Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 816: 816

"Dabi, the younger disciple of badazongmen, the eighth and the last one is Meng Tong! The seventh is Liuyun fairy in Bixia palace! Huang guanze, the sixth disciple of sword Pavilion, and mieba, the fifth disciple of animal temple. At the same time, your achievement of Dabi, the younger generation disciple of the eight sects, will be the final ranking on the list of potential in the future! " In the square array of Bixia palace, Qingxia fairy, the leader of the Grand Palace, still sat on the seat indifferently, while Zixia fairy, the leader of the second palace, looked around at the powerful members of the major schools, and spoke slowly to decide the final position of the defeated contestants.

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Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous panting, in the main forces camp in the square array will be spread out one after another. All the people present did not have much objection to the ruling of Zixia fairy. After all, there was not much difference in the resources between the fifth and the last. On the other hand, the performance of the disciples of the major sects just now is extremely unsatisfactory. Among the last four strong players, except mieba's unexpected exit due to carelessness, the ranking of the rest of them is basically true.

"Hey, no trace boss, you haven't answered my question yet!" It seems that little fat Zhen Bucai doesn't care about the ranking of the other major disciples. Instead, he is more concerned about why Wuchen is partial to Lampson.

"He he, Lampson and I have gone through life and death together! When he sees me, he'll call the boss! " With a faint smile, he looks at the little fat man and shrugs his shoulders. His handsome face is covered with an evil smile. His eyes move again and fall on the battle platform of the eight battle platforms in the distance.

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"Cough, my dear. The boss is powerful. No wonder you and Lampson came out alive when they entered the wasteland... "Little fat Zhen Bucai's face flashed a look of amazement, and quickly recovered to calm down again. His eyes showed a bright smile, and he gave a thumbs up to traceless.

On both sides, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, and the aftershock, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, and others all looked at Wuchen with a smile. And the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless seems to have known all this, and still looks at the distance with a cool face.

"Brush!" Just as all the sects on the eight array platform were talking about the ceremony, the flat and spacious battle platform of the eight array platform was once again full of array power.

The power of the law, which originally divided the eight array platform into two parts, was instantly transformed into the power of the array power, which diffused and covered the whole eight array platform completely, and the four figures also poured into the eyes of the audience at the same time.

At this time, the inheriting disciple of Guimo sect, Lampson, and the inheriting disciple of zhenbaozhai, Liu Yiming, both looked at each other warily. Opposite their bodies, Zhuge Gongcheng, the inheriting disciple of astrology Hall of Tianyun sect, and Liao Wuxiao, the inheriting disciple of miafo sect, both looked at the square array camp of Bixia palace under the eight array platform.

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"In the fourth round, you need to work together. Next, you four need to engage in a scuffle. Only two players on the same platform win in the end can you enter the final of the last round of competition and win the first place of the winner in the last competition of Dabi, a disciple of the eight sects! " Cloud Luan fairy a face relaxed open mouth speech way, to the battle platform some unknown so of four people to tell know again.

"Damn, it's not a duel. It's a four man scuffle. These four will become team-mates as well as opponents in the next round of final competition. It seems that they should not only try their best, but also keep some cards. Otherwise, when it comes to the final match, I'm afraid I'll be counted out by the opponent ahead of time! "

"Ha ha, interesting! Both sides are in the top four. If they have reservations, they will be out of the game ahead of time. The subtlety and tact of the two sides are the result of the competition between combat power and brain power. "

"Haha, it seems that the ghost sect Lampson is going to be in danger this time. If Liu Yiming, the female disciple of zhenbaozhai, can't help him, and at the same time, there are no two masters in Zhuge's success and failure. Even Lampson, who ranks in the potential list, won't have a 100% chance of winning in his heart."

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"Keke, I bet that Wuxiao monk and Zhuge Gongcheng will win. After all, that girl is a bit of a laggard."

"Bah, what do you know? If all the disciples of the demon sect can win in this way, then the number one in the potential list is really worthy of it!"

"Wow As yunluan fairy announced the rules of the fourth round duel, all the strong men on the eight array platform suddenly burst. All of them murmured and began to predict and evaluate the fighting power of the four men on the platform. What's more, someone even set up a bet on the spot to open the gambling game. Obviously, the young generation disciples of the major forces were compared to each other, and a grand martial arts and Taoism competition meeting was held on the spot!"Well, in pairs, fight each other. My ghost lives in Lampson. Do you need any help? " Lampson, who is surrounded by demons, looks up and smiles. He even glances at the remaining three people. His tone is full of arrogance and indifference. Obviously, he is sure to win the first place in the contest.

"Haha, this boy's temper is quite right with Xiaosheng!" Below the battle platform and on the tianyunzong viewing platform, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, with a bad smile on his face, stares at the arrogant Lampson on the battle platform, and a sense of war rises in his heart.

"Ha ha, this guy is still so arrogant!" On the other side, Wuhun shrugs his shoulders with a helpless smile, remembering that when he saw Lampson, this guy was also so arrogant, but fortunately after the two people had a fight, Lampson followed Wuhun wholeheartedly.

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"Cluck, since Mr. LAN is so confident, the battle will be dealt with by Mr. LAN alone. I'll close the enemy's material array for you. I'm waiting to be promoted with you! " To everyone's surprise, Liu Yiming, the female disciple of zhenbaozhai, didn't show any anger towards LAN Pusheng's invincible attitude. Instead, she retreated to the edge of her platform. But will be on the field evil spirit entangles the body, the full face arrogant Lampson, gave a person to stiffly dry on the spot.

"Ha ha, this guy is really irritating!" On the other side, there was a faint smile on Zhuge Gongcheng's indifferent face, and a faint white mist rose rapidly from his body. Obviously, the arrogant words of Lampson had completely ignited the anger in Zhuge's heart.

"Amitabha!" At the same time, on the opposite platform, monk Wu, a disciple of the Tantric Buddhism sect, is already glowing with golden Buddha light. The Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures printed on his shirtless upper body are lingering again, as if he is always ready to come out.

For a moment, such a strange scene appeared on the platform. Lampson, who ranked first in the list of potential, faced Zhuge Gongcheng, who ranked second and third in the list of potential, and Liao Wuxiao, who was also a disciple of Buddhists, without fear.

Liu Yiming, a female disciple of the lineage of array treasure house, who originally ranked eighth in the potential list, quietly retreated to the edge of the eight array platform with a sneer on her face and a four legged gold swallowing beast as big as a palm in her hand< br>

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