Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 83: 83

The song of the great Zhou Dynasty and the royal capital. Outside Chaoge City, at the end of the secluded forest.

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A blood red flower with a bloody evil spirit and a big mouth came in the blink of an eye. Where the blood red flowers pass, the sword Qi melts away. Drops of mucus on the ground are flowing strangely, which has corroded most of the land on the ground.

"Hoo No trace eyebrow in the sword Qi shrouds slightly one coagulates, soft sword in hand gently raises again. In the middle of moving soul state, the momentum of cultivation rises with all one's strength, and the mighty Xuanli Qi bursts out with the wind.

"Liu style nine swords, the moon rising from the sword, the morning glow falling from the sword!" I saw a soft sword waving in mid air. A cold sword Qi turns into a half moon shadow and turns out quietly.

The frightful and cold sword Qi burst out and hit on the blood red flowers. Then, I saw the red flowers, and swallowed the half moon shadow which contained terrible sword Qi.

"Sou, sou, sou"

Blood red flower swaying forward body, about coy swaying, drops of strange mucus along the blood red flower open mouth crackling scattered on the ground.

The blood red flowers galloping in the mid air were moving more and more slowly, and there was sword Qi in the body.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise in the air, and a pure sword Qi burst out in the blood red flower's body.

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The terrible sword Qi just like a rising at the beginning of the moon, rushing out from the blood red flower's body. Then, the full moon gradually turned into blood, and the red glow was like the morning glow after sunset, which was reflected in the end of the secluded dense forest.

The sun is shining brightly, and there is no doubt that the place you pass does not give you the pleasant feeling of being warm as spring. Where the rays pass, everything in the world is purified and crushed.

The blood red flower that has just been broken by the sword Qi of the bright moon. Unexpectedly, under the reflection of Zhaoxia sword Qi, it was gradually crushed into a pool of blood.

"Wow Suddenly, the strange dark shadow struggling to escape in the meaning of the misty rain sword, the Turks' body shook for several times. A mouthful of red blood sprayed out, and the strange black shadow's knees suddenly softened. Then, I saw strange virtual shadow kneeling in the body of the moment, even without hesitation in the hands of the dagger, into his choking throat.

With a puff, the dagger fell into the strange shadow's throat. A frenzied sense of killing burst out from the top of the dagger, and the whole body was blown into countless pieces.

As the strange shadow was destroyed, the violent killing intention in the surrounding air gradually disappeared. The smell of blood in the air wafts with the wind, which makes people feel a sense of nausea.

"Haha, it's dead. It's really boring! I thought you could have a good time with me, but I didn't expect that you didn't even see my sword without trace... "I used eight moves without trace, and the corners of my mouth rose slightly. Through the fight with the strange shadow just now, we face the hidden killer who is different from the later martial arts in the general soul realm. No trace has a deeper understanding of Liu style nine swords created by his new perception.

"Ha ha, it's decisive to kill and advance and retreat, which can be regarded as the name of the killer!" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu Ying light a smile, some sob of toward the blood gas of the void float to murmur a way.

"Cough, old demon. It seems that I vaguely heard that this guy had said "soul hunting before!" No trace thought in his heart, suddenly remembered the whisper before the strange shadow.

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"The soul hunter, belonging to the soul hunting Pavilion, is one of the top ten killer organizations in mainland China. The assassins under his command are all over the mainland of China, and the assassin tasks are also divided according to the level, with clear division of labor. These are all basic information. Don't you know all of them? " Demon respect fire Xiao gently nodded, pan white eyes disdain to no trace back way.

"Ha ha, old demon, I'm being chased by the killer organization now. To tell you the truth, are you afraid?" No trace roared with laughter and put away his soft sword. His body suddenly flashed, and galloped towards the direction of Wangdu Chaoge city.

"Will the demon master be afraid? You son of a bitch! At the beginning, ten thousand years ago, when I was wandering in the six realms, you didn't know where to reincarnate! " Demon respect fire Xiao scornful smile, virtual shadow suddenly into a red light. First class line of fire through the vertical, blink of an eye will once again rush into the traceless body.

A green shadow, galloping through the city and Chaoge. Familiar with the general three jump two vertical, a quarter of an hour to return to the University of Zhou.

