Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 805: 805

"Go to war!" A pleasant light laughter, quietly spread over the eight battle platforms. The figure of yunluan fairy came and went like a breeze without a trace. In a twinkling of an eye, she stepped back and stepped down under the eight battle platforms.

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The power of the eight laws of heaven and earth roared up, and immediately covered the whole eight array platform with an invisible Xuanli light shield. The pure and vigorous air of Xuanli can flow into it, but the power of Xuanli on the eight array platform can't be released.

Boom, boom, boom

In a flash, the air of the mysterious forces in the eight array platform soared to the sky, and the breath of terror rose one after another. The power of the space in the field was released several times, and they collided with each other fiercely.

On the platform, except for Zhuge, the elder martial brother of astrology hall, there are eight Temple disciples standing on the platform. All the eight Temple disciples retreated together, and all released their state cultivation momentum at the same time. In their eyes, they did not despise the enemy. They carefully looked at the movements of the disciples of the other major forces around them.

After the ghost sect, Lampson left the remaining four young disciples on the platform. Four monstrous demons rushed out of the four men at the same time, staring at the movements of the other major disciples around them.

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In the aspect of animal temple, in addition to one person's automatic promotion to the next round of competition, there were only three big disciples on the platform. At the same time, they were all in the same shape and looked around.

In the Bixia palace, six fairy figures move with their swords, step on the Dharma array and occupy the ground at the same time. Their momentum is like one body, and their eyes are full of fierce glances at the people around them.

The remaining four disciples of the array treasure house rose from the power of the array weapons and turned into four light masks, which completely covered their bodies and protected them.

At the same time, eleven young people's faces showed a touch of evil smile, and each young man's body was filled with a touch of evil Xuanli evil spirit. Eleven bloody evil spirits were released violently. Eleven lifeless evil spirit corpses appeared beside eleven people at the same time. All of a sudden, they made the force of the square array of the stiff evil spirit troops even more terrifying.

Compared with the dominance of the rigid evil way, there were only three young monks left in the Esoteric Buddhism sect, still standing in place like clocks. The golden light of Buddha slowly released from the three people, just like the Three Dharma gods standing on the eight array platform.

Now there are only four disciples in the sword Pavilion standing up with their swords. They have four different swords on their bodies. They are fierce and fierce. They are very alert to the body shape and movements of other disciples around them.

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"Ha ha, kill the demons first, others will talk about it later!" A roar of laughter rang out, and eleven young men jumped out at the same time. Beside him, there are eleven stiff corpses rushing out together. At the end of the twenty-one year's life, the momentum of the later cultivation realm is like destroying the heaven. With the terrifying Xiao Sha's momentum, they all rush to kill the generals on the body shape of the four disciples of the demon Sect on the eight array platform.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The sound of the breaking of the evil spirit resounded, and eleven strong young people broke through the shackles of the evil spirit released by the four disciples of the demon sect at the same time. It's hard to tell whether it's the figure of JIANGSHA road's disciples or the corpse of the evil spirit controlled by them. In a word, the 22 road's figures come from all directions at the same time. They attack the four iron faced disciples of the demon sect and surround them in one side of the high platform.

"Elder martial brother, what should I do?" In the aspect of Tianyun sect, the eight disciples of the temple were stunned at the same time. They looked at each other quickly, and one of them asked cautiously.

"Hum, share and eat. In the end, none of us can live! It's better to start first and seize the opportunity! " At the same time, a voice will enter the mind of the eight Temple disciples on the platform. Zhuge's face is dignified, and his Xuanli's Qi fluctuates slowly and becomes stable. All the eight Temple disciples on the platform take action at the first time.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

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Eight people and eight figures cast their own temple Dharma skills at the same time, and attacked and killed them in the direction where they were. At the same time, the corpses of the eleven rigid evil spirits flashed out, blocking the eight disciples of Tianyun Sect on the spot.

"Ha ha, I've heard for a long time that the Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Budd With a burst of hearty laughter, the three disciples of the animal Temple stepped out at the same time and went straight to the three young disciples dressed as Buddhists of the Buddhists of the Buddhists.

"Amitabha, let's appreciate the power of the beast like body and the war body in the animal temple." Three Buddhists stepped out at the same time and went to meet the beast temple.All of a sudden, three Golden Buddha lights burst into the sky, and scuffled with the three beasts of war youth. The terrible turbulence and fighting spirit swept across the eight array stage, making the other disciples of the major forces on both sides fly back towards the rear of their bodies and flee in a hurry.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The four swords of Xiaosha come out at the same time. The four swords of the sword Pavilion come out at the same time. The four terrible swords rush in front of the four disciples of the array treasure house, making the magic power of the four more fierce. The magic power was dazzling, which blocked the four sword lights from the attack in the void.

"Up In the camp of three men and one woman, a woman's voice rose sharply. Four disciples of the treasure house of the array killed the generals at the same time, and fought with the four generals of the sword Pavilion.

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For a moment, all the major disciples were fighting with their corresponding opponents, and Xuanli's Qi exploded wildly on the whole eight array stage. In addition to the six fairy level female disciples of Bixia palace still standing in the same place, the other forces have obviously become a group.

"Cluck, it seems that we are isolated!"

"Do these guys look down on us?"

"Hee hee, or we'll watch it here. It's a good feeling!"

"Ha ha, if we just look at it like this and don't do anything, I'm afraid we will be punished by the palace master after we go back!"

"Well, let's start with the gang of people in the Gangsha road. I'm upset when I look at them." The six fairy level female disciples of Bixia palace looked at each other, then a smile appeared on their pure cheeks. Then, the six figures flashed by like six streamers, and Qi Shushu rushed into the most fierce battle group, which was composed of the three parties, namely, JIANGSHA Road, Tianyun sect, Guimo sect, and the chaotic battle group

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