Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 768: 768

Clang, clang, clang, clang

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A series of low piano sounds reverberate among the bloody mountains, and the originally restless air cloud of evil will gradually become quiet and gentle. The air clouds of evil spirit are all turned into black air. It seems to be pulled by some inexplicable force. It rolls up from every corner in all directions and rushes to the body without trace.

"Suddenly The boundless air clouds of evil will turn into violent hurricanes, rolling out from the shadowy bloody mountains. Originally hazy can not see the true face of the bloody mountain, now also completely exposed in the traceless eyes.

The towering bloody mountains rise from the ground and soar into the clouds. An invisible deep sense of oppression permeates the bloody mountains all the time. Even in the gap between every rock on the bloody mountain, there is a strange blood red light and shadow. And these faint blood red light and shadow, even always give people a kind of gloomy and strange blood evil spirit breath.

"Eh, old demon, there seems to be something wrong. This bloody mountain looks strange. How can it make me have an illusion?" While caressing the strings of the black magic Qin, Wu trace separated a wisp of mind and demon zunhuoxiao channel in his mind.

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"Cough, this towering bloody mountain looks more like an unfathomable abyss. Even, it can bring an inexplicable sense of depression. You know, demon master, as a soul body, I was reborn with you in this mainland of China. This is the first time I met demon master. Even in the face of Tianzun's disability, demon master, I have never felt so uncomfortable... "Demon Zun Huoxiao coughed a few times, The whole person's fiery body was slightly stunned. His fiery eyes quickly moved away from the bloody mountain. It seemed that every time he took a look at the bloody mountain, the discomfort of demon zunhuoxiao would be aggravated.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid air, exhaled heavily from the mouth without trace. As the momentum of the evil spirit cloud gradually weakens, the pressure brought by the bloody mountain on the opposite side becomes more obvious. There are several times without trace or even nearly lost in mind, into the abyss brought about by the bloody mountain, deep and oppressive senses, unable to extricate themselves.

"Clang, clang," the sound of the magic harp gradually changed from low to high, loud and clear, and the rolling power of the magic law made the whole bloody mountain tremble inexplicably. In the brain originally some turbid unbearable no trace, the entire human body is in vain a tremble, quickly from just that sinking collapse of the muddle state clear come over. Immediately, then see no trace quickly hold one's breath, no longer go to explore that strange blood color mountain. It's to concentrate on playing the piano with both hands to activate the law of magic power in the body, and continue to play the song Yanyu Jiangnan, which Yanyu plays most often in his life.

"Suddenly With the black magic piano, the magic sound is more and more loud, and the dark and strange magic cloud is absorbed into its body. And the sound of the evil spirit played by the black magic organ turned into the spirit of the evil spirit and spread all over the blood mountain.

"Ouch!" A loud and clear sound of the capital of dragon chanting resounds through the void filled with the sound of demons. The strange, bloody and demonic spirit remaining in the void is all shrouded and spread over the huge body shape which is waving all the five claws on the void at the moment.

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Just a moment later, the huge body shape of the little earth dragon was gradually engulfed by the remaining black magic spirit around him. The loud and clear magic spirit sound suddenly seemed to be pulled by some kind of inexplicable traction. One after another, they unconsciously flew to the land wrapped by the magic spirit.

Boom, boom, boom

There was a terrible explosion, and the fury spread all over the void. The voice of evil spirit was not controlled by traceless mind, and burst out on the spot in the evil spirit enveloping the magic group.

The sound of the terrible explosion is deafening and earth shaking, and the sound of the devil's will contains a trace of the power of the law of the devil's will. Even the power of the terrible voice of evil will burst is no less than that of the general soul Wuhuang strongman.

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"Kick!" A rapid string wave sound, the moment of harsh rough will be out. The body without trace, who is trying his best to control the sound of magic intention, suddenly trembles, and the sound of the black magic Qin string in his hand stops suddenly.

"Little earthworm!"

"Well, this guy, will he be ok?"

In the void, Wu Chen and Yao Zun Huoxiao are all eyes wide open, staring away anxiously towards the center of the most violent impact caused by the explosion of the demonic music.

"Suddenly At this moment, in the center of the most serious power of the demonic zither sound explosion, the demonic spirit, which has been enveloped in the void, is madly agitated. The black evil air cloud of Taoism turns into a hurricane, and all of them rush towards the huge body covered by the evil air cloud."Ow..." at the same time, as the momentum of the black magic cloud gradually weakened and dissipated, the huge body shape of the little earth dragon also appeared in the void.

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"Ouch!" The dark and monstrous evil spirit rushed into the fifth claw under the little earth dragon's abdomen. However, the fifth claw, which was originally full of evil spirit and had no vitality, suddenly burst into the sky. It was as if it had come to life all at once. It was full of strange evil spirit and evil spirit.

"Ha ha, it's done, it's done, little earthworm. You are really scared to death!" In the void, the black magic harp trembles slightly in front of Wu Chen's body, quickly turns into the power of the black magic law, and rushes into Wu Chen's body again.

"Ha ha, the five claws show up together and gain the power of evil intention. This time, the little earth dragon is a blessing in disguise!" Demon respect fire Xiao fire red, virtual shadow negative hand and stand, a pair of Taoist like appearance, with a smile in the air.

"Sa Sa..." a burst of excitement, the sound of huff and puff through the void, the huge posture of the little earthworm suddenly trembled. The five claw prints on the upper part of his body and on the lower part of his abdomen sparkle at the same time, and the light containing all kinds of Xuanli's Qi turns into a colorful Xuanli mask, which covers the huge body and cage of the little earth dragon in the void without any sign < br > of the light

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