Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 756: 756

"Suddenly In the dark and dim cave, with the strange red light and shadow falling slowly, the traceless body below is completely exposed to the strange red light and shadow. The ten thousand year spirit is as big as the eyes of human beings. While absorbing the remaining evil spirit in the cave, it gradually approaches the traceless body.

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"Hoo A dreary exhalation came out of traceless mouth. The traceless purple and gold pupils were shining with the essence of Taoism, and the whole body covered by the evil spirit was bursting out with a sense of war.

"Amitabha!" Ananda, who has been hiding in the dark corner of the distance, is permeated with golden Buddha light. An invisible realm of soul transformation and the power of the realm of Emperor Wu permeates his body. Ananda's smiling face looks at Wu trace's body and looks away. There is a faint emotion that can't be concealed.

"Oh, no! Traceless boy, this little bald ass is weird! " A light exhort, from has been wandering demon zunhuoxiao mouth suddenly out. Immediately, then see the demon zunhuo Xiao Huohong in vain a flash and move, straight into the body without trace disappeared.

"Brush!" At the moment when the demon zunhuoxiao entered the body, the whole body covered with black magic Qi was shocked in vain. Then, an invisible evil spirit loomed, even replaced the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body, filling Wuchen's body and wandering wantonly.

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"Dong Dong Dong!" A series of steps rang out, and the whole person suddenly stepped out of the package. His purple and golden eyes blinked continuously, matched with the strange spirit surging in his body, which made the whole person look more evil and different from his previous temperament.

"Amitabha, the emperor is here, where is the evil spirit? How dare you dare to act recklessly here..." a fierce roar of anger came out coldly. Ananda, who had been smiling, seemed to be a different person. Although he was covered by the light of Buddha, he burst out endless evil spirit. If it wasn't for his appearance, his voice would still be the same, I'm afraid no one will believe that a person who is dedicated to practicing Buddhism and Taoism will burst out with the usual strong evil spirit.

"Well, you are not Ananda at all. Who are you The purple and golden eyes blinked repeatedly, and the strange and evil spirit filled the whole body. The voice of traceless was full of cold. He asked, staring at Anan Leng's voice on the face where the Buddha's light and evil spirit coexisted.

"Ha ha, I'm not him. But I think it's good enough to cover up, but how did you see through me? " The light of Buddha from Ananda's body gradually faded, and finally disappeared into nothingness. A steady stream of evil spirit and evil spirit surged out of Ananda's body. The golden cassock on Ananda's body suddenly turned into darkness, and the whole person, like an evil devil, stared at Wu trace and asked.

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"Ha ha, the golden light in your body is exactly the same as the light of Buddhism. But you forget the root, the devil is the devil, and will never become the Buddha. Although the Buddhist light can be forged, you can't produce Buddhist Sanskrit and misty Sanskrit He blinked a pair of purple and gold eyes, and stared at Ananda, whose face was gradually ugly. He slowly opened his mouth and returned. Then Wuchen stepped forward, continued to speak, ran to Ananda's place with a cool face, and walked away slowly, saying: "besides, it seems that you are too easy to talk if you are so eager to urge me to devour another piece of ten thousand year spirit. It will inevitably make me wonder if you will take advantage of my swallowing the spirit of ten thousand years to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack on me, so as to take another piece of the spirit of ten thousand years as my property.... "

"Haha, it's unusual for ordinary people to see through my demonization skills in such a short time. If you don't have any secrets, you can't tell me, Even if I die, I won't believe it... "Ananda didn't have much surprise at Wu Chen's reply. Instead, he blinked a pair of dark and deep eyes and stared coldly at Wu Chen. The evil spirit of his body suddenly rises, and the power of the evil spirit of heaven and earth is slowly released in the cave.


A cold wind whistling in the dark cave. A steady stream of evil spirit soars into the sky, and the terrible evil power once again locks the whole person firmly on the spot.

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"Whoosh!" Above the cave, the strange blood red light and shadow flickered and blinked faster. The speed of its falling circulation also increased a lot, and the evil and evil air fell from the sky again and covered the body without trace.

"Hey, no trace boy, don't talk to him! This guy has been completely occupied by the spirit of ten thousand years. If you don't get rid of him quickly, I'm afraid the spirit of ten thousand years won't have your share! " The wild laughter of demon zunhuoxiao resounds through Wuchen's mind for a long time.

"Hoo A color of determination flashed over the black and blue face of traceless, and a turbid breath suddenly spewed out from his mouth. The purple gold villain in in the elixir field of traceless quickly opened his purple gold eyes, and a steady stream of vigorous and pure air of Hongmeng chaos turned into two brilliant flowing waves from his eyes, In every meridian of traceless body, it is crazy and wanton to toss and swim."Ouch!" At the same time, a roar of the dragon's voice, hidden in the traceless body, will come out quietly. The place of realizing the sea in traceless brain is suddenly red, and the light and shadow flash by. The little earth dragon is burning red, and its shadow is long and empty. At this time, it is occupying in traceless knowing the sea.

Moreover, with the awakening of the virtual shadow of the little earth dragon, the endless evil spirit in the body of no trace, driven by the chaotic Qi of Hongmeng, continuously flows out from the meridians of no trace. This strange evil spirit seemed to have lost contact with the outside world, and all of them could not help flowing towards a place in traceless body.

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At the end of the confluence and flow of the evil spirit, the fire red shadow of the little earth dragon is making a big mouth and sucking hard. The evil evil spirit contained in the traceless body is all under control. It flies madly towards the fire red shadow of the little earth dragon.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange dull sound, joint resolution constantly resounded in traceless body. Wuchen's black and blue body was in vain, and he felt relaxed and comfortable. With the passage of time, the feeling of comfort and contentment becomes more and more intense. The evil and evil spirit in Wuhen's body is rapidly weakening. On Wuhen's strong body, the dark and iron green skin begins to fade rapidly with the speed of naked eye, and gradually changes to the original bronze skin color on his body.... < br > the color of Wuhen's body is changing

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