Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 817: 817

Boom, boom, boom

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Four terrible, violent and completely different Xuanli's Qi surged into the sky, and all kinds of Xuanli's Qi and powers attacked and collided with each other.

Although Liu Yiming, the female disciple of zhenbaozhai's inheritance, was on the edge of the platform, she still tried her best to release her mysterious power. The light of a magic weapon of the array is shrouded in its body, and the whole person is extremely vigilant to stare at the other three people's every move in the field.

"Hey, hey, you two guys, come along!" With the unreserved release of the mysterious force in the body of Lampson, the inheritor of the demon sect, the monstrous force of the evil spirit quickly spread over the whole battle platform. The dark and rolling source of the evil spirit kept coming out, and they attacked and devoured the disciple Zhuge Gongcheng and the disciple Wuxiao monk.

"Thousand crane spirit!" A loud and powerful voice of words will come out from the area on one side of Bazhen platform. The white mist emitted by Zhuge Gongcheng, the disciple of Tianyun sect, quickly turned into a white light shield, which quickly blocked the evil spirit released by Lampson. Meanwhile, there was a faint and clear sound of crowing in Lampson's body. A snow-white crane, with a large body and a fairy like air all over his body, and a red point crane crown like a red haze on his forehead, quietly appeared under Zhuge Gongcheng's body.

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"Wow!" The white crane, waving its wings together, floats slowly with the figure of Zhuge Gongcheng on its back. A continuous stream of white fog rises and diffuses, driving the evil spirit around it towards the two sides.

"Well, elder martial brother Zhuge came up and summoned the spirit of Qianhe. It seems that Lampson brought him a lot of pressure." Little fat Zhen Bucai's eyes flashed a touch of brilliance in vain. He looked at Zhuge Gongcheng, whose body shape had been suspended in the sky, and his body shape was startling.

"Ha ha, the evil spirit released by Lampson has a little power of law! It's no wonder that Zhuge Gongcheng was so careful with such a strong opponent! " Traceless smile, looking at the field of evil spirit entangled, a face of fighting spirit of Lampson light words.

"Hey, in the past, Lampson realized the power of incomplete law. Now, with the hardening of life and death in the wasteland, I believe that Lampson has already been on the edge of breaking through the soul. It is not arrogant for him to take the initiative to fight with one enemy and two enemies. Maybe he wants to force himself in this way, so that he can successfully break through the emperor and reach the level of the spirit realm and the emperor realm. " Wu trace's mind resounded in vain with a loud voice. It was obvious that the demon zunhuoxiao, who had been observing everything in Wu trace's body, could not restrain the urgency in his heart.

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"Ha ha, I hope so!" There was also a look of expectation on the traceless and handsome face. He was staring at the platform and communicating with the demon zunhuoxiao secretly.

"Amitabha!" At this time, in another area above the eight array platform, the Golden Buddha light from young monk Liao Wu soared in vain. The Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures engraved on his strong body also came into being with the misty Sanskrit sound.

"Brush!" Under the golden light of the Buddha, the dense Sanskrit sutras are quickly shrouded in the power of the Buddha's light, forming a golden arhat shadow with solemn Dharma. And the moment this golden arhat virtual shadow was born, the evil spirit surging around the platform all shook violently at the same time. Then, the boundless and dark evil spirit turned into evil spirits. The skeleton, with the roaring sound and wind, flew out like a frenzy. It rushed into the void and dashed away from the shadow of the Golden Buddha in front of monk Wu.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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There was a strange and harsh sound, which started in the void on one side of the platform. Hundreds of skeletons and skeletons, which are transformed by the endless evil spirit, are all bombarded by the Golden Buddha arhat's body.

"Ah, ah In the field, when these evil spirits and skeletons touch the virtual shadow of the Buddha's golden body, they all scream hysterically. And those horrible demonic skeletons, reflected by the light of the Buddha, quickly turned into dark smoke with pungent smell and disappeared. With the continuous destruction and dissipation of demonic skeletons in the front, there are still a large number of demonic skeletons in the rear.

"Ha ha, happy, happy, today I'd like to see if it's your advanced Buddhism or my evil intention!" Seeing that the evil spirit could not be attacked for a long time, Lampson was not angry but happy. His body quickly flew forward and suddenly moved out. In a short time, he stepped into the battlefield area on the other side of Bazhen platform."Suddenly With the flying attack of Lampson, a palm wind full of terror and evil spirit came quickly. The Golden Buddha light from the golden body of the Buddha statue in front of little monk Wu's body is swaying under the attack of this magic palm wind.

"Chirp!" A loud cry, in the void appears loud and harsh. A breeze seemed to blow down from top to bottom, and a white green shadow suddenly appeared, blocking the place not far from the virtual shadow of the Golden Buddha statue below.

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"Bang!" There was only a strange dull sound in the earring, and the virtual figure of human form, which was transformed by a green fog, was quickly destroyed and disintegrated. However, Lampson's flying figure stayed in the air, and his full hand was blocked by the thousand cranes released by Zhuge Gongcheng.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, hundreds of white fog rose at the same time in the battle platform, and the shadow of white fog gradually turned into the same figure as Zhuge Gongcheng. The appearance of Qi Shushu obstructed the two of them.

"Amitabha!" The sound of the Buddha's name, full of compassion, rose, and the figure of little monk Wu rang out in vain. He took a step suddenly. The shadow of the Golden Buddha, which was suspended in the side void, stood up quickly, just like little monk Wu. He also stood on the ground of the battle platform below and stepped forward with great momentum< br>

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