Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 769: 769

Brush, brush, brush

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Above the void, the Qi of Xuanli of each attribute rises to the sky. The huge body of the little earthworm wrapped in the gorgeous light and shadow trembled violently for no reason. The little earthworm was so red that it made a series of clear sounds.

"Teng!" A fierce and domineering spirit of a big monster, the realm of prestige and momentum, unexpectedly burst into the sky from the body of the painful little earthworm.

Crackle, crackle, crackle

From the colorful Xuanli power mask in the void, the sound of a rare light sound will come out. With the light of Xuanli's Qi gradually tending to be peaceful and stable, there are many bloody red hard skins, which are as strong as rocks. They are scattered from the void.

"Little Earth Dragon..." Wuchen's whole body is full of evil spirit, and the power of the law is crazy around his body. The whole body's state of momentum suddenly ascends to the level of the spirit transforming state, the military emperor's state, and his deep eyes are mixed with a trace of evil spirit, The body slowly climbs up and flies away towards the little earthworm covered by the colorful Xuanli's air mask.

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"Eh, little earthworm, is he molting?" Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong virtual shadow is close to the side of no trace, and his eyes are full of doubts. He stares at the fiery red hard skin bag falling down.

"Ouch!" A loud and high pitched sound of the dragon's chant, from the various attributes of Xuanli's Qi light enveloped in the continuous ring. The dazzling golden light burst out from every inch of xiaodilong's body at the same time.

Brush, brush, brush

The brilliant golden awn rose up in the sky, and even the colorful Xuanli light mask was eclipsed by it. With the continuous spread of this dazzling golden light, the whole void in the area where xiaodilong is located is illuminated by its inexplicable light.

"Suddenly A holy and incomparable majestic momentum came out from the colorful Xuanli light mask. The cracks of fine lines visible to the naked eye began to disintegrate from the Qi of Xuanli into the inner part of the mask.

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"Damn, how can this prestige be so solemn and holy? Is the little earth dragon going to evolve again?" Traceless slowly upward floating body in vain a Zheng, quickly stabilized the body and kept a certain safe distance between the small earthworm.

Although the dazzling golden light exudes a solemn momentum, people will have an inexplicable desire to surrender to worship. But this mysterious momentum and pressure, for no trace, has a strange feeling of inexplicable comfort and steadiness from the beginning to the end.

Click, click, click

The sound of fragmentation will be heard for several times. The guard light shield, which is transformed from the air of Xuanli of various attributes, will be broken on the spot under the influence of the dazzling golden light and the terrible and solemn momentum.

"Ouch!" Another loud and high pitched sound of the dragon's voice resounds in this silent and nihilistic world. A giant dragon, the size of an adult dragon, is shining with dazzling golden awn and endless majesty and oppression. On the spot, it dances five terror claws on its lower abdomen, which twinkle the light of mysterious force, In the void of wanton wanton flying, wandering.

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"Why, the five clawed golden glory, the Earth Dragon rises to heaven! This, this is the legendary five clawed golden dragon, reappearing in the world... "Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong virtual shadow trembled inexplicably, staring at the Golden Dragon figure above his head after the transformation, which was flying freely in the void like joy, and his eyes were deep and melodious for a long time.

"Well, five clawed golden dragon, this name sounds really domineering. It really conforms to my talent and natural momentum!" See demon respect fire Xiao unexpectedly so surprised, no trace heart don't mention how dark cool repeatedly. On the one hand, no trace is happy for the safety of little earthworm, on the other hand, the transformation of little earthworm is no different from another life-saving card for no trace.

Therefore, for no trace, every point of strength enhancement is equivalent to one more point of survival probability on the mainland of China. Also for later can have the opportunity to fight against Tianzun, for demon zunhuoxiao revenge, more added a confidence and grasp.

"Well, you know nothing! Among the thousands of monsters, the dragon is one of the most powerful. And the five clawed Golden Dragon is the king of the dragon family. If you can have the five clawed Golden Dragon Spirit to protect your body, it's a favorite of heaven Demon respect fire Xiao Zheng Zheng Zheng's vision slowly draw back, to have no mark didn't good spirit of turn over white eyes. His words are full of disdain and incomprehension, and he put the words into his mind."Ha ha, I'm afraid it's hard to find one person in the six states of mainland China! Is it hard to be Liu Wuchen? What's his secret life experience Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace heart suddenly move. It reminds me that most of the people in the Liu family inherited the martial spirit of the Liu family's botanical system, but Liu Wuchen was the only one whose martial spirit was sealed and could not be used.

If it wasn't for the reincarnation of Wu Chen and the old demon, I'm afraid that the little earth dragon could not wake up in Liu Wu Chen's body.

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Today, the Liu family has already been completely destroyed, and Liu's father has also become a dead soul, dissipated into nothingness. Liu's mother and Liu Shuanger were the only two left in the whole Liu family, who settled in the headquarters of soul hunting Pavilion, the capital of Shang Tang Dynasty. And the small earth dragon metamorphoses, and the five clawed Golden Dragon is real.

It can be seen that Liu Wuhen's martial spirit must have inherited the martial spirit constitution of a certain family, but the martial spirit of this family is still unheard of in Liuzhou. Is the five clawed golden dragon the soul of a mysterious family in the other three states.

Liu's mother is an ordinary person who can't practice. I don't know if she knows Liu Wuchen's life experience. I'm afraid that only when she comes out of this strange place, can she have a chance to explore it again. However, if you want to seek such truth, I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think.

Think of here, no trace heart is a touch of strange feeling, seems to have a trace of curiosity and expectation for Liu no trace life experience.

"Ouch!" With a more and more impending sound of dragon chanting coming, the little earth dragon and the giant golden dragon suddenly appear in the golden light. A dazzling golden awn flashed by, and the giant body of the little earthworm turned into the size of a young snake, breathing the fiery red core in his mouth, dancing his five sharp claws with the brilliance of Xuanli of various attributes, and floating in front of the traceless body with a cute appearance

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