Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 792: 792

"Pa!" A clear ring of fingers, quietly in the silence of the void, like a Turk. The fiery red sword Qi, which contains the power of thunder and lightning, was stunned in vain, as if it had been frozen in the void.

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"Suddenly At the same time, the voice of evil spirit filled in the world suddenly stopped, and the endless evil spirit ran like a huge wave. In an instant, it swallowed up the fire and red sword Qi which was still and solidified all over the sky.

"Eh, it's resolved. Yang Cang's three in one sword attack has been broken!"

"Damn, is this guy really a new soul?"

"Well, it's worthy of being a guy from the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. Sure enough, every disciple there is a genius of evil level!"

Ape Valley in the death of the general silence, the forces of all forces Wuhuang level strong all involuntarily swallow saliva. In the void, no trace, one person and one piano, floated up slowly. On the opposite side, Yang Cang's red sword had been obviously gathered to the critical point of the outbreak.

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"Ha ha, you are proud to break my triplicate sword technique! But let's call it a day! " On the void, Yang Cang's intention of killing was stronger, and his tone was full of endless coldness. The breath of his whole body was quickly compatible with the red sword in his hand. The whole person turned into a rising red streamer, just like a touch of the setting sun, and went straight to the place where his body was.

"Pa!" In the void, a loud and clear sound of fingers appeared again, echoing in the silent ape Valley, making it dead. In a moment, the silent sky seemed to come back to life.


The air waves of evil spirit flow again, and a bitter and dry sound comes out of the void. Without trace, his face was calm, and his eyes were calm. He gently played the piano with both hands and repeatedly waved the strings. The air of evil spirit was overwhelming, and he went to capture and encircle the flying air of red awn sword in front of him.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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A dull sound, penetrating sound, containing the power of thunder and lightning, suddenly broke through the blockade of the evil spirit. There is only a flash of red light and shadow on the whole void, which abruptly cuts the dark and evil air cloud above the void to the upper and lower ends.

Click, click, click

A sound of broken sound quietly appeared, in the traceless body shape tens of meters away from the scope of the ground repeatedly rang up. And the flowing light of the fire red sword was creaking as if it had stabbed something hard as a rock. The violent collision wave caused by the collision of the two roofs was even a turbulence in the scraping void, and even the sky above the land of ape Valley trembled.

"Eh, it seems that the sword will not last long to protect the field." Yao Zun fire Xiao Xu shadow quietly out, the whole person suspended in traceless body side, face indifferent. On his fiery body, a trace of evil spirit spread out, and there was a silent invisible connection with the traceless body beside him.

"Boom!" It was another deafening roar, as if it was going to burst the whole void, which was terrifying. On the ground ten meters in front of Wu Chen, a series of tiny cracks and strange generals emerged. A bright red sword suddenly ascended and destroyed the invisible barrier in the void.

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"Whoosh!" Without hesitation and procrastination, the light and shadow of the fiery sword flash into the protection of the power of the field. At the same time, a fiery red sword fell from the sky, locking the whole body firmly on the spot.

"Pa!" A loud and clear finger sound, in the place where no trace will be again pan out. No trace of the left hand still fell on the body string, and the right hand is not know when it has been raised on their chest. His right thumb and middle finger are closely connected. At the moment, he is keeping the appearance of snapping fingers, and his movements are reflected in the eyes of the people present.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

At this moment, with the whole person as the center, all the magic Qi suspended in the air around is frozen on the void. A fiery red light and shadow is gradually being magnified in the eyes of the people below, and the speed of the fiery red sword light and shadow is also beginning to become more and more clumsy and weaker with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Eh, what is the power of law that can imprison the void?" Yang Cang is holding the lightning sword. The sword power of the whole person is becoming weaker and weaker. Even the air of various attributes of Xuanli surging between heaven and earth can't be perceived by Yang Cang at the moment. As a great power at the level of Wu Huang, the meridians in his body have already turned emptiness into soul. He can easily sense and mobilize the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth.But now, Yang Cang, known as the lightning sword, is oppressed and spread all over his body by an invisible and terrible force of law, which makes his most proud famous Sanhe fast kill sword technique suppressed. Even the mysterious power consumed in his body can't be replenished by the absorption of the mysterious power of heaven and earth.

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"Ha ha, this is your Sanhe fast killing sword skill. It doesn't seem to be as powerful as the one in the rumor!" A faint smile came out from the mouth of no trace. No trace single hand will be on the body of the piano, right hand gently out of the void in the middle of that was frozen red light and shadow gently shaking fingers.

"Eh, imprison the void. Is this the best power of the space system among all the power of the law?" In the void, Yang Cang finally sensed the strange trend on the void around him. His sword spirit was released like a frenzy without reservation, but he still couldn't shake the power of the law of terror.

This invisible power of law seems to be the same as the power of Qi with various attributes of mysterious power, and at the same time, it also contains endless sword intention and evil intention. The whole void seems to be controlled by this mysterious power of law. No matter how Yang Cang struggles, he can't escape the confinement and bondage of this mysterious power of law.

"Ha ha, this method is called condensing emptiness, which means condensing emptiness. This is the power of new laws created by integrating the power of my own all attribute laws... "With a faint smile, Lang Lang rose and fell in Yang Cang's mind. Like a dull thunder, he burst into turbulence in his sea of knowledge. In the surrounding void, not only the space is frozen, but also the traceless voice seems to contain the spirit of terror.

"Ah With a sound of pain, Yang Cang's momentum began to riot wildly. Even so, his fiery sword power could not break through the shackles of space freezing. And the whole person is a turbid pain in the brain, on the spot will be stunned in the void, unable to calm down for a long time to recover< br>

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