Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 804: 804

Penglai Fairy Island, one of the nine forbidden areas full of mysterious atmosphere, a huge eight array platform stands quietly on the edge of the entrance of Penglai Fairy Island. All the top eight sects in mainland China are in the list. They are only fighting for today's younger generation disciple Dabi.

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On the left and right sides of bazhentai, the Five Dynasties in mainland China have sent strong people to watch the ceremony. They are Zhongzhou Shangtang college, Dongzhou Dayan college, Xizhou Daliang college, Nanzhou tianque college, beizhou Penglai college, Qingzhou Jiuli college, and the powerful family members under the influence of the king Dynasty, At this time, all of them were scattered in the viewing stands of the main gates.

At this moment, in addition to the Bixia palace, the rest of the seven sects led a team to come, and the strong ones jumped up together. Seven people and seven figures were quietly floating in the air. At the same time, they gave a salute to the location of the Bixia palace, Qingxia, Zixia and the two palace leaders.

"Cluck, you don't need to be so polite. We are all old acquaintances. Now that all the people are here, I will stop talking! Let's start the trial of the young generation of disciples in another quarter of an hour! " Zixia fairy sat down on the viewing platform of Bixia palace, and spoke to the powerful men in the sky.

"Everything is presided over by the master of Zixia palace, and we will do it according to him!" All the chief officials of the major sects bowed and arched their hands to Qingxia, Zixia and the two palace masters. Then he saw the seven figures falling toward the ground in seven directions, and went back to their respective sects to explain the origin of the Dabie practice of the younger generation of the main sects.

Brush, brush, brush

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All the disciples who participated in the trial training and fighting were kneeling on their own platform, ready to fight, while all the members of the Academy's Sutra Pavilion were seated in one place, belonging to one side of the square array of the tianyunzong camp.

At this time, traceless eyes in the crowd constantly scan search, unexpectedly found many familiar figures. Shangtang Academy of Shangtang Dynasty was led by Shuai Fuhao himself. Among the forces of Shangtang Dynasty, no trace even saw the figures of Yu Hualong and Liu Shuanger who are now the leaders of soul hunting Pavilion.

"Ha ha, they all seem to have a good time!" Traceless mouth slightly up, toward a familiar extremely figure body put a touch of light smile. At the same time, all people seem to have noticed the figure of no trace, and at the same time, they nod to the direction of no trace.

At the same time, the powerful swordsmen of the Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou all came to look at the unknown shape of the sword of the Penglai Dynasty. But the sword is nameless, his face is still full of indifference, and his eyes are staring at many strong men in the square array of the sword Pavilion team from the beginning to the end.

"Wow A quarter of an hour's time is fleeting, in the square array of the main troops, it is quiet. All people's eyes are on the same place. In the square array of Bixia palace, yunluan fairy flies to the battle platform in the middle of the eight array platform.

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"Cluck, you have been waiting for a long time. The younger generation of disciples of each major sect began to practice and fight, and began to fight... "Yunluan fairy quietly gave a blessing to the powerful people around him with a smile. Immediately, his eyes swept through the square array of the major forces, and his sweet voice spread to all the people present.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time that yunluan fairy's voice fell, all the disciples who came to participate in Dabi, the younger generation of disciples, all set out together and flew out, turning into streamers. They fell on the eight directions and appeared on the huge eight battle platform square.

At the moment, in the square array of tianyunzong, nine young men and women are lining up on the eight array platform. Among them, Zhuge Gongcheng, the chief disciple of the astrology hall, led the team, and behind him were the eight inheriting disciples of the other eight temples.

In the square array of the ghost and demon sect, the leader is actually Lampson. Beside him are four young generation Tianjiao disciples of the ghost and demon sect. Lampson has now become the number one in the potential list, and his cultivation level has reached the peak of the later stage of the infant soul realm. He may even break through the cultivation level and become emperor at any time. He is also the number one hot player in this time's big competition among the young disciples of various schools.

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In terms of the influence of the square array of the sword Pavilion, Yaoguang peak, the seventh peak, was defeated, while Jianzi Yang Shuo, the first peak, was also killed in an ancient forbidden area a few months ago. Therefore, there are only five disciples in this battle, which is the inheritance sword of Wufeng among the other five peaks.

In the square array of the animal temple, four big Orc figures, just like King Kong, stand up quietly. All of them are ferocious in appearance and strong in shape. One can't forget their looks and faces just by looking at them.

In the square array of Bixia palace, seven young girls in thin clothes stood on the eight array platform, dressed in different colors and smiling.There are three men, two women and five young people in the square array of Baozhai forces. Their magic weapons and treasures are slightly powerful, and they scan the rest of the forces around them like a torch.

Twelve young men appeared in the square array of the stiff evil road team. Their bodies were full of evil spirits, which made people feel shivering and creepy at a glance.

In the square array of Buddhists, four young monks in monk's robes stood quietly on the eight array platform. Their eyes were always calm in front of them, and they didn't seem to pay any attention to the coming bloody struggle.

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"Cluck, among the major forces, one disciple can automatically advance to the next round of competition, the rest can engage in scuffle, and the last eight on the stage can enter the next round of competition!" Yunluan fairy eyes full of smile, staring at the stage of many young men and women calm words.

Brush, brush, brush

Wen Yan, before the audience of all forces under the stage made a response, eight of the eight sectarian square array troops on the platform stepped forward at the same time. The eight young men and women looked at each other indifferently, and then they went to their respective ancestral gate to watch the ceremony.

At the same time, on the platform, tianyunzong threw Zhuge, the elder martial brother of astrology hall, to success, and eight Temple disciples stood on the platform. However, in Guimo sect, Lampson stepped down by himself and left four young disciples of Guimo Sect on the platform. Among the other major forces, there are also young people who are at the top of the potential list. All the rest of them are on guard against each other, fighting in their respective sects and ranking above the eight battle platforms< br>

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