Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 831: 831

"Suddenly A burst of fury of the gas suddenly out of thin air restless blowing up, a strange dark fire quietly rose out. In a flash, the black hurricane disintegrated and disappeared, and two equally big figures were exposed to the eyes of the powerful members of the main forces at the same time.

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Gulu, Gulu

There was a gasp from tension to suffocation, which was heard from the powerful members of the main forces. Even no trace and others look wonderful at the moment. Staring at the two figures on the platform, they show strange looks one after another.

"Brush!" On the eight battle platform, the two figures are all holding the posture of boxing. They are fighting against each other, and the two frenzied momentum and madness rise and burst out on the two figures.

"Jie Jie, you are still the first one who can fight against my evil corpse in strength..." a strange smile came from the rear of Bazhen platform. Xu Fei's spirit of stiffness and evil spirit fluctuated slightly, as if there was an invisible spiritual force, which was closely connected with the stiffness and evil spirit corpse not far in front of him.

"Whoosh!" The corpse's shape suddenly retreated rapidly, and the whole body became an invisible barrier in front of it. The whole person is blocked in front of Xu, so that others have no chance to attack.

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"Haha, compete with the aftershock guy for strength, even if it's a stiff corpse, I'm afraid it won't get any advantage!" Tianyunzong battle platform position above, little fat Zhen not just can't close his mouth with a smile. Especially when he saw the stiff corpse actively retreating, his hanging heart suddenly let go.

"Well, what's the aftershock guy doing? He seems to have something wrong!" Traceless expression slightly a Zheng, the whole person eyes closely fixed on the field still keep boxing posture aftershocks. And a group of people on both sides seem to have found some anomalies, and they focus their eyes on the body shape of the aftershock.

At this time, you can only see the eight array platform, the aftershock out of the arm slowly back. From the peak of his fist to his arm, he was all black and blue.

Not only that, the stiff and evil spirit of Yin seems to be constantly eroding the aftershock's arm, and the yellowing skin exposed by the aftershock is beginning to print out the dark congestion mark.

"Ha ha, what's the matter? My stiff breath is not bad! Even if you can stop my evil body attack with your body, the stiff evil spirit has invaded your body. Even before long, without my hand, you'll stop your meridians, flow back your qi and blood, and your whole body will fester and die... "Xu Fan smiles in public, as if the result had been expected. Since the aftershock appeared on the stage that moment, Xu Fan will do a good job in the next use of evil corpse to fight the choice.

"Damn, this guy is really mean! With this kind of means, you can also be on the top of the list of six states Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was furious on the spot, pointing to Xu Fan's figure on the platform and swearing.

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"Ha ha, extraordinary people use extraordinary means. Open and aboveboard or sneaky, the world only cares about the final result! Never mind the black cat or the white cat, it's a good cat to catch the mouse There is still a faint smile on the traceless and handsome face, and it seems that he is not angry either. Even if the aftershock is plotted by people, he still firmly believes that the aftershock can overcome the difficulties and win the final victory.

"Indeed, this battle also teaches you to go all out no matter who your opponent is. Otherwise, the opponent you despise at the moment will be the real murderer for your life in the next moment!" The fifth elder martial brother shifuhua is not joking, but admonishes Wuchen and others seriously.

"Cough, fifth elder martial brother, I suddenly found that when you don't speak, you look pretty handsome!" No trace a burst of light cough, to five elder martial brother poem belly Hua light smile nodded.

"Ha ha, no matter how handsome you are, you are not so handsome!" Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, rolled his eyes and hit back at Wu Chen.

"Hey hey, elder martial brother five, you have self-knowledge. I'm not stubborn with you!" Wu Chen laughs loudly and gently picks his eyebrows at Shi Fuhua, the fifth elder martial brother. No trace a pair of born to beat the appearance, also smelly shameless shake head top black long hair.

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"Shit, can you have a face?" The fifth elder martial brother, Shifu Hua, let out a howl, and was almost disgusted to the point of breath.

On both sides, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, and Xi Fengxie, the fourth elder martial brother, are all holding a smile and casting a compassionate look at Shi Fuhua, the fifth elder martial brother. And the little fat Zhen not just is a pair of body to the ground appearance, secretly to no trace repeatedly put up a thumb.

On the other side, Ji Ruxue's eyes are always full of emotional luster. She looks at Wu Xiangwu, while the sword nameless sitting on one side seems to have heard nothing. She stares at the eight battle platforms in the field."Hoo A mouthful of heavy turbid gas slowly spits out, the aftershock body in vain bursts of strange bright black flames.

This strange dark flame light and shadow will cover the aftershock on the whole body in a moment. A dark lotus like flame of light and shadow rose slowly, and in a flash, it climbed over the arms of the aftershock slowly withdrawing.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange light sound, in the aftershock on the arm of several times off. The continuous invasion of the void, surging from the gas of the dead in a flash in vain a coagulation, have some fear in the void towards the surrounding spread.

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At the same time, the Black Lotus flame in full bloom on the aftershock arm quickly burned into a black flame, dispersing all the evil spirits and burning them up. After the aftershock, the blackened and blue arm gradually recovered and healed slowly in full view of the public.

"Roar!" A low roar came out of the aftershock. The aftershock ignited a raging nine you flame, and its whole body was covered by a strange black flame. The fury of Xuanli's power was released from his body, and Xu Fan, who was still in shock, was locked and imprisoned on the spot.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the power of the rule's authority trapped in Xu Fan's body would be broken. Xu Fan's eyes were full of anger and killing intention, and the momentum of the whole person was completely the same as that of the Yin evil spirit in his dead body.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Without a shred of nonsense, Xu Fan seems to be really angry from the bottom of his heart at the moment. The breath released by his whole body is the same as that released by the evil corpse beside him. The two figures are interwoven left and right at the same time, and they rush forward, just like two stiff corpses. People can't easily distinguish which one is the figure of stiff corpse and which one is Xu Fan's real body

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