Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 793: 793

"Suddenly Above the void, a cold current surged up, and the temperature of the whole ape valley was inexplicably reduced, but the cold wind could not only blow into the void, which was confined and condensed in the air.

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"Well, Yang Cang, he failed!"

"Damn, it's against the heaven. This guy is just against the heaven. He has just stepped into the realm of transforming the soul and becoming the emperor of Wu."

"This guy won't really kill Yang Cang, will he?"

Below, on the land around ape Valley, whispers are heard. Ghosts and Demons sect, Tianyun sect, and ape Valley's children are all staring at the top of their heads. On one side of the ground, the sword pavilion's powerful warriors are all trembling, A face with lingering fear looked up at the void, the one handed playing the piano on the handsome green robed young man's body looked solemnly.

"You, you can't kill me. I'm the youngest emperor in the history of Jiange. Kill me, the sword Pavilion will never let you go... "Yang cangleng calmed down in the void for a long time. In the frozen space where Yang Cang is located, it seems that there is a terrible sword rising slowly, and a deadly breath threatening to land out, which makes Yang Cang feel an unprecedented sense of death enveloping and spreading over his body.

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"Ha ha, fair war, life and death duel, sword Pavilion, can you repent in public?" With a slight lift of his hands, the black magic Qin suspended in front of him quickly turned into a rolling air of evil spirit and melted into the void. And a bright white Glauber's sword flashed out from Wu Chen's waist, and a silver white soft sword was held in Wu Chen's palm in an instant.

"Damn it, madman, you madman! Lord peak, help me, help me Yang Cang's face showed a ferocious color, and his eyes were full of fear, staring at every move of Wu trace. His voice was full of anxiety and confusion, and he even took the initiative to call for help to the Kaiyang master among the forces of the sword Pavilion below.

"This..." many strong men in the sword Pavilion trembled, and the Qi of sword spirit was released subconsciously. In the eyes of master Kaiyang of the sword Pavilion, there is even a trace of struggle. The red light of Kaiyang sword in his hand rises slowly and violently.

"Ha ha, I've heard that the sword Pavilion is the holy land for sword building. When did it come to be so unbearable? In my opinion, the style of your sword Pavilion is not as magnanimous as that of the demon sect, which you call the evil sect. If all the six states in mainland China are dominated by such despicable people, I think the pattern of the six states in mainland China really needs to be changed! " The wild smile will roar like earth shaking, and the endless terrifying earth law will spread in the ape valley. The ape King's body quickly flew to the void, and a golden giant ape with a height of 100 meters appeared on the void.

At the same time, ape pro, ape Ho, ape Ren, and the three great ape clan elders also turned into golden giant apes one after another. Their bodies stood aloof in the void, and their momentum was released repeatedly, locked on the bodies of a group of strong people in the opposite Pavilion.

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On both sides, ape heaven, ape earth, and the elders of the two great ape clans were about yuan Zong, and Yuan Zong's whole body was guarded. The camel monster and the children of the ape tribe all gathered around the place where yuan Zong was, and a terrible momentum suddenly rose up and haunted the whole ape valley.

"King ape, let's call it a day. My sword Pavilion is willing to produce 300 top-quality sword weapons. What do you think?" Kaiyang master's eyes were very gloomy, staring at the huge body of the ape King above his head, roaring angrily.

"Boom!" There was a loud explosion in the void without any sign, and the left and right space of the ape King's body trembled violently. A heavy and dreary power of the earth's law fell directly from the sky, and it fell on the Kaiyang master's body mercilessly.

"Poof!" A bright red thread of blood sprayed out of thin air, and the sword power barrier enveloped in master Kaiyang's whole body exploded into pieces in an instant. And his whole body was even more explosive, retreating tens of meters away. After staggering for a few breath, he slowly stabilized his body on the spot.

"Ape king, how dare you..." master Kaiyang's face was very pale, and his whole body was covered by the terrible pressure. The sword power in his body was frantically resisting the invasion of the law of the earth, and his eyes were full of indignation, staring at the void.

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"If you dare to say one more word of nonsense, I will let you stay in the land of ape valley forever!" In the eyes of the ape king, the intention of killing bloomed without concealing the ornaments. The power of the law of terror released from the whole person began to be directed against master Kaiyang.

"Gulu!" In an instant, Kaiyang master's original upright body began to bend and collapse in full view of the public. The cold sweat all over his body was even like rain, and even the ground under Kaiyang master's feet burst and collapsed."If someone tries to obstruct the war, he will not pay attention to our demon sect! If you listen to the order, anyone who intervenes in this battle will be killed on the spot! " A gloomy voice rang, and Huang Chang's face was full of disdain and disdain. All the powerful ghosts and Demons around him nodded with a smile, and the evil spirit of terror spread out without reservation.

"Alas, no matter life or death in this battle, if anyone dares to attack Liu Wuhen, it will be regarded as a provocation to our tianyunzong, and the elders of each temple can be killed by everyone!" The elder of Lengshan in the astrology Hall of Tianyun sect sighed, and the air of Xuanli on his body suddenly rose. Even the other elders of the inner gate and temple around him all stepped out one after another. All of a sudden, all the forces of the sword Pavilion were enveloped and locked on the spot, which made the forces of the sword Pavilion dare not act rashly.

"Hum, the seven peaks of the sword Pavilion come down in one continuous line. How could they be threatened by you?" Master Kaiyang almost bit his back teeth and spat out these words from his mouth. Behind him, there was a long sword with blood red, and the shadow was full of martial spirit. He was born with the promise. The fiery sword Qi is flying wildly and wantonly between the heaven and the earth, which weakens the power of the law of the earth.

But even so, there was no surprise in the eyes of the ape King above the void. The giant golden ape, a big and tall man, was walking in the air, running to the place where Master Kaiyang was.

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"Don't, don't, don't kill me!" A sudden cry rang out, and Yang Cang's eyes were in vain frightened. A terrible silver sword ran across the void as if it had never appeared. Without any trace, it was wiped on Yang Cang's neck.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!" The traceless figure appeared behind Yang Cang's body like a ghost. The silver sword in his hand flashed in vain, and then it turned into a silver jade belt tied to his waist again. The power of the terrible sword suddenly burst out on his body gradually calmed down. Around the void above the evil spirit of the force of terror like surging clouds, flying also seems to run within the body of traceless rushing away.

"Poof!" A thread of blood sprayed on the void, and Yang Cang's life was quickly stripped and plundered. Its whole body inexplicably a soft, toward the ground below will fall quickly.

Six states, the top 100, the next emperor strong Yang Cang, death! Yang Cang, who is known as the invincible existence of the lightning sword in the same territory, even has no power to fight back in the hands of no trace. Moreover, he is killed by one blow and his spirit is destroyed< br>

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