Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 757: 757

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A clear sound came out slowly from the traceless and strong body. The skin on Wu Chen's body gradually recovers its original color, and the jade belt on his waist quickly spreads a bright silver light again.

"Hum!" With a loud sword, Turks resounded in the silent cave. The light and shadow of a silver sword, like a long dragon, breathed the roaring meaning of the sword, and suddenly appeared in the traceless palm. At the same time, the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body is released slowly, and the cultivation level of the later stage of the infant soul realm is released without reservation. His purple and golden eyes are flashing with bursts of cold light, and with the strange and evil spirit that looms around his body, his whole person's momentum is extremely strange.

"Eh, old demon, I still can't feel the power of any Xuanli attribute in this cave, but what's the matter with Xuanli childishness in my body? It doesn't seem to be the power of Hongmeng's chaotic Qi..." no trace holds a silver sword in his hand, and the purple gold demon's eyes keep flashing. His mind is full of doubts. He quickly communicates with the demon zunhuoxiao and asks.

"Haha, this evil spirit is transformed by the power of the spirit of the demon master. I can turn the demon master into a short spirit for you. Naturally, I can urge the evil spirit to replace the original mysterious spirit in your body. Just, you boy's previous realm is too low, can't use the power of demon lord's spirit. "

"Now, you have become emperor, and you have mastered the law of life and death. Although the realm has not been upgraded to the cultivation level of Wu Huang realm, the real combat power is one or two times stronger than that of the next emperor. Therefore, Demon Lord, I can urge the power of evil spirit in my body and help you deal with some thorny troubles in a short time! "

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"However, this kind of consumption is extremely huge for you and me, and the time to urge is also very limited! In addition to the necessary life and death, the rest of the time, you don't want to hit the demon master my crooked idea! " The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao resounded again, and the air of Hongmeng chaos flowing in Wuchen's body became restless and boiling in vain. An invisible source of evil gas is constantly burning from the blood of every meridian in the body of traceless, and the whole body of traceless is inexplicably suffused with bursts of full purplish red light of evil breath.

"Brush!" Wuchen's whole body was covered with the extremely evil purple red light. The momentum of Wuchen's body was out of control and rose wildly. The bottleneck of the peak level of the cultivation realm in the later stage of the infant soul realm was loosened in vain. Wuchen felt the endless void. The power of the law between heaven and earth seemed to be hidden in the dark clouds of evil Qi.

"Hum!" There was a loud and clear sound of the sword without any sign, and the silver sword in the hand of no trace was trembling with joy.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The light and shadow of the silver swords soared into the sky and became countless swords, which were suspended in the void. And no trace is full of purple and red evil light, a pair of purple and gold eyes fixed on Ananda, who is added by the power of the law of evil will.

"Suddenly The air of purple and red demons soared to the sky, and the strange light and shadow of red awn falling from the top of traceless's head at a constant speed all trembled in vain. A continuous stream of evil spirit roared down from its ten thousand year old demons, and went crazy to suppress traceless's body again.

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"Sword cage south of the Yangtze River"

"The sword cover is continuous."

"The moon rises from the sword."

"The sword falls, the morning glow falls."

"Whoosh!" A series of four willow style nine swords are released. Without trace, the whole person is like a green shadow running through the flash cave.

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"Brush!" In the cave, which is full of evil spirit, there is a continuous silver sword in the sky. A beautiful scene of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River emerges as the times require. Will no trace top of the head bully and come of black pressure evil spirit of gas completely obstruct outside. Then, I saw a bright moon, which was formed by the sword spirit. The sword spirit rose slowly, and reflected the whole dark cave in an instant.

"Hum, the firefly dare to compete with the bright moon!" A cold hum came from a dark corner of the cave. Then, he saw Ananda step across and out, his body suddenly turned into a dark shadow, and rushed straight to no trace body.

"Suddenly An invisible force of demons in heaven and earth diffused in a flash, and directly oppressed the southern part of the sword cage and the continuous silver light shield of the sword cover.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

It is obvious that they can't bear the oppressive sound of magic, and the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, which is transformed by the continuous sword idea, collapses quickly on the spot. Wang Mingyue's sword meaning is shaky, and quickly spreads into the sky, turning into a bright morning glow. The sword Qi quickly splits to the side of no trace, and the left and right around him will be stabbed away.Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of deafening dull sounds, one after another, resounded through the cave. The strange red awn shadow above the head of Wu Chen shakes in vain, and the falling speed becomes slower again.

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At this time, not far from the front of the traceless figure, the light of Zhaoxia sword Qi, which is transformed by continuous sword Qi, has completely bombarded Ananda's figure which is covered by the evil spirit of his whole body.

The sword Qi gaps with red light and shadow appeared on the spot, but they had no influence on Ananda's galloping pace. Ananda's magic power was released continuously, and he ignored the sword attack directly.

"Hum, you can understand the power of the law only by turning the soul into the emperor and communicating with heaven and earth! Today, I'll show you the insurmountable gap between the infant soul and the transformed soul A cold hum suddenly came out from behind. Ananda, whose Qi is still in the front of traceless figure, now appears in the range of several meters behind traceless figure. Then, an invisible force of the magic law, without deviation, fell and shrouded in the traceless body.

"Ah With a cry of surprise, the whole body of Wu trace was quickly covered by the power of this terrible law of evil will. The purple and red evil spirit in Wu trace's body gradually faded and slowly lost its original brilliance under the cover of this Law of evil will. And the momentum of the crazy climbing on the whole body of Wu Chen stopped abruptly in vain, and the silver sword in his hand trembled repeatedly in Wu Chen's hands.

A pair of purplish gold eyes constantly flicker with the icy cold, traceless body shape slowly turn will pass. The two evil eyes, like wild animals, stare coldly not far behind. On Ananda's face, which is full of sarcasm and laughter, they gaze coldly and go away... < br > all the time

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