Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 795: 795

"Suddenly In the calm void, a turbulent breath came, a blue light flashed out, and then disappeared in front of traceless body. A faint power of the law came out.

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"Why?" A light exhort, gently spit out from no trace mouth. Originally, his face was full of laughter, and the whole person's evil spirit was rolling quietly. Within the range of tens of meters in front of Wu Chen's body, there is a mysterious and wonderful power of space law.

Gulu, Gulu

A nervous gasp, quietly resounded in front of the houses in the row of thatched cottages. Just behind the thatched cottage, a towering pagoda full of array power fluctuations stands out. On the protruding platform of the thirteen exquisite pagodas, the Third Elder martial brother Shui is merciless and the elder brother Hua is speechless. They both look calm and look over the thatched cottage.

"Whoosh!" On the mountain of books, a turbulent air of Xuanli rises. Like a ghost, a blue awn appears a few meters behind the traceless body. In addition, this blue awn bursts out in vain, and a violent and terrifying air of Yinhan Xuanli spreads out. It spreads towards the traceless body several meters away.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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A voice of freezing quietly appeared, resounding on the silent singing. Within a few meters in front of Wuhen's body, the blue light is shining in the sky, as if the whole person of Wuhen is imprisoned in the sky.

"Hey, I'm sorry, no trace boss. I won't give you another chance to fight back!" Small fat Zhen not just a face obscene smile, not far in front of the traceless excited extremely shook his head. Then, a brilliant blue light and shadow burst out from his chubby body. The original blue light on Wuchen's body suddenly turned into a thick ice layer, and the whole body of Wuchen was completely covered and frozen in place.

"Ha ha, the power of this set of rules understood by little fat man is becoming more and more skillful. I'm afraid sixth younger martial brother is going to suffer dumb losses this time!" Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, has a bad smile on his face and looks at the sky quietly. He seems to be looking forward to Wuchen's embarrassment and frustration. He looks and behaves extremely excited.

"Hey, hey, the sixth younger martial brother just came back, you give him such a low prestige, which is not conducive to unity!" The fourth elder martial brother, Xi Feng, tilted his mouth slightly, pretended to look around him as if he was distressed, and began to laugh as if he had been criticized.

"Cough, it has nothing to do with me. It's all your martial uncle's intention!" Smell speech, aftershock quickly put the hand nine Youming axe quietly on the shoulder, the whole person as if nothing had happened to steal eyes, toward the void repeatedly steal away.

"It's none of my business!" Sword nameless, who has been silent all the time and has a cold face, even makes a choking sound at the first time, which makes the fourth elder martial brother Xi Feng wither, the fifth elder martial brother Shi Fuhua and their faces turn green and white. Obviously, they are very disgusted with the betrayal of sword nameless and aftershock.

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"No trace, he will be OK!" On one side, Ji Ruxue's eyes flashed a touch of worry, looking at the beautiful young man's body in the void like an ice sculpture.

"Cluck, don't worry. If he is defeated so easily, then he is not him!" Second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's face is relaxed. She pats Ji Ruxue's shoulder with a smile and speaks softly to pacify her.

"What the second elder martial sister said is that if I care about it, it will be chaotic!" Ji Ruxue's cold face is covered with a beautiful smile. It is obvious that Ji Ruxue's real combat power is in her heart, and she is quite confident.

"Jie Jie, the meaning of the law of wind and the meaning of the law of ice are used at the same time. Moreover, there are also the meaning of the law of space, and the power fluctuates. It seems that little fat Zhen Bucai has benefited a lot from the inheritance of the Zhen family in the Astrology hall, and his progress is very remarkable!" A fiery red light and shadow flickered on traceless chest, and the sound of demon zunhuoxiao was full of laughter, echoing in traceless mind for a long time.

At this moment, no trace is frozen by the ice, just like the body of an ice sculpture, it slowly vibrates and shakes up. In addition, a sense of terrible fiery power rushed out of his body, and immediately turned into a sea of terrible flames, which surrounded his whole body.

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Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

The hot flame of different fire rushes out of Wuchen's body and burns every inch of Wuchen's skin. It spreads a hot red flame. The frozen ice of Wuchen's whole body is destroyed by the power of different fire. Under the destruction of the power of different fire, it makes a sharp sound and quickly melts and incinerates.

"Whoosh!" At the time of the ice melting, a blue awn figure appeared in a flash close to the traceless heart. Small fat Zhen Bucai arms suddenly up, wrapped in the meaning of rolling ice blue awn, at the same time toward the traceless body shape will attack."Coagulation, emptiness!" Two extremely indifferent voices echoed in the void of ice and fire. Then, I saw the meaning of frozen ice melting again in the void, and the healing speed suddenly became extremely slow, while the burning flame was not affected at all. It quickly swallowed up the meaning of frozen ice completely, submerged it in the endless sea of fire, and made it completely without resistance.

At the same time, a bright blue awn figure is exposed in an instant, moving very slowly towards the traceless figure. The action was as if the speed had been slowed down by dozens of times, which made all the people below gape at the special scene in the void.

"Brush!" A great evil spirit rose up and turned it into a dark magic harp suspended in front of traceless body. No trace hands gently caress on the string, repeatedly fluctuate, but the body only sends out a bitter and strange note.

"Bang!" A harsh sound of music resounded, and turned it into a dark evil gas, which directly attacked the little fat Zhen Bucai's body and broke away.

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"Bang!" There was only a roaring sound in the ear wheel. The whole blue body of little fat Zhen Bucai was smashed and scattered in the void.


The fiery and hot air rose to the sky crazily, and the meaning of ice in the void disappeared in an instant. And the void condensed in the place where no trace is located gradually calms down, and the flow of Xuanli's Qi is as smooth as usual.

Below, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, aftershock, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and all of them opened their mouths as if they could not believe it. Looking at the elegant figure of the blue robe floating with the wind in the void, they swallowed their saliva and shocked< br>

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