The thirty-six inner courtyards are in Jiangnan other courtyards.

"Bata!" A green shadow gallops into the traceless room, and the figure flashes. Then, a red awn ban appeared quietly, and the figure in the room became blurred again.

"Damn it, old demon, I'm rich and rich!" In the room, no trace takes out the storage ring that Shangguan Yunque gave him before and probes the divine consciousness into it.Hundreds of meters square area of storage ring inside, everywhere is a mountain of inferior basalt. It is estimated that there will be hundreds of thousands of them, which is really frightening to Wu trace.

"Ha ha, a thousand inferior Xuanshi are worth a medium Xuanshi. A thousand pieces of medium grade Xuanshi are called a top grade Xuanshi. On top of the top grade Xuanshi, there are more mysterious xuanjing Xuanshi! These 100000 pieces of inferior Xuanshi are just a drop in the bucket compared with your three super grade Shendan. "

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"Well, your vision is still too short. When you go out later, don't tell people that you've been with the demon master, but I can't afford to lose him... "Demon zunhuoxiao didn't even look at the storage ring in traceless's hand, and sneered.

"Hey, hey, you old demon, what are you doing here with me! As the saying goes, "if you don't love money, you deserve it!" Traceless face snicker, quickly squeeze out a drop of fresh blood on the storage ring. Then, a burst of white awn rose, and there was a wonderful connection between the storage ring and no trace.

"Damn, as the saying goes, demon master, how come I've never heard of it?" Demon Zun fire Xiao rolled his eyes, very scornful stare at no trace asked.

"Cough, my neighbor's children's classmate, my father, my mother, my uncle, my grandmother, my grandfather's seventh uncle and grandfather..." Wu Chen, with a bad smile on his face, broke his fingers and pondered on the demon zunhuoxiao.

"Sa Sa! Great, I eat, I eat, I eat... "Just at the moment when Wuhen got in touch with the store ring, a Golden Shadow flew out of Wuhen's body. In the inner space of the storage ring with an area of several hundred meters, a long golden snake is jumping happily, shaking its golden head with high excitement, and suddenly plunges into the mountain of inferior basalt.

"Ha ha, have a good time! You have the ability to be poor with the demon master! " The moment that the golden light rushes out of the body, the demon zunhuoxiao is in a good mood. Fiery red face is full of scornful smile, to Lengshen's traceless scornful smile.

"Damn it, Dilong, who let you out? You're a snake in the ass! " No trace a wail, a buttock slumped on the ground. The storage ring in my hand fell to the ground with a slap, and there was still a flicker of gold in the transparent white storage ring.

Zhou Dynasty, the king's capital, Chaoge, an ordinary house.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

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A strong man dressed as a servant walked quickly into a hall. In the hall, a figure with a golden mask and a gentle breath is quietly doing in the hall.

"I'd like to inform general Jin that Jiucheng has returned from the dead who were sent to perform the mission! However, there is a first-class killer, the soul card has broken The strong man with servant's appearance was indifferent, and his voice was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hum, it's a good thing that the dead man who didn't finish the task can be called the first-class killer?" The figure wearing the golden mask was slightly stunned, and the voice was full of cold. The air in the hall suddenly solidified, and the surrounding temperature suddenly reached the extreme.

"Jin Jiang and the deceased are gone. What should we do next?" The strong servant looked as usual, and his voice was still indifferent.

"Well, our people can't die in vain! Everything is done according to the old rules, and the employment price is doubled! If the buyers are interested, we will send out more killers. Otherwise, the killers and the buyers will be killed together! " Golden Mask figure voice more and more cold, swept the servant under the eyes, the strong man ordered.

"No!" The strong man who looked like a servant below nodded silently. Then, he turned and strode, quietly out of the hall.

The other hospitals are Dazhou, Neiyuan and Wucheng.

The martial arts and figure of the tutor, who was meditating with his knees crossed, suddenly trembled. A divine idea flickered from the jade slips beside the master's martial arts. Heart read a move, the teacher martial arts quickly browsed the contents of the jade slips. Immediately, I saw the master's martial arts face was extremely gloomy. With one hand, I crushed the jade slips in my hand

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