Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 770: 770

"Suddenly A wisp of breeze blowing from the heart, no trace just feel a burst of inexplicable relaxed. All the monstrous clouds of evil spirit disappeared in the void, and half of the withered and decaying valley came into sight.

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"Sasa, boss, look at me quickly. Are you handsome again?" A breath full of magnetic voice, floating into the ear without trace. The five clawed Golden Dragon with the size of a small snake in front of Wuhen's body actually spits out words on the spot and grins at Wuhen, showing a pair of flattering smile.

"Wow, little earth dragon, you are so handsome that it explodes after you become a five clawed golden dragon!" No trace pretends to marvel, quietly puts out his left hand to hold the five clawed golden dragon, which is the size of a small snake, and gently stretches out his index finger with his right hand to gently touch and comfort the little earth dragon.

"Sasa, it's OK to pull, it's OK, even if it's the Earth Dragon, I become more handsome. In my heart, boss, you will always be the most handsome existence!" The golden body of the little earthworm swings back and forth in the hands of no trace, and its five claws under the abdomen are shining with bright cold light. It seems that the whole temperament of xiaodilong has undergone a qualitative change.

"Ha ha, yes, yes, we are the first and second most powerful pot in the universe!" Traceless burst out laughing and seemed to be in a very good mood. While gently touching the smooth golden body of the little earthworm, he quietly released his divine consciousness around him and slowly explored and walked away.

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"Damn it, you two shameless guys, are you still the first and the second best? Then where do you, you, and the demon lord, the most handsome demon in the six realms and nine days Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow quickly came forward, staring at no trace and small earth dragon a face indignant mouth to criticize way.

"Sasa, old demon, I don't think you've lost your body. How can you even lose your face now?" The magnetic voice of the little earthworm resounded out of thin air again, and its golden body turned into a bright golden awn, which instantly separated from the traceless palm. Then, the golden body of the little earthworm quickly became huge, and the five claws under the abdomen swayed and twinkled together. He opened his mouth, bared his teeth and breathed the blood red long core in his mouth, and his eyes were furious. He stared at the fire red shadow of the demon zunhuoxiao without showing any weakness.

"Cough, barbaric, rude, uncivilized! No trace boy, you don't take good care of it. This guy is so violent. If one day I was bitten by the demon master, my temperament would be changed greatly and I didn't recognize people. You are better than the demon master. I reminded you first... "Demon zunhuoxiao coughed and quickly moved his eyes away from the little earth dragon. At the same time, demon zunhuoxiao red virtual shadow quickly dodged to no trace behind, in order to seek no trace protection, avoid the small earth dragon glare.

"Ha ha, old demon, why do you say the symptoms are so like rabies! You want to express the meaning, is it difficult to say that little earthworm, he is a dog... "No trace light smile, unkindly turned his eyes behind the demon zunhuoxiao fire red virtual shadow, especially when it comes to the last time, no trace even deliberately pulled a long tone, toward the side of the covetous little earthworm Nu mouth.

"Ouch!" The sound of a roaring dragon's voice rises, and the small earth dragon's huge body quickly curls up. It shrinks the traceless and demon zunhuoxiao shadow in front of it.

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"Hey, hey, it's just a joke. Why take it seriously! Little earthworm, you are good at everything, but you are so sincere Demon respect fire Xiao Shan a smile, face embarrassed to small earthworm spread a hand. Immediately, demon zunhuoxiao's face was full of begging for mercy, and he looked at Wu trace. It was obvious that he was really afraid of the little earth dragon, and he bit himself in vain.

"Ha ha, OK, OK. Little earthworm, just scare this guy! " See demon zunhuoxiao embarrassed appearance, no trace on the spot will laugh. Then, no trace gently waved his hand to the little dragon, and at the same time signaled that the demon zunhuoxiao could put down his heart.

"Hum, you two are hard winged now, and dare to bully the demon master. You two guys are just a pair of white eyed wolves..." demon zunhuoxiao stares at them fiercely. He doesn't have a good temper and says contemptuously.

"Hey, old demon, you'd better be honest in the future, or I'll let the little dragon bite you anytime and anywhere!" No trace a face bad smile, to the demon respect fire Xiao blinked. Then Wuchen waved his hand to xiaodilong, indicating that he didn't have to fight so hard to scare the demon zunhuoxiao.

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"Ouch!" A low sound of dragon chanting spread all over the void, and the body of the five clawed golden dragon, which was transformed from the small earth dragon, did not move. But its huge body is still curled in the same place, will no trace and demon zunhuoxiao two body double guard in it.

"Hello, little Dilong, what's the matter with you?" Aware of the restlessness and uneasiness contained in the low voice of little earthworm, the cold light in traceless's eyes flashed in vain. Its body shape quickly from the body guard of xiaodilong, and its eyes were full of vigilance and quickly explored around."Eh, no, there's a problem. Be careful, traceless boy!" Demon zunhuoxiao also seems to be aware of the abnormality of the little earth dragon, and its fire red virtual shadow rises rapidly. A wisp of evil spirit quickly diffused from his body, and his red and empty shadow flew to the side of no trace.

Boom, boom, boom

On the silent half of the valley, the strange and violent roar of life began to shake.

In the originally gloomy void, I don't know when it was already full of blood, and unconsciously it covered the whole void. An invisible blood evil spirit's imposing power and madness pervaded in the void, and even completely imprisoned and enveloped the place where no trace was within the scope of a hundred Li.

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"Damn, this void is blocked! Isn't Yibao already acquired by us? Are there strong people hiding behind it? " No trace looking around bloody evil spirit full of forbidden space, heart no reason is suddenly a sink.

"Hum, there..." demon zunhuoxiao's face was extremely ugly, and his fiery red eyes were staring at the bloody mountain opposite him. The evil spirit on his body is like an invisible red long line, which closely connects himself with his traceless body shape.

"Ouch!" On the other side, the little earthworm was shaking up with its golden body, and it was pressing towards the bloody mountain opposite. Its huge body sent out endless golden light, and its teeth and claws were on the side of the traceless body< br>

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