Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 755: 755

"Suddenly A dark beam full of evil and evil ideas fell from the sky and fell on Ananda's body. Then, I saw that the evil spirit that had been lingering all over Ananda's body before turned into a dark thread, which quickly and completely enveloped the whole body of Ananda. Then, it penetrated into his body and disappeared.

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Gulu, Gulu

A sound of intense huff and puff, from the side Leng in the original place of no trace mouth faint out. Wu ChenWang's evil spirit gradually disappeared, and his body shape and appearance were slowly recovering. A strange feeling of disgust rose in his heart.

"Brush!" Two sharp cold lights flashed out, and Ananda, who had been closing his eyes, was furious and extremely unstable. Now he suddenly opened his eyes, and the blood red light and shadow in his blood red eyes quickly disappeared. Ananda has completely recovered to the state when he first saw no trace, and even the cassock he was wearing began to show a light Buddha light.

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Today, Ananda's breath is no longer the level of cultivation in the later stage of infant soul realm. The power of the law of heaven and earth, as if there were nothing, loomed and appeared, which made Ananda himself more dignified.

"Amitabha..." a familiar and strange voice of Buddha's name came out of Ananda's mouth. Ananda's frenzy was swept away and replaced by introverted and low-key. His hoarse voice seems to be full of some magic, which makes people feel trust and submission. At this time, I saw Ananda's hands slightly close, his face was full of love, his bright eyes were full of calm, and he looked at the side of his body with dark evil spirit, and added a faint smile.

"Why, are you Ananda?" Wu Chen was slightly stunned. He stepped back a few steps unconsciously. His purple and golden eyes kept scanning up and down. It seemed that he wanted to have a good look at Ananda from the inside to the outside.

"Amitabha, benefactor Liu is joking. I'm not Ananda, but who is it?" Ananda gave a faint smile and didn't care about the powerlessness in traceless words. His face and smile are full of strength, which always gives people a strange feeling that they will trust him.

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"Keke, it's said that the evil spirits will devour the spirits of the martial arts. So I have this question. Now that you have successfully devoured the spirit of ten thousand years, it seems that my worries are unnecessary! " No trace dry light cough a few, staring at the look on Ananda's face, word by word to open up to respond.

"Amitabha, the evil spirit of ten thousand years can devour the spirit. I know that! And I just use this point to break through and then make a breakthrough and enter the ranks of experts in the realm of soul and Emperor! " Another deep and magnetic voice resounded, and finally a faint smile appeared on Ananda's calm face. The Qi of Xuanli on his body vibrated in vain, and a bright golden Buddha light was released slowly in his body.

The Golden Buddha light blooms continuously with Ananda's body, and the whole dark cave is instantly illuminated by it. The evil spirit of heaven and earth trembled in vain, and quickly drifted around to evade. An invisible power of Buddha's light filled the air. Ananda's spiritual realm, lower realm, Martial Emperor realm and cultivation level realm were released without reservation in front of no trace.

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"Eh, the power of heaven and earth's law is contained in the power of the Buddha's light, and the power of controlling heaven and earth's law must be the realm of transforming the soul, the realm of the emperor and the powerful!" Wu Chen's eyes were full of amazement. Looking at the Buddha's light, a Nan swallowed his saliva enviously. It seems that Ananda Congo really swallowed up the spirit of ten thousand years. Otherwise, how could he break through and reach the level of transforming soul into emperor in such a short time.

"Amitabha, there is cause and effect in both origin and extinction, and the way of magic and Buddhism lies in the original heart." Ananda's face is still wearing a convincing faint smile, and the Buddha light on his body slowly enters his body again. There was no wave in Ananda's deep eyes. He was staring at the strange red light and shadow falling at an average speed above his head and frowned slightly.

"Ha ha, the way of Buddhism and demons is in the heart. I've been taught and taught!" With a faint smile without trace, he seemed to be much more open-minded in vain. Before, he had been worried about whether the ten thousand year spirit would devour his spirit. Now after listening to Ananda's words, he unconsciously gained some inexplicable confidence.

"Eh, what a profound Zen. It seems that the young man is really all right to see his form and his words. However, demon master, I always feel that there seems to be something wrong... "Demon zunhuoxiao Huohong Xuying wanders back and forth vigorously, his eyes always fall on Ananda's body, and he refuses to leave easily from the beginning to the end.

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"Amitabha, benefactor Liu, this magic spirit is a rare treasure in ten thousand years. However, in this forbidden area, the poor monk has swallowed up a piece of ten thousand year old demon. And another piece of ten thousand year spirit is useless for me. Since you and I are predestined to be together in such a strange place, it's better that the ten thousand year spirit will be handed over to benefactor Liu, and you will devour it! Poor monk, I happen to have nothing to do, so I will stay aside to protect the Dharma for you, benefactor Liu. " With a faint smile, Ananda gently chanted a Buddha's name. He raised his head and looked up at Wu trace's head naturally. There was no greedy color in his calm eyes, which made people choose to trust and listen without reason."Keke, master Ananda is so polite. How can you call me Liu Wuhen to devour the ten thousand year old demon alone?" No trace lightly dry cough a few, toward a difficult to embrace fist arch hand a face embarrassed of opening to return a way.

"Amitabha, before that, I had devoured a piece of ten thousand year spirit, and benefactor Liu didn't interfere. This piece of ten thousand year spirit belongs to benefactor Liu. We Buddhists pay attention to everything according to fate, and never force everything. Since this thing is related to benefactor Liu, why don't you be a good one! You and I are fighting for this demon. If it's spread out, it's not a disgrace to my reputation of Buddhists... "Ananda's smile is still calm and warm, and he exhorted Wuchen again. But his eyes were still staring at the strange red light and shadow falling slowly above. He shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Ha ha, since you are so sincere, master Ananda, if I don't accept it, it's a waste of my sincerity. In this case, I'll be disrespected by Liu. After this, I'll be counted as Liu Wuchen owes a favor to the Buddhists. If I have a chance, I'll try my best to repay the friendship of master Ananda today! " Seeing Ananda's sincerity and hospitality, Wu chendang would smile and stop dragging mud and water. Then, I saw Wu Chen clasping his fist and arched his hand to ah Nan with a smile. In court, he solemnly promised him.

"Amitabha, benefactor Liu is joking. It's a blessing for Ananda to have a good relationship with benefactor Liu!" Ananda's face was even more smiling. Obviously, he was very happy to accept the ten thousand year spirit so simply. Then, Ananda's hands slowly closed again, and his feet consciously retreated back tens of meters away, making the empty space in the middle of the dark cave completely free from the trace and the strange red light and shadow falling from the top of his head.... < br > then, Ananda's hands slowly closed again

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