Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 82: 82

In the remote dense forest, with a continuous sword rising. Within the scope of no trace as the center, they are all locked up by the continuous sword Qi.

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"Liu style nine swords, sword rain flying!" With the light call of traceless understatement, the rising sword Qi within a few miles is in vain, and the continuous explosion breath ignites in the dense forest.

Poop, poop, poop

All over the sky, the leaves are falling, and the dense forest within a few miles is broken into several sections. The continuous sword Qi explodes around the dense forest, and no one is spared in the range of traceless eyes.

"Bang!" A dull sound came quietly from a higher place in the distance. Then, I saw a little cold light shining in the dark night, a thin figure flashed away, and disappeared again into the dark night.

"Ha ha, I'm willing to show my face at last. I'll see where you want to run this time!" There was a flash of light in the cold eyes without trace, and the whole person turned into a green shadow, galloping along a direction in front of him. At the same time, the eternal Heaven and earth in the body of no trace will work with all its strength, and the divine consciousness in the sea of knowledge will be released quickly, and they will go to the dark forest in front of them and search for the lock quickly.

Night, dark, deep in the forest a dead silence.

At this time, no trace is at the end of the dark forest, at a glance, it's dark, and he can't see his fingers. Fortunately, no trace has already released the divine consciousness, and can clearly perceive all the surrounding conditions.

"Old demon, I lost it! How are you? Can you find him? " Traceless look grim, a soft sword firmly in hand. The swords turned into catkins, which wrapped the whole body of traceless in layers.

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"Ha ha, a qualified killer is not only good at concealment and assassination. Running for life is the quality a killer should have. What's more, they are the late cultivation of he Hun Jing. If you find out and track him, he's a first-class killer The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao echoes in traceless mind.

"Damn, old demon, if you don't help me, I'll find it myself!" Wu Chen turns his eyes and shakes his soft sword. The light of each sword trembles, and the continuous sword Qi rises again in the surrounding dense forest.

For a moment, in the dark end of the dense forest, the continuous sword Qi flashed in the air. Like the fireflies flying in the summer night, they float in the void and quiver.

Traceless divine consciousness has explored the end of the dense forest, but it is strange that no abnormality has been found. The silence of the night gradually cold, traceless even their own heartbeat, sound particularly harsh clear up.

"Well, it's strange that there is no one. Is it hard to escape by this guy? " No trace heavily breathed a tone, in the heart doubt more dignified. The continuous sword Qi released from the surrounding void gradually retreated, tightly wrapping the traceless body again.

"Boy, watch your step!" A short cry, suddenly from the traceless mind burst out. No trace the whole person did not react, then subconsciously up a vertical, the whole person jumped tens of meters away.

"Bang!" Accompanied by a strong dull sound, no trace just felt that a terrible killing intention was surging out of the ground under his feet. Then, I saw the cold killing intention from the bottom to the top. In the blink of an eye, he collided with the body protecting sword Qi tightly wrapped around the body.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of Yin cold killing ideas burst out, and all layers of body protection sword Qi burst. An unprecedented sense of crisis, instant surge edge no trace around the body.

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In the middle of the sky, high jump without trace, only feel the heart in vain a cold. A strange shadow, like a ghost, has quietly appeared behind him.

"Jie Jie, soul hunter, come to ask for your life! If you want to blame it, blame your bad luck! " Along with a gloomy and strange smile, a short dagger with cold light was inserted into the front traceless back heart with a speed as fast as lightning and unpredictable.

"Poof!" With a sound, the dagger shining with cold light was accurate and firmly nailed on the traceless back heart. The dagger was so cold that the powerful Xuanqi burst out.

In mid air, the body of no trace suspended trembles in vain. The dagger fixed at the back of the heart seems to have hit on a hard boulder. It is actually fixed at the back of the heart of no trace and can't reach forward again.

"Eh, how can this body resist my full blow?" In mid air, the dark shadow was obviously surprised, and the dagger in his hand could not help but increase his strength. The later cultivation breath of he soul state burst out, locking the traceless body in front firmly.

"Ha ha, since you are here, please stay!" A sneer, gently from the mouth without trace. Then, I saw no trace body move in vain, and the originally imprisoned body flashed again flexibly. A continuous artistic conception of Yin cold sword rises quietly. Instead, they all rush to the back of the strange shadow, completely isolating the mysterious force of the air between the heaven and the earth around them.Strange dark shadow said in his heart that it was not good. He quickly withdrew the dagger in his hand. The body falls down again and wants to escape from the artistic conception of Jiangnan sword released by no trace.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

With a series of strange shadows flashing, the air of the sword mood in mid air is more aggressive. The speed of strange shadow is much slower than before, trying to get rid of the artistic conception of Jiangnan sword after several times.

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"Liu style nine swords and flying leaves are floating." There was no trace in the air, and the light in his eyes flashed, and the soft sword in his hand came out quickly. The bright soft sword is rickety and floating. It seems weak, but it flies to the front of the strange shadow's chest in a blink of an eye.

"Manlo, drive!" The strange shadow, who was tired of running away, was suddenly stunned, and a red light flashed from his black chest in vain. A breath of martial spirit came from the pavement, and a strange red whip was as soft as a plant branch. From the strange shadow of the chest, suddenly strong burst out. The accurate and incomparable impact is on the flying leaves which are pressing forward step by step.

"Boom." Two powerful Xuanli's air collided fiercely in the air. The turbulent atmosphere of terror flies wantonly, and the powerful Xuanli spreads around.

In mid air, traceless and strange shadows were all shocked, and their bodies were all impacted by this terrible wave.

Two figures, one left and one right, galloped to the ground below. The soft sword with cold light hovered in the air and fell into the hands of no trace again.

"Da!"“ Dada

When the two figures touched the ground, the strange shadow quickly chose a direction and flew away. The dark night and the strange shadow gradually merged into one, and they were about to hide away again.

"Liu style nine swords, sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, and sword cover in the south of the Yangtze River!" On the ground, a smile suddenly appeared on the traceless and handsome face.

A terrible Xuanli breath rose in an instant. The sword spirit of Jiangnan, which had disappeared in the surrounding world, rose again in the strange position of the dark shadow.

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At the same time, on the location of the strange shadow, the endless sword is gloomy and strange, like a magic weapon suddenly falling from the sky. Unexpectedly all of a sudden, the body shape of strange shadow was locked firmly on the ground.

"Mando, break!" The strange dark shadow on the ground, which was firmly trapped by Jiangnan sword, yelled in a dry voice.

On its black chest, a huge flower is as red as blood. Even like the same person's face, he opened his mouth, and countless red vines rushed out.


The dense red vines are surging everywhere, colliding with the sword spirit in the seamless Jiangnan sword mood. Countless pieces of sword Qi are broken in exchange for blood red vines falling.

The fiery red flowers in front of the strange shadow's chest, as if with independent consciousness in general, actually quickly separated from the body of the strange shadow. With a big mouth full of blood and terror, he rushed to the front with his sword spirit lingering.

"Damn, what the hell is this?" No trace in front of the body suddenly trembled, looking at the distance from the blood red flowers, shocked.

"Eh, the spirit of plants? It seems that this breath is still variant... "A red awn comes out quietly, and the empty shadow of demon zunhuoxiao comes out in vain. Demon Zun Huoxiao's red head swayed from side to side, curiously staring at the blood red flowers flying in the air< br>

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