. Two blood red Grottoes appeared above the head of traceless.

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"Brush!" A stream of evil spirit hovers around the sky and flies from the two blood red lights flashing inside the cave. The black magic gas on Wuchen's body rises rapidly and turns into magic gas again. The black crow is absorbed into the grotesque blood red light and shadow cave by the violent wind.

"Whoosh!" A dark and huge figure disappeared in a flash. It was full of demons. Anan, the disciple of the Buddhists' lineage who had no vitality around him, jumped up with his arms wide open. Facing the bloody red light and shadow cave, he quickly absorbed the huge and violent attraction of the cave and disappeared into the strange red mang cave.

"Eh, the source of evil Qi and the hiding place of the land of strange treasures, the traceless boy, is there!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao, like a dull thunder, exploded rapidly in the traceless and chaotic mind. Wu Chen's figure, which had lost all five senses, was suddenly shocked, and his face frowned like a dull one. Then, he saw his whole body struggling with all his strength, going up in a crazy way, and all of a sudden, he flew into the absorption area of the blood red awn light and shadow cave.

"Whoosh!" A huge invisible suction quickly shrouded in the body without trace. The whole person of no trace is like wandering in the wind. Together with the dark evil spirit of countless evil gas black crows, he is swept into the grotesque blood red cave by the invisible suction and falls away quickly

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