Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 796: 796

"Suddenly The restless evil spirit slowly spread and gathered in one place. In the void, there was no trace. He was dressed in green and turned around slowly with a black magic organ. The power of the law of condensing the void gradually became calm and dissipated on the void.

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"Whoosh!" A blue light and shadow flashed by, and Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, ran like a big meatball and dodged from the void. The flat ground below all vibrated with the fall of her figure, which made the second elder martial sister and others all around her shake.

"Ha ha, no fight, no fight. Boss, your power of space law is too abnormal. Even my power of blinking law can hardly escape the shackles of your power of law!" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, tries to keep his body steady. With a smile on his face, he waves his hand to Wu trace on the void to strike the battle.

"Eh, the law of blink. No wonder little fat man can escape from the shackles of the law of condensing the air in an instant. The power of the law of blink seems to belong to the category of the law of space." There was a faint smile on Wu Chen's face, and the black magic Qin that he was caressing in his hand quickly turned into the evil spirit, poured into his body and disappeared. And no trace body shape is slowly fall and fall, light floating will fall in the second elder martial sister and Ji Ruxue and other people's side.

"Hehe, if you can understand the laws and powers of the space system, you are the most evil people in the world. It seems that the little fat man's savvy must be extraordinary. No wonder he can practice divination Yaozunhuoxiao's voice echoed in traceless mind again, obviously appreciating the power of the law released by little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Hey, I'm proud enough to escape from the boss! Boss, let's even draw this time. What do you think? " Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, is proud and coquettish. He opens a river to the mouth without trace.

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"Hum, you'll know how to escape!" Aftershock cold hum, extremely despised white eyes, not far from the side of the little fat Zhen not just a look.

"Well, there seems to be something wrong!" Sword nameless eyes light constantly flashing, staring at the face of a bad smile without trace, in the heart of a doubt.

"Cluck, it's a draw, younger martial brother. You're so funny!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, chuckles, turns her head and walks slowly towards Wu trace.

On both sides, the west wind withered, the poem's belly and the two faces all had the color of amazement. They were all flashing, and they also rushed to no trace side with the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's steps.

"Cluck, it seems to be getting stronger again!" Ji Ruxue's icy face is covered with a faint smile, and her eyes look at the traceless body, which is full of tenderness. It's quite different from his usual cold eyes. If he was seen by others, he would be surprised to drop his chin on the spot.

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"Eh, no trace boss, do you want to continue to fight with me?" The little fat man Zhen Bucai's eyes are full of nervous color. He looks worried and asks Wu trace in a soft voice.

"Ha ha, keep fighting? Why, after all, you have lost! " No trace light smile, to the little fat Zhen not just can't deny shrug. Then, he saw a terrible evil spirit burst out from the body of the little fat man Zhen Bucai, which immediately enveloped the little fat man on the spot and bound him in the same place, unable to move.

"Damn it, how can it be? I've dodged the bound area. When did the evil spirit inoculate into my body?" The little fat man Zhen Bucai's face was covered with ashes. He stared at the evil spirit of the whole body and exclaimed. On his body, the cold sweat from his nostrils and temples was even more loud, and a chilly chill came to his heart in a moment.

"Keng!" The sound of a strange and incomparable astringent note exploded in little fat Zhen Bucai's body without any sign. All the time, the evil spirit of the little fat man turned into nothingness and disappeared.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo A series of dull and rapid breathing sounds came out of the mouth of the little fat man Zhen Bucai. The little fat man Zhen Bucai's whole face was blue and white, and he peeped at Wu Chen with lingering fear.

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"Ha ha, the voice of evil spirit is applied to the visible and transformed into the invisible. Into your eyes, pass you in the ear, if the heart has evil Zheng, can be moved by me. The beauty of the sound of Moqin is that it can arouse the demons in other people's hearts. I control it... "Wuchen smiles and waves to the little fat Zhen Bucai. Then Wu Chen raised his head and looked at the thirteen exquisite pagodas in the distance. There were two figures floating in the air.

"Elder martial brother!"

"Third Elder martial brother!"

In the void, the Qi power of Xuanli changes quietly, and the two figures come to the people from far and near. All the people at the scene looked up and bowed to greet them.

"Ha ha, third brother has told me all about your performance in Yibao land. It seems that your performance is not bad. You haven't disgraced the prestige of our college's Sutra Pavilion! " Master brother Hua Buyu's aging body was straight, and he looked at Wu trace with a smile, pretending to praise casually."Hehe, thank you, elder martial brother Miao Zan! Thanks to the protection of the Third Elder martial brother, I was able to enter the Yibao area safely. " Traceless calm smile, in front of the master brother Hua speechless bowed a gift. Then, Wu Chen turned around and bowed to the Third Elder martial brother Shui mercilessly, which was regarded as thanking him for his secret guard all the way.

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No trace also complained about the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless before, but after hearing about the change of the six states' list. With no trace's intelligence, he naturally guessed the general situation. It must be the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless who secretly helped him. This prevented the Emperor Wu and his party from pursuing and intercepting no trace. As a result, the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless successfully ascended the list of six states. At the same time, he will be attacked and retaliated by zhenbaozhai.

"Don't thank me. It's my duty. Besides, everything in the land of Yibao is up to you. It has nothing to do with me! " Water ruthless still a face indifference, in front of no trace gently waved his hand, stingy mouth words.

"Ha ha, then I'll be polite!" No trace a face helpless, to born with a straight face of the Third Elder martial brother water merciless again clasped arch. Immediately, all the people on both sides burst into laughter. It was obvious that they were used to the Third Elder martial brother Shui's ruthless style for a long time.

"Ha ha, after talking about the past, come with me!" Master brother Hua Buyu quietly takes out the old wine gourd in his arms and pours a mouthful of pungent liquor into his mouth. Then I saw his body swaggering out, running to the location of thirteen exquisite pagodas.

"Brush!" The eyes like torches flickered at the same time, and all of them followed the figure of Hua speechless with excitement. No trace is a faint feeling of excitement in the heart, looking at the towering thirteen section Linglong pagoda and swallowing< br>

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